Chapter 2 - His Blue Eyes

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"Thanks for coming! Hope you enjoy the show!" I waved goodbye one more time before turning back around. The girl I just met was called Nicole, and my ears haven't stopped ringing, her screams of excitement were deafening.

I turned around and saw my manager.
"One more meet and greet, Carrie. And then you can start getting ready for the show" I nodded and smiled, before my manager went away.

The door opened and I put on my smile to welcome the person coming in.

The first thing I noticed about the man walking through the door was his blue eyes. They were reminiscent of the ocean, I felt like I was drowning in them.

The second thing I noticed was his smile, it made me weak at the knees.

Everything seemed to stop for a split second and it felt like the only two people that existed were me and this man.

I then realised that I hadn't even gotten this man's name and I was already fantasising about us.

I held out my hand - "hey, I'm Carrie!" I flashed him a smile as he got closer.

He took my hand and shook it. "It's great to meet you, I'm Mike!"

Mike. Mike. Mike. Why am I feeling this way? About a man I met approximately 20 seconds ago.

I noticed his shirt had the Nashville Predators logo on. "Hey nice shirt! You a fan of the predators?"

He looked hesitant to answer, he scratched his head and smiled "Yeah I guess you could say that!"

The photographer signalled that it was time to take the picture. We got closer together and he put his hand on my waist, while my hand rested on his lower back.

The photographer took the picture and the security guard called that the meet and greet was over.

"Ah, well it was sure nice meeting you, Mike! I hope you enjoy the show!" I tucked my hair behind my ears, and smiled...again.

"You too, Carrie. Me and my girlfriend sure are looking forward to it."

Wait...girlfriend? Oh well done, Carrie. You've become attached to an unavailable man. Well done.

"Her names Nicole, she was the one before me." He smile and shoved his hands in his jean pockets.

"Oh, she was lovely! Well I hope you enjoy the show Mike" I quickly replied before hurrying out of the room. I wish I could say that I hated Nicole, but she was sweet and kind. It makes me want to hate her even more.

I reached my dressing room and plopped down on the couch before sighing. After a few minutes I let out a groan before getting up to get ready for the show.
"Well, the show must go on."

*back to the show*

"So this next song, is one that I have never done live, but it was on my 3rd album. It's a cover of one of my favourite Alan Jackson songs. It's called Look at Me. So this is for all you lovebirds out there"

I signalled the band to start playing. The arena seemed to quiet and everything felt hushed. I scanned the audience and there I saw those blue eyes. Mike.

He stood beside Nicole, with his arm draped across her shoulder, he kept looking at her. They were in love. Why even bother, Carrie?

I snapped out of my thoughts to sing the song.

I would bet my life, like I bet my heart
That you were the one baby
I've never been so sure, of anything before
You're driving my heart crazy

I looked into the audience and avoided Mike's eyes at all costs.

Darling, look at me
I'm falling like a fool for you
Darling, can't you see
I'd do anything you want me to

I carried on with the song, at one point, Mike and I made eye contact and I could've sworn he smiled at me.

I tell myself, that I'm in too deep
Then I fall a little farther,
Everything you look at me.

I looked back again, and he was looking lovingly at Nicole, there was no chance. I could never ruin a love like that.

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