Chapter Three:

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   My processor was buzzing. This was the man that my mistress was always worrying about.
   I had no idea on what to do so I did what I usually do when I have a slight overload and fell over on my side. 
   I glitches every now and then and looked up to see everyone besides my mistress looking at me I'm concern. 
   "Is she going to be okay?" The man in black asked and I heard my mistress giggle a bit. 
   "Rah, please restart." My mistress asked and I closed my eyes and restarted my program. 

   Light engulfed my eyesight as I reopened my eyes to see that I was still on my side in the same room. 
   I blinked once, then a second time, then finally stood up. 
   "You need to remember, it's fatal to fangirl." My mistress said, giggling as she tried to sound sincere. 
   I rolled my eyes before turning to look at the other people that I didn't know the names of.
   "Can you give me a proper introductions, colored men?" I asked and my mistress burst out laughing. 
   "Their called ninja!" My mistress shouted between laughter. 
   "Looks like male models showing off pajamas to me." I reasoned, making my mistress laugh harder. 
   I flicked my ear in annoyance before the white man took of his mask. He was made out of metal and I analyzed it as titanium. His eyes were bright blue with what looked like some sort of ongoing power source. 
   "Greetings, I am Zane, ninja of ice." He greeted and I shared a look with my mistress. The one in black was the next one to take his mask off. 
   "I'm Cole, ninja of earth." He said. "So a rockhead." My mistress stated with humor, causing both her and Jay to laugh. 
   "Hi, I'm Lloyd. Ninja of energy." The one in green said proudly but I didn't quite understand why. 
   The red one was next. He took off his mask and his green eyes showed along with his brown hair that was spiked in all directions. 
   "I'm Kai, master of fire." He said in the way my mistress would say was a player boy. 
   "So your the one that is hot in all ways." My mistress stated and Kai nodded arogantly. "Classic player boy." My mistress finished before refusing to meet Kai's gaze. 
   "Jazz, come on! I want you to see the place!" Jay eclaimed while catching the hand of my mistress and leading her out of the room. 
   I got up from my sitting position and raced after them. 
   First he led my mistress to a room with five beds that had colored sheets that matched the ninja outfits of everyone. 
   Then he led my mistress to another room with a single bed and stated that it was 'Nya's' room. 
   He then led my mistress to the kitchen and dinning room where my tail gave a short wag of delight. 
   He led us back to the room where I woke up in and called it the bridge. 
   He took us to the deck where I noticed that we were flying in the air instead of water. 
   "This isn't logically possible." I commented and my mistress turned to me. "If I was you, I wouldn't question it." 
   I nodded once before Jay led us to a room with a couch and a tv with the other ninja playing some sort of interactive video playing. 
   "Do you know how to play video games?" Jay asked my mistress whom promptly shrugged. 
   I tilted my head. So this interactive video was called a 'video game'. 
   The sound of footsteps made me look behind myself to see a girl with short black hair that went down to her chin and a red outfit with a dragon decoration walk in. 
   "Who's this?" She asked as she took a stand besides Jay. 
   Me and my mistress shared a glance as the girl grazed her hand against Jay's hand. 
   "Nya, this is Jasmine, my sister. And her dog, Rah." 
   Nya said her hellos and my pelt began to prik as the air around my mistress took a more dominate aroma. 
   "Rah, do you smell that?" My mistress asked in slight anger. 
   I gazed over the other ninja to see Cole with his eyes dilated towards Nya and my gaze drifted back to Nya, then my mistress. 
   "I smell a cheater, if that's what you mean, my mistress." I said slyly as the Nya girl turned red in anger. 
   "How dare you!" She yelled as her hands balled up in fists and she took a step forward. 
   I jumped in front of my mistress and got into an attack position of my own. 
   She tried to kick me but I grabbed her ancle in my mouth and pulled so she ended up falling on her back. 
   I let go of her ancle before quickly scouting out where I would attack next. My eyes zeroed in on her throat, where is would surely end her, but before I could pounce, I was held back by Cole. 
   I struggled and growled until I looked back at my mistress for permission to also attack Cole. 
   Her eyebrows were raised up and her mouth was slightly opened, showing me that she was suppressed that I would end someone's life if I could. 
   "What's going on here!?" Yelled Wu as he entered the room. 
   "This dog almost killed Nya." Cole huffed. 
   "Is it true?" Wu asked both me and my mistress. 
   "I'm sorry, Wu, it was picking up on my emotion and how I was acting." My mistress started before turning towards me. 
   "Though, I'm neither proud nor angry." My mistress said, though for a second, her mini-expression told me that she took pleasure in what I did by the corner of her lips being upturned. 
   Wu nodded before turning to exit the room but stopped before he could leave. 
   "Jasmine, I'd like to see you and Rah in my room." He commanded and Cole let me go. 
   I fallowed Jasmine to the door and when I passed the Nya girl, I took a second to growl threateningly. 
   I fallowed my mistress whom was fallowing Wu down the hall until he led us into a room with two mats on the ground where he sat in the farthest one. 
   My mistress fallowed suite and also sat down on a mat and I sat on the floor next to her. 
   Wu then started to speak. "Jasmine, I have some news that may startle you at first."

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