Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Harry's POV*

The repetitive "HARRY GET UP!!" Is all I can hear. I slightly open my eyes. It was Niall.

"What do you want?" I mumble. I rub my eyes and sit up in the bed.

"What the hell do you mean what do you want?! Remember we have a flight to LA? With the girls? Any of that ring a bell?!" I jump out of my bed. Shit. I forgot.

"Oh, do you think that Addie will come with us?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yea she will. I talked to Jaidyn last night. Why?" He opens his eyes in shock and turns around hiding his face.

"No reason." He stutters. I shrug my arms back and shake my head. I then grab my clothes and towel and make my way to the shower.

*Anna's POV*

I grab my clothes and put them into my suitcase. Addie and Katie went to go put there suitcases in the taxi. I zip my suitcase up and put it outside my room. I soon hear crying outside of my room. I walk toward the sound of crying and I quickly find Jaidyn sitting on the ground sobbing. She quickly noticed me and wiped her tears.

"Are you okay?" I say walking towards her with a concern look on my face. I sit down beside her, and put my arm around her shoulder. She looks at me knowing she can't hide from me.

"I-I just can't do it anymore!!" She says hiccuping between sobs.

"What is it that you can't do?" I say, hoping this time I can understand what she is talking about.

She purses her lips together. "Dad...he-he-he..." I take my arm from around her shoulder and quickly get up.

"WHAT DID HE DO?!?!" I yell loudly, yet powerful. I tightened my body and paced back and forth down the hall.


*3 Hours Later*

*Jaidyn's POV*

The rush of people zooming bye us with luggage really overwhelmed me. Now I realize that this is my life now. I'm probably gonna be in and out of airports ALOT.

"The guys told us to meet them here. Gate 32C." I eventually sit down with the other girls and pull out my phone to text Harry.

To Harry: Hi!! :) we're all here. Gate 32C right?

Katie nudges me on the shoulder and points to the waiting fans of One Direction. I look at there stylish T-Shirts, magazines, and cell phones ready for taking pictures. Oh. Of coarse the paparazzi. They'd never miss this chance to find out what they would be doing in LA. I hate the paparazzi. All they do is barge into peoples private lives.

My phone buzzes and I see that it was a text from Harry.

From Harry: Yea!! Be ready in about 2 minutes. Hope you have your running shoes.

What? Running shoes? And straight after that I hear a bunch of screaming girls, waving there hands, jumping up and down. Trying to get a hold of the 5 British/Irish heart throbs. Liam pushes through the screaming girls and signals for the four of us to follow him. The flashing lights of cameras are all I see. I finally catch up to Harry.

"So this is why we needed running shoes??" I say panting. He smirks at me.

"Yea, what did you think?"

"I don't know!! I guess I should've thought about that one." I say getting quieter. We run into this tube like tunnel. I guess this was a special way to get to first class. It was much quitter in first class unlike riding coach.

"Hello mam. Would you like me to take your bags? I nod and hand them to her. I sit in the seat with Harry and try to catch my breath. A few people recognized them and often asked who me, Katie. Addie, and Anna were.

"Ok lady's and gentleman. We will be arriving in LA in a about 3 hours. So sit back, relax and enjoy your flight."

Hi!! Jaidyn here!!! This fanfic has reached 230 reads!!!! Thats insane!!!! Let me know what you would like to see in the story. I have a lot planeed for you guys! If you dont mind, if you haven't yet, could you please go back and vote for all of my chapters? I won't upload until there are atleast 35 votes for my book. Bye!! Love ya lots!!

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