Chapter Five

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Hours later:

Bella's pov:
Jasper was a good tracker. We stayed hidden but got to Angela just in time for the sadistic vampire to bite Angela.

"I know your there major I hear your friends heart beat come out and play like we used to. I need my major back." Jasper growled. Setting me down.

He growled when I tried to follow so I moved back. He was going to offer himself up.

"Ah Ares... my love.... I've missed you.." she tried coming to him but he growled in warning. She backed away in fear.

"Don't be like that love. I only did what I had to. You know I love you. It could be good again baby just you and I. We would have so much power."

This bitch was crazy I couldn't take it anymore I stepped out in the clearing. Heading toward Jasper and Angela.

Maria growled. "You brought another snack with you. And haven't eaten her. You've gone soft love. Come we can kill her together. Jasper growled as Maria lunged forward. All I could think about was protecting us and then out of no where there was a bubble. And Maria went flying into a tree. I was stunned. That must be my shield that Peter was talking about. I ran the rest of the way to Angela holding onto my shield.

Maria tried attacking a few more times but couldn't get through. After her last attempt she turned to leave.

" I will have you by my side Major. I'll be back mark my words. You'll be sorry. You and your pet." And like that she was gone.

"She's lost to much blood Jasper. I don't think she has venom in her but I can't tell. I still hear a faint pulse but I think she is going to die. As much as I hate Edward. It would kill him that she would die."

"Your right. I think we need to hurry and get here to Carlisle. Hop on my back and I'll carry her. Hold tight. And close your eyes again." He then took off like a bullet.

I was scared we would not be able to make it to Carlisle in time. But Jasper was fast. And we made it back to what I would imagine is the Cullens house in minutes. Jasper didn't stop until he was upstairs in what looked like a Er room.

Jasper laid Angela on the hospital bed and let me off his back. I was a bit woozy and feeling a bit sick but I didn't want to worry about be till Angela was better. The door smashed open then.

"Get Her away from my mate. She doesn't need to be here." Edward growled. Glaring at me and Jasper. Jasper growled back.

"You might want to hold your fucking tongue Edward she saved Angela's life. If it wasn't for her Angela would have died before we found her. So stop being an ass and go be with your mate."

Edward kept glaring at me but went to Angela. Carlisle made his appearance then.

"Alice told me everything. She will need a lot of blood but over time will heal. Edward why don't you and Emmett go hunt with Rosalie and Alice. Jasper take Bella to one of the guest rooms and have Esme order her a pizza. I'll be up to check on her after I get Angela hooked up."

This was definitely not the day i thought was going to happen. Jasper walked out with me beside him.

"Peter will probably call or text one of us so if you hear from him tell me. I'll do the same for you. Now go rest. You've had an interesting day. Well tell more later. And don't worry Angela is in good hands. She's family and Carlisle loves his family." He was gone before I could say anything. I sighed and walked into the room.

It was amazing. The dark green walls with the wood trim. The book case in the corner. The huge oak bed with a black futon on the far wall. But that wasn't what caught me eye. It was the glass window with a sofa ledge that looked out to the forest. It was beautiful. I would have to stay here more.

The day wore on and on. Mostly because I was alone for most of it. Alice and Ben had come in with my pizza and I offered some to him. We talk while we are. Alice said Angela was awake but weak. Edward wasn't going to let me into see her but Alice promised to keep me updated. A little while ago Carlisle came in to check me over and said I was fine but probably needed more rest. He said the family would explain more when I rested. I couldn't argue. I was a bit sleepy. And he had Esme call my dad at the station. I would stay here tonight and go to school with Alice tomorrow.

I was just about to sleep when my phone vibrated.

Hey bit
We are almost to the Cullens
Don't worry nothing is wrong yet
But watch out for Edward
He's onto you. He will want to
Talk to Carlisle about it but
We will be there in time to stop him
Peter Whitlock
Ps. Maria will need to meet your dad
So don't freak out when your dad goes missing tonight. Maria is his mate.
This will make Maria stop her
Pursuit of the Major. They will be gone
Mating for a few days but will be back.
Your only problem now will be those damned wolves. But I'll tell you more when we get there. We can see the house now. See you in bit Bit. Love you sis.

I sat up and stretched. Getting out of bed and taking a quick shower. By the time I got got dressed there was load noises from some where downstairs. I was on my out the door when it opened and Jasper and and who I assumed to to be Peter and Charlotte stood in the door way.

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