Chapter One:

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Rah's POV:
   I watched as my mistress was setting up another trip wire in the dining room. For someone as clever as she is, she sure is unorganized! 
   Trip wire there, smoke bomb over there, even a exoplasm launcher across the room.
   I suppose this would be the right time to introduce me and my mistress since I started this recorded journal and I wouldn't want to leave my future listeners waiting.
   I am Robotic Animal Hybrid, or Rah for short. My appearance is an albino wolf with one amber eye and my other eye is a blue robotic substatute. If your searching for my hard drive then you'll find it in my chest, like on that 'Big Hero 6' movie that my mistress so loves. 
   My mistress, is Jasmine Walker. Her appearance is that of a female in her mid twenties or so with long airborne hair. Her eyes are green with hints of blue in them. 
   If your like most people, including everyone that notices me, then your probably wondering what my gender is. My gender is what my mistress would call a 'he-she-species', though the organic I was made from was previously female. 
   Now that I got the basics done, I'll get back to the entry. I watched as my mistress checked to make sure the fog machine was set for that whenever anyone tripped the trip wire, the machine would start and make it a good 'ghost room' as she called it. 
   Something caught my ear and I listened carefully until I heard the sound of someone approaching and quickly barked to my mistress. 
   "Mistress Jasmine, there seems to be someone coming." I announced. I couldn't help but feel... annoyed because my voice box was that of a cheap one off of a phone, female and emotionless. 
   My mistress nodded to me and made a final check on the trip wire before going through the secret passages between rooms. 
   I fallowed her quietly as she made her way to the first ghost room that happened to be the living room of the haunted house. 
   Humans are foolish at times, since they don't understand that ghost don't linger in one place for long. And if this was a house with a ghost, then nine out of ten ghosts won't try to attack whoever is inside. But for the town of Tayki, ghosts like to attack anyone that enters the haunted house. 
   Me and my mistress has scared many people into thinking that, now we just have to scare the five coming... FIVE!? 
   "Mistress!" I whispered to my authority. "Not now." She whispered back harshly as she looked through the eyes of a portrait. 
   I stayed quiet, since nothing good ever comes from arguing.
   A creaking sound was heard from the main entry hall that told me that whomever was here was now entering. 
   I sat next to my mistress as I sensed the footstep coming towards the living room. I peaked through the eyes of the dog in the portrait to see the door open and five strangely colored men walked in. 
   The green one stopped them from going in further though and motioned to a trip wire on the ground that they all hopped over. 
   They all looked around the room for a moment before the blue one made his way to me and my mistress' portrait to examine it.
   "Guys, come look at this picture!" The blue one exclaimed in a slightly childish voice that reminded me well of my mistress.
   "It's not a picture, Jay, it is a painting or a portrait that is most likely showing whoever owned this house previously." The white one explained and I kept myself from huffing.
   I may be a robot, but I have a program that allows me to mimic whatever mood I've seen my mistress in, although it sadly doesn't sound in my voice box. 
   "The one thing that is unsettling is how realistic the eyes are, their almost too realistic." The black colored one an ounce and I couldn't refrain myself from jumping back, causing my mistress to also jump back too.
   I raced down the passageways on my mistress' heals. My ears picked up on the footsteps echoing behind me through the frightening panting coming from my mistress. 
   My eyes scanned for an exit and soon found the passageway to the attic and pulled my mistress by her sleeve towards it. 
   When we got their, my mistress automatically pulled her hood up and turned to close the door, only to see the colored men standing in the doorway. 
   I whimpered ever so slightly until I saw the window that was only halfway closed. 
   I shared a glance with my mistress who had also noticed the window and we were filled with new hope as we stood our ground. 
   The green one took a step forward. "We don't want to hurt you, we just want you to come with us." He requested while the red one also took a step forward.
   "But we will force you if we have to!" The red one said and I started to growl deeply in my organic throat.  
   "Please tell your... dog to stand down." The green one pleaded and my mistress turned towards me and spoke lowly, as in how you'd imagine a man talking.
   "Stand down Rah, you'll have your time soon." I nodded, but still stood my ground slightly. 
   My mistress turned back to the men. "Come." The green man commanded slightly, but then my mistress then sent a pointed look and gave a small grin. 
   I leapt forward sharply and howled in rage, my pelt hairs standing on edge and I knew that I probably looked rabid. The colored men jumped back and I caught their fear sent, but it quickly passed as they looked as though they would engage in fight. 
   From the sound of a window opening, I knew that my mistress was out the window and I took the time to give one final snarl and turned tail to flee after my mistress. 
   I looked down from the roof to already see my mistress darting through the alleyways and I jumped to the ground and raced towards the opposite direction to hopefully buy her some time. 
   I glanced behind me to see the white and blue men racing after me and I picked up speak and made my way towards the busier parts if the town. 
   Once I reached the roads, I dodged people and scurried along the pavement, although I knew that I wasn't going to loose my pursuers any time soon.
   I stopped when I got to the outskirts of the marketing road and looked in fear as the many people were walking around to purchase items. 
   The market always reminded me that even though Tayki looked small, it had a population that was two thirds the size of Ninjago city, and that is still larger then some of the well known towns. 
   I looked behind me to see the blue man dodging people and barreling towards me. I let loose a startled bark as I raced through people. My bark must of alerted everyone for I was quickly given room, though it only went to the blue man's fortune. 
   I bolted for a nearby alleyway but I didn't see the white one jump out in front of me until it was too late and I barreled into his outstretched arms. Getting caught in the process.

*I'm a rebel, totally wrote most of this while I was in my class, and I almost got caught several times. But it was worth it all. Read, vote, comment, and look out for any adventures that come your way my fearsome dragonflies!*

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