Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

*Jaidyn's POV*

" Oh my god. I can't believe this many people are auditioning." I said in shock. We were standing in line for my audition. But we were no where near the actual arena.

"Yea but keep in mind that not a lot of people here already tried out online, so they'll most likely not get in." Katie said looking around at all of the people who came just like me to make my dreams happen. She did have a point now that I think of it.

"Yea, but look where we are. We're nowhere near the arena!" I started to sweat a little bit.

"Jaidyn calm down! We are gonna be fine!" I stared at Anna then looking down at my feet. She went on. "I'm sure your better than more than half of the people here." Well I was expecting all but it'll do. All I could see were alot of people and a bunch of cameras.

"Jaidyn!!! One of those camera people are on there way over here!!!' Addison screamed with her pointing her finger behind me. I looked back, and I saw a man holding a camera with another man behind him with a clip board.

"Hi, are you Jaidyn Coleman?" A tall man said to me. I looked at him slowly with my mouth slightly opened.

"Uh-uh..yea." I said to him, then looking to the camera man whose camera was pointed right in my face."Does this happen to alot of people?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Just the people that will give us more views." he started to walk away then waved his hand for us to follow him.

"Uh.. Like whats that suppose to mean?!?!' I scolded. I didnt appreciate the way he said that. Was he using me for this useless show? Wait I take that back. This show could make my dreams come true. But you know what I mean!!

"Like the best singers and the worst singers." he said. I looked at him worriedly.

"And which one am I?!?!" He gave me a like you dont know face. I looked down at my hands grinning, were i felt Addison's hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, by the way im Mark and this is Dave" Mark said pointing to the camera man....Dave. we all waved at them. We went into the elevator.

"Wait, what about the rest of the people out there?" Anna asked.

"Oh, those are the people who thought they could just come in here and get picked, and the rest of them are hired actors." Katie looked at me with a I told you so look and i just rolled my eyes. We walked over to this building where other people but less were lined up.

"And this ladies and-uh ladies, is the arena!' Mark said putting his hands in the air. My heart stopped. The girls smiled at me and I didnt even flinch.

I was gonna go on stgae in about 5 minutes. Addie was pacing back and forth while Anna was trying to give me a pep talk that I am now not listening to, while Katie is just trying to get on camera.

"Jaidyn!" Dave yelled/whispered. "Youre on in 30 seconds." Dave said putting 3 fingers up. My heart pounded, my head started spinning, my legs were weak, i didnt know what to do. before I knew it, it was time for me to walk out on stage.

"Remember make simon smile,make simon smile, make simon smile." I said under my breath. I walk out and I see DEMI LOVATO SMILING AT ME?!?! This is unreal!!!

'Hi! What's your'e name? Demi says smiling at me.

"Hi! Im uh-uh Jaidyn! Jaidyn Coleman! Im 17 years old and im going to sing Superwoman by Alicia Keys! I could tell that I was fangirling a bit. I mean I loved all of these people sitting infront of me. Demi Lovato, Simon Cowell, Brittany Spears, and Randy Jackkson?!?! Im sorry but this is a little too much for me to take in right now. i took a deep breath and started singing.

"Everywhere I'm turning

Nothing seems complete

I stand up and I'm searching

For the better part of me

I hang my head from sorrow

state of humanity

I wear it on my shoulders

Gotta find the strength in me" I look over at Simon just to see a smile grow on his face. Which only led me to sing better.

"Cause I am a Superwoman

Yes I am

Yes she is

Even when I'm a mess

I still put on a vest

With an S on my chest

Oh yes

I'm a Superwoman

For all the mothers fighting

For better days to come

And all my women, all my women sitting here trying

To come home before the sun

And all my sisters

Coming together

Say yes I will

Yes I can

Cause I am a Superwoman

Yes I am

Yes she is

Even when I'm a mess

I still put on a vest

With an S on my chest

Oh yes

I'm a Superwoman

When I'm breaking down

And I can't be found

And I start to get weak

Cause no one knows

Me underneath these clothes

But I can fly

We can fly, Oh

Cause I am a Superwoman

Yes I am

Yes she is

Even when I'm a mess

I still put on a vest

With an S on my chest

Oh yes

I'm a Superwoman" Next thing I hear is applause from everyone. I look back and Addison and Anna are crying. While Katie sits there in shock. Simon even stands up. Oh wow I didnt know I was that good.

"THAT IS A ABSOLUTE YES FOR ME!!!!" Simon yells.

"Its a yes!!!!" randy says clapping his hands.

"Not only do i want you here." the crowd roars. she stops talking, then it quites down. "But we need you here!!!!" Britany yells. I almost fainted. Brittany Spears. Said that. To me? Oh lord.

"Jaidyn. You're making it to the next round!!!!" Demi says.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! YEES!!!" Katie, Addie, and Anna run out. We give each other the biggest group hug, but it was so powerful that next thing I know were on the ground.

"Um..guys...this is gonna be on TV I suggest we get up now." Addie orders. We quikly get up and make our way off the stage. I look over to the judges and i mouthed the words.

"Thank you."

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