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"The Price of Love is Loss, but Still we Pay"

   A few nots here, and a few bolts here. That shall do it. "Programs running. Password please.
   My eyes shot open wide. I have never heard my invention speak before, it sounded like Siri from my IPhone. "Rah" I answered to my robot, I made it so that its name is always the password.
   "Password correct, loading programs. Please state authorized mode." "Assistant mode please." I answered truthfully. 
   If this goes well then this will be my first true invention. Maybe I could use Rah to help me find my brother.
   "Assistant mode running. What would you like me to do Mistress?" "How about holomap, Rah." 
   "Loading holomap. ERROR 275! Overload, Overload, Overload!" Holy crap this is gonna' be a while. "Rah, shut down!" "Shutting down.

   "Take five!" I said holding up my camera and a sign board. 
   "Pro~rams run~ng. Pass~rd p~ease." "Crap, crap, crap! Shut down! Your soundbox is totally un-awesome!" I cried as Rah's voice started breaking. 
   "S~utt~ng dow~."

   "Take twenty-three." I said with boredom. 
   My sign was a bit lop-sided but I didn't really care. Rah's eyes started lighting up, showing that it has powered on. 
   "Programs running. Password please." My head popped up, "Rah!" 
   "Password incorrect, do you want a hint?" I sighed, "fine." 
   "Three letter name. You have 10 seconds before I power off. 10... 9... 8..." "Rah!" 
   "7... 6... 5... 4..." "The stupid password is: Rah!" I practically yelled! 
   "3... 2... 1... Two attempted passwords were incorrect. Powering off. You may retry in the minimum of five minutes." And with that, my little invention powered off.

   "Take seventy-eight." I said to the camera. "Please work, please work, please work." I pleaded under my breath. 
   "Programs running. Password please." "The password is: Rah" I said with confidence. 
   "Password correct, loading programs. Please state authorized mode." Deep breath Jasmine, deep breath. Stay calm. 
   "Assistant mode?" "Assistant mode running. What would you like me to do Mistress?" So far, so good. 
   "Holomap?" "Loading holomap." Its eyes turned blue as it brought the holomap out. 
   It showed my dorm room and all the other rooms. Basically the map from the brochure I had of my school building.
   "Show me all heat signatures for our location." I commanded the robot wolf. "Loading. All red dots are significant heat signatures set only by life forms.
   The map then had red dotes added that was what I guess was fellow students and there was a red dot next to a white one in one of the upper dorm rooms. 
   "Rah, what does the white dot stand for?" "The white dot shows up as me in the map legend." Alright, that's enough experimenting today. 
   "Rah, shut down please." "Shutting down." It said as the light from her eyes left and her holomap disappeared from view. 
   This was a excellent idea!

*I don't feel like I should ask you, but please comment and vote as I would like to know that you guys like my writing and also check out my other books.*

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