Chapter 10

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Felix’s POV:

There are days where my job is inconvenient. And let me tell you those days are happening more and more. I'd like to blame it on the damn vampires who are stupid enough not to follow the rules. Or newborns. But I can't. It's my pull to my mate. So, I start to get pissed. Why did I have to mated to the Human? Why did it have to be that human? Aro isn’t going to like this either. And Caius is going to want to kill her as soon as they meet.

The need to be with her grows every day that passes that I am away from her. And damn the Cullens for hiding her away. As though I would dare to hurt my own mate. What cruel villain do they think me as? Though, I have to admit I find it brave on their part. Trying to keep one’s mate away from them. I mean if I really wanted, I could take her forcefully and kill them all. But I didn't want to traumatize my mate.

After checking in with Aro for the fifth time today. I'm told to go back to Forks and watch the Cullens with the human. I am of course thrilled to be so close to my mate. Even if she doesn't know I'm there. And this time around I am going to get the balls up and meet her. I have to hide my darker self if I want her to like or love me eventually.

I'm just hoping the veggie lovers won't stand in my way anymore once I come out to meet her. Not that really matters; I could kill them easily.  But I just don't want to lose my mate over the them; seeing as they love her. And she loves them. here I am on another stupid plane keeping an eye on the one vampire that I am not even sure should even exist. Damn Aro. But mostly damn them.

Jane and Demetri are totally in for killing her and them though. It matters not that she may or may not be my mate. They are both still skeptical.  Alec hates the Cullens too, but would prefer to be on good standing with them due to their gifts. He’s more like me when it comes to fighting and being around other more talented fighters. Though he's powerful he tends to shy away from fighting unless necessary. And Jane, well she's Aro's puppet. And she loves killing. Demetri on one hand hates killing but it is job. And doesn't want to lose his life over not finishing a job. So, he does it. But to them all humans are supposed to be below us.

When I arrived at the airport, I opted for a town car as to look inconspicuous. But really in a small-town car like the ones the Cullens have can be suspicious. So, I town car may be the better option. I would talk to Carlisle about it at a later time.

I ditched the car 50 miles south of Forks. When I reach the Cullen land, I know they know I'm here. The mind reader and seer are searching the woods. Carlisle and the Major are upstairs with their mates. Bella, the human and my future mate, and two new vampires are out on the back porch scanning for me. And since their looking, I make myself known. Walking out into the field behind their house. Bella gasps. Looking right at me. I feel the mating pull strong and want to run to her. Taking her in my arms.

But the two unknown vampires just got in front of Bella growling at me. Bella tried getting away. But stopped trying after the rest of the family including the other human girl came out to see what was going on.

"Felix although I understand your need to be around your mate. I do feel the need to ask you what brings you by my neck of the woods." Carlisle was staling.  And they knew she was my mate.

"Carlisle." I bowed. Showing respect. "Aro was curious on to what you are up to. He sent me to check it out. And I see I've stumbled on not one but two humans that your clan as told. I must say that Aro will be most disappointed to learn of this. And yes, one I do feel the pull to would have to be changed the other has no reason to know of us even if the Major is protecting her." Jasper growled. So did the two unknowns. But it wasn't them or the family that spoke, it was my mate.

"You listen here ass. My family hasn't done anything wrong. I found out by my pack brothers, not the Cullens really. Although, you could tell they were different. If it wasn't for the bitch Jasper knew when he first became a vampire, that other human, as you called my best friend, she would not even know. She has a name like I do. And I don't give a flying fuck if you are my supposed mate. You aren't going to come in here and start judging my family like they are filth." With that she turned into the house. I smile sadly because although she's got fire, she won't get near me if she sees me as the Volturi puppet they think I am. And my words today proved that I hold human life less than mine. I grabbed my chest. She was going to try deny her mating bond to me I could feel it. And though it was my fault. It hurt.

"She will not deny the pull for long as it is going to be hard to do so, but it won't be easy. Go report in with Aro what you have heard today he is waiting. I'm sorry for our part in this. We thought you would use her and drain her, that is why she reacted the way she did, but obviously you care if the pull is strong. We are truly sorry for that. But be warned your end will come if you hurt her. I've seen it." The seer spouted but I wasn't hearing none if it really. And like a coward I ran pain spreading through my body. She was going to deny me and that’s all that mattered. I wasn't going to stay where I wasn't wanted, Mate or not. Volturi or not. Job or not. And no one followed fearing my wrath. I ran trying to let off steam. And as soon as I was far away my knees buckled and I screamed. Damn mating pulls.

I did end up calling my master but it was Marcus not Aro. He had a feeling what I had called about and told me that the mating bond was still strong but would take time to heal old wounds. And that in time Bella would love me. That did make me feel a bit better.  He also warned me to keep what I had found out silent. Aro would try to end our bond to try get to the Cullens and acquirer those who were gifted. I told him about the human girl Jasper saved. And he seemed to be quite upset and ended the call saying to call him directly if something happens. I wondered why he was so concerned about the other one. But I knew not to ask questions.

I was the first night of my forever and of that I was afraid. Now all I had to do was convince my mate I'm not as bad as I seem.

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