Chapter 8 - Aftermath

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I felt the warm Nashville sunshine on my face as my eyes fluttered open. I could feel something around my waist that was keeping me warm. I looked down and saw Mike's arm wrapped around my waist.

I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the light as I thought about last night. No man had ever treated me to a first date like Mike, everything about him felt different. A good different. A wonderful different. He made me laugh, he treated me amazingly, and to top it all off; he's not too bad to look at.

I was ushered out of my thoughts when I felt Mike's arms leave my waist to rub his eyes open. He stretched and groaned before whispering: "Morning Care" he opened his eyes and smiled towards me.

"Morning Mike." I whispered back, I guided his arms back around my waist. They keep me warm, and they make me feel secure.

"I didn't mean for us to fall asleep out here, so I'm sorry I kept you out so late." He said, I could feel his thumb drawing circles on my waist.

"It's more than okay, Mike. Thank you for last night again, everything was amazing!" I smiled. I secretly didn't mind that Mike had kept me out until the morning, there was no other place I'd rather be.

"An amazing first date for an amazing lady." He smirked before winking at me.

"Alright, enough with the cheese. It's too early for any of that." And with the slightest mention of food, I heard Mike's stomach rumble.

"Hungry much?" I turned to face him and smirked.

"Yeah, starving! C'mon let's get out of here and get some breakfast... if you're up to it of course." He looked towards me.

I got up out of his arms and jumped off the back of the truck on to the grass, "what are you waiting for, Fisher? Let's go." I held my hand out, and as Mike got up, he took my hand and jumped off the truck. We tidied the back of the truck before heading to the front. Mike started to drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked while tapping my knee, once again the child in me was emerging.

Mike smirked when he saw my impatience, "this little diner, it's about 10 minutes out."

For the remainder of the drive, I stared out of the window and watched as Nashville flew past the car window. I had found it really easy to get comfortable around Mike, nothing was ever awkward, and we never ran out of things to talk about when we have conversation.

I could feel Mike's gaze on me, "eyes on the road, Fisher" I ordered, before smiling.

"Sir Yes, Sir" Mike replied, before saluting. At 7  in the morning, this man was already eliciting giggles from me.

Before we knew it we were pulling into the car park of the diner. We both headed in and sat at one of the booths. I looked around the diner and it was only us and one other elderly couple who were having coffee.

I looked at the menu and saw that they served vegan pancakes, the inner child in me lit up and was immediately ready to order.

I shut my menu and grinned at Mike, "what are you ordering?" I asked.

"Probably, pancakes with scrambled egg and bacon." He said while still looking at the menu. He looked at the menu for a couple more minutes.

"Mike, let's order, I'm hungry!" I said.

"Okay let's!" Mike put down his menu and ushered for the waitress to come over. She collected both of our orders and went away to fetch us both some coffee.

"Wouldn't want to get in the way of you and your food." Mike smirked before placing his menu to the side of the table.

"I'm glad we're getting to know each other" I joked. The waitress came back over and placed our coffees in front of us. We thanked her before she went away.

I glanced over at the elderly couple and saw that they were both holding each others hands across the table, it looked like they were just laughing at a joke that one of them had made. I sighed in content, I could only wish for a love like that.

"They're still in love after all these years" I heard Mike say, he had saw me glancing over at the couple. I found Mike's crystal blue eyes and found myself getting lost in them, for the 100th time. We were interrupted when the waitress came over and put down our plates of food.

The hunger in me took over as I could smell the pancakes. I heard Mike chuckle at me before shaking his head.

All throughout breakfast, Mike had told me funny stories about his early hockey days in the Ottawa Senators. He told me about the silly pranks they would do on each other, at one point I had to ask Mike to stop as I could feel my stomach hurting from laughing so hard.

After finishing our breakfasts and finishing our storytelling, I sighed and laid back into the back of the chair. I saw in the corner of my eye, that the elderly couple on the other side of the diner were making their way towards Mike and I.

"Hi, I'm Denise and this is my husband Matthew." The woman came towards us and held out her hand, Mike and I both shook her hands and then shook her husband's hands before introducing ourselves.

"I'm Mike" I heard Mike say, while flashing his signature smile.

"I'm Carrie" I sent them a sincere smile.

"Well, we just came over to tell you guys that you both reminded us of when we were a young couple in love." She started

"Love is truly a great and powerful thing, cherish it and nourish it and it will prosper." She finished, her husband then continued.

"Life can be hard, but know that as long you have love and you have each other, nothing is impossible." He said, he looked at his wife with the most sincere eyes and I could feel my heart flutter.

"You guys won't have a problem with love, we can see it and feel it from over on the other side! We wish you both a long and happy life filled with love!" The woman finished before they both headed out.

I looked towards Mike and saw his eyes were sparkling and his smile, sweet and sincere. I smiled back at him. I hadn't even though about love until the woman had mentioned it, falling in love with Mike is not a hard thing to do. I could feel my stomach flutter.

When the woman had mentioned how in love Mike and I looked, I was afraid it was going to be awkward, but it's the complete opposite. It just made everything better. We didn't need words to describe how we were feeling.

We headed out of the diner and back into the car, where Mike started to drive me home. Throughout the drive, the radio was playing and Mike had placed his hand on my leg, which provided comfort for me.

It was a 30 minute drive before we reached my house.

Mike walked me towards my door before we both turned to each other.

"Until next time, Underwood." He smiled at me.

"Until next time, Fisher." I stood on my tip-toes as he bent down. I felt our lips collide, soft and gentle. We pulled away and I caught myself getting lost in his eyes once more.

"Thank you for everything, Mike." I smiled.

"Anything for you, Care" He bent down before placing a kiss on my forehead.

I headed inside and leant my back against the front door. I sighed and smiled to myself.

Mike Fisher, what have you done to me?

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Not as long as the other chapter but long enough! I apologise for any spelling mistakes/ errors in this.

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