Chapter Two

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Bella's pov:
I woke up early just to get to school early. I wanted a good parking spot and I wanted to map out the best routes to my classes. Mainly I just wanted to avoid the stares of the other kids. Although I knew that would happen all day. Questions about me and my past too. I hate being the new kid.

I pulled up to school to find that I wasn't the only one who wanted to get to school early. There was four of them. They were coupled up though. I didn't really pay attention to them as I made my way to the office.

In the main office behind the front desk sat a chubby older lady. She had red hair that was grayish. It was definitely time for a dye job for her. Mrs. Keys her name plate read. (I'm not putting Mrs Cope in this story.)

"Hello my name is Isabella Swan. I'm new."she looked up at me then.

"Oh yes, well Isabella welcome. I'll just get your schedule and a map of the school. There is also a slip behind your schedule that all your teachers must sign. Just bring it back at the end of school." She picked through some files on her desk till she found the one she was looking for.

"Well here you go dear. Hope you have nice day. Welcome again."

"Thanks." With that I turned and walked out to my truck to look over everything.

~~~~school schedule~~~~~
First period: Math (advanced)
Second period: English (advanced)
Third period: Art (ceramics)
Fourth period: History 101 (civil war studies)
Fifth period: Lunch
Sixth period: chemistry 102
Seventh period: Music (choir)
Last period: Gym
~~~~End of schedule~~~~~
Great. Gym. Ugh. I'm going to have to find away out. I liked everything else though. And was actually looking forward to most of the subjects. I loved English and tolerated math. I was also really good at chemistry. History is the only one I have issues with really. Well I loathe gym too. But I'm sure you guessed that by my pryer statement.

---------Start of school------------

Math was pretty much the same as I had been learning at my other school. I thought it was pretty boring. I met this girl Angela though. She seemed nice. She told me about her boyfriend Edward and his family. She said she would introduce us at lunch. She seemed smart too. I was really excited to get to know her.

In second period English. We were reading Romeo and Juliet. One of my all time favorite books. I of course had already read it so I just drew in my notebook to pass the time. It was in this class that I met Ben, Jessica and Mike. Ben told me about his girlfriend Alice who was Angela's boyfriends sister. Mike didn't have a girlfriend and was hitting on me like crazy. It was annoying but I blocked it out really. Jessica was single for the moment but I had a feeling it was just because she was the type to sleep around.

Art was the first I saw the Cullens. Alice, Ben's girl was in that class. And I had to sit by her. She was very out there. But kind. I could see why her and Ben were together. Art turned out to be the best class so far that day. From drawing my pictures to talking with Alice and Angela. I hoped that they would be my friends.

History was fourth period. Although it sounded not fun. It was. We were studying the Civil War. I knew just about everything from that time. Being as though I had family who was in the war. Peter James was his name. He was the captain to a major named Jasper Allan Whitlock. From my research they became close. Almost like brothers. Mike was in my class. He introduced me to Tyler and Lauren. They were a couple of course. Mike told me it was only cause of the sex. But they looked in true love.

Let me tell you by the time lunch rolled around I was ready to leave. It had been a long day already and I was so tired. Mike, Jessica  and I waited on Angela, Ben, Alice, and Edward. Once we all we were all together we got in line to get food. I noticed that Edward and Alice didn't a plate. Alice must have seen my face cause she answered.

"Me and Edward don't eat at school. We normally don't like any of the food here. So we wait till we get home. Mom always has food ready." I just shrugged. It wasn't none of my business even though. She looked too skinny. She just smiled and took ahold of bens arm walking with him.

As we sat down I saw Angela and Edward having a conversation. I wasn't sure what it was about but it looked like Edward was upset about something. They were interrupted by Mike.

"So I was talking to Tyler and Lauren and they want to have a bonfire down at the beach on Saturday. What do guys think?" Sure I might go if more people went but i ain't wanting to the other single girl there.

"I'm down the 'rents are going out of town for the weekend so I'm going to totes bored." Of course Jessica wanted to go. No doubt to try and sleep with mike or any other guy for that matter.

"What beach you going to man."

"La push on the Rez. It should be wicked." Both Edward and Alice looked wide eyed but tried to compose it before someone caught it. Little did they know i did. I would have to ask them about it later.

"I'm out me and Edward were going to hit a movie later."  Well damn I was hoping maybe she or Alice could go. And the look Alice gave I was sure. She wouldn't.

"We are out too bro. Alice and I are having a weekend away." Did know he was a horrible at lying. Cause he was. And I should know because I was one too.

"Hey Bella were is your next class?"

"Oh it's chemistry 102 with Mr. Mason."

"Oh Edward has that same one maybe you and him could partner up. She really good at chemistry." She smiled at him. He didn't look like that was something he would want at all.

The rest of lunch was okay. I pretty much just listened rather than talking. That is unless I was asked a direct question.

Chemistry was okay but Edward kept looking at me and glaring. We were doing this lab on onion roots. It was something I saw done before and was rather bored with it. I tried to pay attention but couldn't. The way Edward was looking at me was unnerving. And to be honest I was quite afraid of him.i was happy when the bell rang.

I didn't see what Angela saw in him. And to be honest I would have a talk with her later. She wasn't safe with him.

The last two classes went the fastest. Music was fun I guess but we had to sing infront of the class. And gym well nothing was good at gym but a least I didn't fall on my ass.

By the end of the day I had agreed to go to the bond fire. Although Angela and Alice did try to get me not to go.

When I asked about Edward and the way he acted Angela and Alice both said that he wasn't feeling well and that once he was feeling better his attitude would change. You tell it was a lie but I just shrugged and said okay. We would see. I didn't trust anyone just yet.
---------- end of school.
I fixed Charlie and I some dinner when he came home. I told him about the bonfire while we ate. I was happy to see that I was making friends. And said I could go. He was going to be fishing with Billy's anyway. And by the time my head hit the pillow that night I was wore out.

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