Chapter nine

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A few months had gone by so fast, you were happier and had Peter by your side. Your friends were there too, supporting you both all the way. Peter had made sure to take you on a date every week, and brought you flowers at least twice a month...although some of those flowers may have been stolen. He was the best partner you could have ever asked for and you felt things were finally looking up. Peter and you had gotten closer and you couldn't be better. You both had been doing well in classes which was surprising for Peter, but he wanted to keep his grades up and show you that he could do anything he set his mind to.

You walked into the kitchen to grab an apple, because you preferred fruit to a bag of chips. And you heard Kurt and Jubilee arguing over t.v shows. Which made you laugh a bit. They reminded you of Peter and yourself, and you had a feeling that they would get together someday. It would be good for them. And then you saw rouge on the phone and assumed she was talking to her new man, Remy as she called him. He was some guy she'd met at the school while he was visiting Logan from Louisiana. He had that thick New Orleans accent and acted like everyone wanted him. But Rouge seemed to catch his eye, and she liked him back so who were you to judge. Jean and Scott were probably off somewhere talking about couple things and their futures, like they usually did. And you just watched as everyone did what they wanted.

As you finished the apple you tossed the core into the trash bin. Then you decided to go for a walk around the pond outside. Slowly humming a pink Floyd tune, you continued at a slow pace around the pond. Thinking of how happy you and Peter were. And speaking of Peter, He sat, staring at you through a window, not in a stalker way, but a loving and caring way. He thought about all the things he loved and how you would laugh thinking it was cheesy. He really did love you and he was finally ready to say it. He hoped out of his seat and ran to where you were walking.

Surprised you turn to see Peter behind you, a small blush appearing on both of your faces. "Hey Peter what's up?" You smiled leaning in to peck his cheek. "I wanted to tell you something." You smiled again, and nodded for him to continue.

"I love you."

"I love you too, speedy Gonzalez. "

A/n and thus ends this story. I'm sorry it took so darn long to actually rewrite and work on this, I lost interest in the story but told myself I had to finish it. So here it is, the final revision and an end to the book.


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