Chapter Seven:

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   The soaring bundle of yellow and green scales landed on deck and I leaped towards my mistress incase the newcomer came to attack.

   The creature was that of a big lizard with what looked like bat wings, and it was huge! I even surprised myself by growling at it.

   The lizard turned to glare at me and I yelped at it's bright green eyes for its pupils were drawn back to be narrow like a cat.

    That was when a girl around my mistress' age jumped from the creatures back. She had wavy blond hair, brown eyes, and wore a pink shirt with black leggings.

   "Who are you?" Kai asked with an obvious suspicion in his voice. The girl was about to open her mouth when she was interrupted.

   "Cayce Jo, you came early." I heard Sensei Wu say as he walked out onto the deck. "Better early then late, but I didn't mean to come so soon either." The girl, Cayce Jo, acknowledged.

   "Then what made you come?" Wu asked and Cayce Jo turned an accusing eye towards her pet before turning back to Wu.

   "Me and Sora were going to Stiix, but Sora here must have changed her mind because we flew here instead."

   I looked at the creature that went by the name Sora before turning to Wu with my head tilted, for I was wondering if this was the friend that Wu had mentioned.

   "Come then, we will discuss this further inside. Jasmine, you are exuse from trainer for now for this will require you and the ninja." My mistress nodded before she fallowed the ninja, Wu, and the stranger inside.

   I was about to fallow before a silky voice stopped me. 'How strange you are, Viola.' I stopped before turning around to look for the voice only for my eyes to land on the creature.

   "What?" I asked, confused. She snorted. 'Do you not realise that you have metal coming from the side of your head and the center of your chest? I'm pretty sure even an observant wolf like you would know something like that, Viola.'

    I felt my eyes widen, for it sounded like the creature was talking but her mouth didn't move at all.

   "That's not possible!" I shrieked in surprise. 'Viola, did you get hit in the head?' The creature asked. I growled.

    "I am not Viola, I am Rah. I've had these metal parts for as long as I can remember. I have no idea who you are, what you are, and how you can speak without opening your mouth!"

   The creature's eyes narrowed but she didn't snort this time. 'I am sorry, Rah, I must have gotten you mixed up with someone else. I am Sora, a dragon, and I am not opening my mouth to speak because most Spirit Companions speak telepathically. You should try it sometime.' I sat down.

   What on earth is a dragon? I shook my head before turning towards the dragon. "Who is Viola?" I asked and the dragon tilted her head ever so slightly.

   'I am afraid that that is classified information.' I gritted my teeth before sighing. "So are you the friend that Wu said would help me with my instincts and such?" I asked and Sora nodded.

   'First, I teach you to speak telepathically, then I teach you the harder stuff.' I shrugged before noddeding, signalling that I was ready to learn.

   The dragon sighed and closed her eyes. "Now clear your mind, wolf. Like you are meditating." I swallowed a yip as I noticed that Sora was actually speaking and not telepathically doing so.

   I did as she said and closed my eyes as I sighed. "Now wolf, think of the one you want to speak to, that will be me for right now. As you focus, your thoughts will be transferred into silent words that go from your mind to another, even to a whole group if you practice. Try."

   I sighed at the cammand before I focused. I cleared my mind the best I could as I took deep breaths.

   'How does this work?' I thought in confusion while opening my eyes to hear a gasp from Sora.

   I looked at her in confusion, before it dawned on me that I must have spoken telepathically.

   'What else am I going to learn?' I thought towards the dragon and she smirked. 'We will work on fighting now.' I heard and I nodded before standing up while trotting over to Sora.

    She stood up as well before looking down at me. 'I want you to fight like a wolf on the training dummy, like it depends on your mistress' life and your own. Though most things I have to teach will be on the field, you can learn complex battle moves here.'

   I nodded in understanding before charging the training dummy and attempting to tackle it, the key word being attempt it moved all of the sudden and wacked me in the nose.

   I yelped in fright before taking a closer look at it, noticing that it had an aura of some sort of matter around it.

   I glanced at Sora and noticed that she had a look of concentration as she focused on the training dummy. I sighed knowing that this wasn't going to be an easy battle but prepared to fight anyways.

   I placed all knowledge I had of fighting before me as I bunched my muscles and made a fake dash to the left but went to the right, striking a paw on it and sending it to the ground.

   I shot down after it but it quickly rolled over, making me land on the ground awkwardly and didn't have enough time to recover myself before the dummy jumped on me.

   I struggled but couldn't brake free and I laid still, showing my submission. The training dummy got off of me and I quickly got up.

   "WHAT WAS THAT?" I asked at full valume. Sora didn't answer me and I sighed before trying again. 'What was that?' I thought and Sora nodded before answering.

   'My own mistress has the element of gravity, and for that she had tough her younger cousin how to use his powers. From my understanding, he is good but he will never surpass my own misstress.' I nodded in understanding before getting back in a battle stance, showing that I was ready again.

   The training dummy came to life but then a high pitched buzzer rang the alarm. I fell over in shock and the training dummy rag dolled before the door burst open and everyone filed out.

   I stood up when I saw my mistress and ran to her side.

   "Nya, tell us what's happening?" Kai asked his sister. "Jamanakai Village is under attack! It's the snakes that Wu told us about!" Nya shouted, panicked.

   "SUPER SNAKES, THE DEVILS!" My mistress yelled while having a panic attack of her own. Her fear scent was overwhelming me and I was being drawn to all sources of life besides my mistress as in to attack.

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