Chapter Seven

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Bella's pov:
Month later:

Peter and Charlotte ended up staying a few weeks at the Cullens. Mostly catching up with Jasper but also to keep an eye out for what Peter say was impending doom. The wolves. It never came while he was there. And I shot him a smug smile as he was leaving. Though I truthfully did worry a bit about Paul, Jacob was my best friend. He would never hurt me.

I didn't believe there were any 'shifters'. Wolves in the woods, sure. It was Washington state after all. But werewolves or whatever. No way.

As it turned out Peter was right Jacob and his friends where wolves. I wouldn't say that to him though. And Jasper did find his mate in a female wolf. I remember the day he came back with her in toe. It was also the day Jacob Black almost killed me.

~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~~
"Hey bells I'm going out for a hunt if anyone asks."

"Yea yea... I hear you."

He smiled.

Jasper had become like the brother I never had. And we hung out on daily basis. I truly loved him and trusted him with my life.

Two hours later:

"Two fucking hours where the hell are you Jasper." I said mumbling to my self.

Getting irritated I go off in search of my best friend. The feeling of dread it me as soon as I hit the woods. But I was stubborn and didn't turn back. You know like I should have.

"Jasper. Jasper. Hey fucker where are you." I searched the woods like for twenty minutes. I still couldn't find him so I walked back to the Cullens. And how I got back, I had no idea.

Thirty minutes later in came my best friend with the biggest smile on his face I've ever saw.

"Bella. I've found her."

Uh oh. I thought. I was going to lose my best friend. My brother. To his fucking mate. How I hated Peter even more now.

She appeared next to him.

" Leah meet Bella. Bella meet Leah Clearwater. My mate. Fucking yoda. I wish he was here to see this too." Of course it was Leah. The bitch hates me. And I'm not to happy with her either. This is fates way of saying fuck you.

I said a quick hi but really wasn't in the mood to just socialize just yet.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you Bella. Jasper  speaks highly of the girl that changed his life."
I smiled at that. He had changed my life to. I would forever great full to him. But I could tell she wanted to say something else. It was all fake.

"Yea well he helped me come back to the person I truly wanted to be. So I owe him to."

Over the next several days she told us about her life and the pain she went through the first time she shifted. I liked her a lot more than I wanted her to know. She was a powerful woman. Definitely the best person for Jasper. But still hated her for not liking me though.

One day last week she was out patrolling with Jacob when she got pisssed and took off for the Cullens. Of course I was there and dad would come too sometimes after he was back. But I mostly stayed there to be around Jasper and Angela who was doing much better now.

Anyway according to Leah, Jacob was pissed that me and Leah had traded him and boys in for the leeches. His words not mine. So he raced to the Cullens for a fight. She wanted to let us know but also to stop the stupid fool. Her words not mine. But I did agree he was stupid.

As the fight was about to start I stepped in front of the Cullens and Leah protecting them from him. Hoping to get him to stop. But he lunged for me and almost got me with his nails but Leah pushed me as and I flew into the side of the house. I was losing blood.

And every one of the Cullens had to leave but Carlisle. Who stitched me up yet again. Now can you see why I don't want to be involved in this shit. No more damage then normal but I still was put on bed rest. A few weeks of bed rest. I was definitely going to be bitchy before this was over.

Later Jacob tried apologizing but I didn't care.  I was done with him. And don't worry Leah was okay.
~~~~~~End of Flash Back~~~~~~
Ever since that day, Leah left the pack and moved in with Jasper. And I have not been out of my father or Jasper's sight. I hated it but I knew it was for the best.

Today I was at the Cullens playing video games with Ben and Angela. Alice and Edward didn't want to play with us so they were watching. I was killing it. It was a war game Jasper talked Emmett into. Emmett hasn't played it since that time because he wasn't good. He was going to break it but I stopped him.

"Damn Bella geez let someone else win for once." Ben complained. "We can never get a chance with you playing." He pouted and Alice pulled him in her arms comforting him.

"Isn't that the point of playing this game?"

"Not when we are teams Bella. Geez. We can help you. Jasper is rubbing off on you to much." Well he was but it was pissing me off that they thought that.

"Fine how bout this, since you think I spend to much time with him. Why don't us girls go shopping and have a girls night and you boys have a guys night. Maybe Jasper can rub off on you then." I know it sounds dirty. But it wasn't in my mind.

Alice squeaked. And launched herself upstairs. Yelling at me to be ready. I was pissed but I didn't mean it now really. She came back much calmer.

"Yes, that a perfect idea Bella. Oh this is going to be so much fun." Oh god what have I gotten myself into. I mean I like shopping and girly things and even can appreciate girl nights but according to Jasper and pretty much ever male in the house Rosalie and Alice are like super shoppers. I groan.

"Oh don't be like that Bella. It's going to fun. Plus we girls don't give that much time to ourselves. Plus we all want to get know you more." Ugh.

I agreed that I did wanna get to know them more, so I decided what the heck might as well join in the fun.

The rest of the night was spent talking about it. We planned for the next weekend all weekend. I pray I made it out in one piece. And fell asleep dreaming of Alice, the shopping monster.

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