Chapter Six

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Bella's pov:
"Hey there bit. Looking good." Peter said wiggling his eyebrows. I just laughed.

"Yea right. I'm sexy sure. Listen though Peter, what do mean about what you said on your text about my dad?"

"Let's go to my study. It's sound proof.But before we go I wanted to introduce you, this is Charlotte, Peters wife and my sister." He pointed towards her. I whispered a quick hello before Jasper picked me up and we went his study.

After we shut the door and locked it for good measure, Peter began.

"Well bit I know that you deep down know a lot about vampires so I'll inform you on one thing. Mates. Well there are soul bonded mates like me and Char then there is true mates that are like a more advanced form of soul mates. Like Edward and Angela and Ben and the pixie, Alice. Then there are mates that are only convenient. Not really mates but still love each other like Esme and Carlisle. Anyway your dad is Maria's true soul mate. They are bonded together and she will track you and Jasper to your house tonight only to find Charlie your dad there. He will leave a note saying he went to stay with his friend Billy but really he went with Maria. But don't worry cause when he comes back he will have been mated and no trace of venom or a sent of Maria. He will only have a bite mark on his neck. Maria will show herself after that and join our little family. Don't worry Jasper. If she tried anything to Bella or Charlie, we'd kill her. No questions asked."

Wow so Charlie is mated to a vampire. A sadistic one at that. "Damn." Was all I could say and Jasper looked even more shocked.

"Yup and as for those damned wolves in La Push. Jasper watch out. Some time soon you will be out hunting near the border and your mate will find you. She is a wolf but I can't say anything else. Just know that you will be different and she will smell different to you too. She will still have a wet dog smell to the rest of us. But your bond is going to cause issues between us and them. And in the end you'll have to change your mate. You won't have a choice. As for you Bella. I'd watch what you say to Jacob Black you could be scarred if you got him mad. And Paul is extremely dangerous his temper is worse than Jacob. Lucky for you your mate is a vampire but you won't meet him for months. And when you do it'll change you."

Ah. So I did have a mate. But wait wolves. Like dog wolves? Peter smiled at my confused expression.

"Don't worry you'll still love me even then." Charlotte hit him then. I hadn't even heard her unlock the door or follow us in.

"Ow woman that fucking hurt."

"Stop trying to hit on the poor girl and maybe I wouldn't hit you." I just laughed. I doubt that he was hitting on me but it was nice to know That she thought that.

"Wait you said wolves. Like dogs or what?"

"Well the term is shape shifter but they are werewolves. It is only to scare vampires but I ain't afraid." I laughed agian. You could tell he was a bit scared. I'd have to research shape shifting later.

"Well I guess if would be better if Bella stays here for awhile seeing as her dad is going to be away. And since the wolves posse a threat to her."

"Jazz as much as I know you mean well I still think I'll be fine in La Push. I mean I was just down there for a bonfire with some kids from school and no one seemed to posse at threat to me while I was there. And I saw no wolves. Shape shifting or anything else." I was kinda getting upset. La push had always felt more like home when I was growing up. They couldn't kidnap me and make me stay.

No one would tell me what do but my parents. And I took on the parent role with both most of the time. Though I had to admit Charlie was more grown than my mom Renee.

"Bit if you go home before Maria sees your dad. She would kill both of you not knowing your dad is her mate. Then she would die too. As much as I hate the sadistic bitch we need her on side." I didn't want her to kill my dad but the more that I thought about things; I wasn't sure I wanted him in the world of the supernatural. It's dangerous and I'm not sure an old man like him would survive. I wasn't sure i wanted in this shit myself.

I was torn.

"Bit if you keep mates away from each other like I think your planning to do, it would also eventually kill the to mates. It would do it slowly though. They would go crazy and eventually if kept apart to long kill their self. I know you love your dad but this is the best way. And you and him were made for this. It's your destiny. Some day you'll be thanking me."

The smug bastard. I hated him in this moment.

"Fine I'll agree to it now but if she hurts him after I kill her I'm coming for you. Mark my words Petey pie you will suffer." And just like that I walked outta the room. Passing Char on my way out. She must have opened the door for me. I was pissed the fuck off.

I may be made for this 'life'. I'm using the term lightly seeing as they were literally like the walking dead. But I didn't see it. And couldn't even imagine Charlie as a vampire. I mean really. It almost made me laugh.

All he was able to do was be chief of police. I cooked and cleaned for him. I did the grocery shopping.

I went into the closest room. Slamming the door then locking it. Then screaming out my frustration. And crying. God help my mate because he would be in hell when he meets me.

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