Chapter 10 - Official

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"Great sound check guys!" I shouted to the band as I grabbed my bottle of smart water and jumped off the stage.

We had been rehearsing for the past couple of days, since it had almost been a month since our last show during the tour. This leg was our final leg. With 12 more shows to go in the next 4 weeks. With two of them being in Nashville.

As I walked back to the tour bus, I grabbed my phone and texted Mike:

"Call me when you can:)"

I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Mike and I had been talking everyday since I had left. It had only been a month since Mike and I met, yet we talk like we've known each other forever.

As I was applying the finishing touches to my makeup, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I reached down and saw it was Mike.

"Hey, stranger! How have you been" I asked

"I've been good, we had a practice skate today, and everything's good. I think we're gonna do well during this Preds road trip." He said. I could hear him eating in the background.

"Well as long as they got you, then they'll be fine" I teased. I grabbed the curling iron and curled the last couple of straight strands on my hair.

"Are you getting ready for the show now?" He asked while munching on a bag of crisps.

"Yeah, just doing the last little bits. I'm nervous, Mike. It's been a while" I sheepishly admitted.

"Oh what is there to be nervous about! You're Carrie Underwood. Go out there and do your thing. You belong on that stage, Care." He said with sincerity in his voice. This man had captured my heart and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Thank you, Mike. What would I have done without you." I sighed a sigh of relief.

"Well what can I say, I'm a great guy" it was like I could hear him smirking through the phone.

"Alright alright, whatever. Don't get too cocky." I teased back. I put the curling iron down and accidentally touched it with the back of my wrist as my finger got caught on the chord.

"Ah, crap!" I screamed.

"What? Care, are you okay." He said with a voice full of worry.

I laughed at his response, "I'm alright, just accidentally burnt myself on my curling iron"

"Oh, well, that sounds like you." He scoffed.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" I exclaimed.

"Nothin' Care, it's just that you're clumsy sometimes..." he explained

"Okay fine, all the time." He concluded.

"Alright, alright. I get your point. I'm clumsy."

Mike and I carried on speaking for the remainder of the time I had left to get ready. When the time came, someone knocked on my door to come and get me. Mike and I said our goodbyes and said a prayer together.

"Go show 'me how it's done, Care!" He exclaimed.

"Thank you, Mike. I'll call you after!" I said

"I wouldn't want anything more." He said before hanging up the phone.

That night I walked on stage with a flutter in my heart. I had fallen for Mike Fisher...deeply.


2 weeks later:

"Mike!" I yelled, I saw him and ran towards him in the airport!

"I missed you!" I hugged him tighter than I had ever hugged anyone. I heard him chuckle in response.

"I missed you too, Care." He caressed the side of my face and smiled before leaning in to give me a sweet kiss.

"God, I've missed you." He exclaimed.

I smiled and blushed in response. I grabbed his hand and we walked hand in hand through the airport to his car. Mike and I talked everyday for the two weeks we were apart, and yet I still missed him.

"Do you mind if I turn the radio on?" I asked.

"Go for it" he said, while putting the car in drive. I sat back and closed my eyes. I smiled to myself before letting myself drift away.


Carrie had fallen asleep on the way back to her house. She looked so peaceful as she slept, but I could see that she was tired. Her sound check wasn't for another 5 hours, so I decided to let her get some rest.

I opened the door to her house with her keys and carried her up to her bedroom and put her down on her bed, before kissing her forehead to leave.

As I was walking down the stair I heard my phone buzz, and saw that it was my mom.

"Hey ma, what's up?" I asked

"I just wanted to talk to you, Michael. It's been a while." She pointed out.

"I know, ma. I'm sorry, I should call more often." I sighed. I had realised how much I had missed talking to my mother. I went to Carrie's kitchen and sat down on one of the stools. We talked for a little while before she asked me a question.

"Mike, have you met anyone recently?" She asked.

"Why do you ask?" I said curiously.

"It's seem different. A good different. You seem happier, more at peace." She explained. I smile grew on my face.

"I have, and she's an incredible woman. I love her, ma. And it's only been a month and a bit, but I'm in love with her." I explained.

"Oh Michael, look at you! I've never seen you like this before. Not even over Nicole. I'm sure she'll make a good man out of you." She said
"I'd love to meet her soon." She continued

"I know, ma. I can't wait for you to meet her as well." I looked up towards the doorway and saw Carrie standing there rubbing her eyes.

"Ma, I gotta go. I'll call you later alright?" We exchanged our goodbyes and I hung up the phone.

"Hey sleepyhead" I said while smirking.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked while walking over to the fridge to grab some water.

"My mom, I told her about you." I said confidently.

"You did?" She turned around.

"Mmmhmm" I mumbled.

"Mike, where are we, are we like official. We haven't really talked about it" she sighed while sitting down on the stool next to me.

"Well let's make it official. Carrie Underwood, would you let me be your boyfriend?" He said with a goofy grin on his face.

"You're such a dork." I giggled while leaning over to kiss his face.

"I'll take that as a yes then." He gave me another peck, this time I pulled away first as his stubble was tickling me.

"You need to shave that stubble, it tickles me when we kiss" I pouted.

"Sir, yes sir!" He exclaimed.

Next chapter will be the exchange of those three words!
Hope you enjoyed it! Will be updating as soon as I can with the next part!

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