chapter four

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You were officially the world's biggest idiot.

You made the mistake of suggesting to watch a movie, and then caving into Peter's request to let him pick... And he picked Clockwork least you wanted to die peacefully, but that is the exact opposite of what you were going to end up getting. Sitting on the bed next to Peter as he sped over and put in the VCR (because yes we are in the 80s...or whenever days of future past was set). "Why did you pick this? You know i hate it" he smirked in response. "Because I know you're gonna get scared." you just groaned and hid your face in your hands. This is sooooo not how you wanted the night to go. But you knew that this was probably just payback for messing up his 'perfect hair'. And you so deeply regretted it.

By the end of the movie you were practically buried in Peter's side. And all he did was look down and laugh a bit, which in turn made you blush a bit. But he couldn't see it and you were glad. The thing is after the first month of getting to know him you'd developed a small crush on the fast boy. He had somehow snuck his way into your heart and he wasn't leaving. You had also started noticing the little things he did, like swiping you extra fruit at lunch or the way he would laugh when something misfortune would happen. And you slowly grew to love all of them. But you never said anything about the feelings you had, you didn't want to lose him as a friend, or get rejected. So you just pushed them down and pretended nothing was wrong.

Realizing you had gotten too much into thought, the movie was over and you both were just sitting there, curled up on the couch in the living room while the credits played. "Huh wasn't that bad." You said looking up to Peter who was hiding his eyes from the screen. "Peter you ok?" He was shaking a bit. " Why did I pick that movie...WHY???" You just started to Giggle. He took off the blanket that was lying over you two. "Hey stop laughing at me!" You raised your eyebrow "What are you going to do about it?" Before you could comprehend what was going on Peter was in front of you, you could feel his breath. As you looked up into his eyes which were closer than expected. "This." With that he leaned in and kissed you. You were frozen, not kissing back because you were in a major state of shock. Did he like you, the way you liked him, or was this just because you provoked him. It was light, and his lips though a bit chapped were soft against yours, it would have been enjoyable if your thoughts hadn't been running a mile a minute. So many thoughts were going through your head, you hadn't even noticed he pulled away. You didn't notice him calling your name. You just couldn't believe he actually kissed you. "(Y/n)?" Peter waved a hand in front of your face. "Uhh what?" He laughed a bit. "You ok? You zoned out a bit. I asked if you wanted me to walk you back to your room silly." Was the kiss all a dream because it looked like he was acting like it never happened, or maybe he was playing it off to make the whole thing less awkward. " yeah, sure." Your brain started to hurt from all the thinking.

Peter had walked you back and once you stepped into your room, you just fell on your bed. You kept replaying the kiss in your head, hoping that it wasn't just a dream. And hoping to god that he felt something towards you. You were so confused and started over thinking things that you hadn't realized you fell asleep till your alarm went off the next morning. Which ended up being a very rude awakening. And all through that week you decided maybe it was best to distance yourself from peter a bit...just to figure out what exactly happened.

It's been a long week without talking to Peter. It's not that you really wanted to, you were just so confused about the kiss and your own feelings. So after that Friday you decided to ask him straight up. Seeing him I'm the kitchen telling myself 'now's the perfect time' "Why did you kiss me last week peter." He looked like a bus was about to hit him, he honestly must have been surprised to see you, as he dropped whatever he was holding. "I uh kissed you because..."

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