Chapter Two:

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  I struggled frantically as I was caught in the grasp of the white man. From the sound of it, the blue one caught up  and I heard him panting. 
   I relaxed slightly, for I knew that I wouldn't be getting out of this anytime soon.
   "Yes! We finally got her!" The blue one exclaimed before I rolled my eyes. 
  "Yeah, hip, hip, hooray. Now if you'd please just let me go so I can reunite with my mistress..." I spoke, though I meant it to sound sarcastic.
   I looked up at the two to see the white one peering down at me with curiosity and the blue one with his mouth wide open. 
   "You can TALK!?" The blue one shouted and I growled. "So can you?" I asked sarcastically while still growling a bit. 
   The other men from before walked in pushing someone and when I looked, I couldn't help but to let out a horified whimper. 
   "Mistress?" I asked the figure who still had her hood up.
   "I tried playing hide and seek, but perhaps I'm better as the seeker instead of the hider... or maybe I'm just a natural at tag instead." She announced and I couldn't help but feel a bit... amused by this. 
   I couldn't help, but feel that this was the right time to shut down. I let the darkness creep over my eyes and went to what robots would call sleep. 

   I opened my eyes and noticed that I was on a table by a computer. 
   But then I realized that I was hooked up to the computer and looked to the screen to see it asking for a password. 
   I looked at the keyboard to see the white man thinking really hard. I couldn't help but tilt my head at him before my eyes roamed the room to see a steering wheel and then I noticed that no one else was in the room.
   The sound of footsteps brought my gaze back to the white man as he approached me.
   "You are awake, let me go get my brothers. Please stay here." He then left before I could respond and I looked around the room again. 
   There was a steering wheel like in one of those ships that I visited with my mistress and a tracking device and GPS. 
   So far, I could either break through the window or escape through the only door in the room. 
   I moved my muzzle down and pulled the cord that connected me to the computer. 
   I jumped off the table and padded over to the door and pressed my ear to it. 
   I didn't hear anything so I jumped up and turned the doorknob with my paws. I walked down the hallway until I turned a corner but instantly stopped when I saw the colored men. 
   They all got into a sort of attack position besides the one in white that calmly took a step forward. "I told you to stay." 
   I shook my head. "You 'asked' me not 'told' me, and I want to see my mistress.
   The white man nodded and lead me down the hall with the rest of the colored men fallowing me. 
   We soon reached a door and the white man opened it for me to enter.
   I looked in the room to see a table with two chairs. 
   In one chair sat an old man with a white beard, a straw hat, and a bamboo cane.
   I yipped in delight when I saw my mistress and I trotted over to sit by her.
   I noticed that her hood was still up but I didnt mention anything.
   The old man started to talk to my mistress. "What is you name?" 
   My mistress was silent for a moment before speaking. 
   "Jasmine, and you are?" She asked and I turned my gaze back to the old man. 
   "I am Sensei Wu. Do you mind..." He said, nodding to her hood and my mistress didn't respond.
   This Sensei Wu guy then started to reach over and I growled. 
   "Quiet, Rah." My mistress whispered and I fell silent. 
   Sensei Wu then continued to reach over and pulled down the hood of my mistress, allowing airborne colored hair and greenish-blue eyes to show. 
   I heard a gasp from the side of the room and I turned to see it was the blue one that had gasped... Jay I think his name was. 
   Jay pulled his mask down and I saw his own airborne hair and looked between the two to see that they looked identical besides their different genders.
   "Kitten." My mistress said, acknowledging Jay.
   "Jazz?" He asked in disbelief.

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