This Is What It Felt Like

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A/n: the long-awaited and requested sequel to "This Is What It Feels Like"

Genre: Smut

Wordcount: 9,085

Summary: After their hasty hook-up in a bathroom stall at a bar, Dan and Phil are on their way back to Phil's apartment to see through what they started. (AKA punk!phil taking pastel!dan's virginity)

Warnings: daddy kink, cheesy pet names, too many run-on sentences

If you'd told Phil when he rolled out of bed that morning, hungover and sexually frustrated, that a cute little twink was going to prance into his workplace and try to hit on him, he would have positively howled with laughter. It just didn't sound realistic, not when he was used to sweaty guys twice his size and three times his age trying to get him into bed. It almost sounded like the type of thing he'd catch himself dreaming about before he inevitably woke up and had to face reality.

And yet, along came Dan Howell, in all of his pretty pastel glory. Initially, Phil wasn't sure what to think of him, aside from the obvious acknowledgement that he was the most attractive person Phil had laid eyes on in weeks. It surprised Phil when he approached first though, bashful eyes even while he uttered the most blatant lines. He was a beautiful self-contradiction and Phil couldn't get enough.

Hell, the man had the audacity to get on his knees in a bathroom stall and let Phil fuck his mouth raw, but the moment someone uttered a compliment directed at him the self-control vanished.

Given the way he tended to flip-flop between being utterly submissive and attempting to show dominance to validate himself, Phil wasn't entirely sure what to expect from their night together. It didn't much matter to him, he wanted Dan any way he could have him, but the boy had seemed pretty determined to try reversing his usual role no matter how nervous he felt about the idea. It'd be easy enough to distract him if he started to argue or panic though, one expertly-executed flirty line and he'd be reduced to a blushing mess in an instant.

As it was, he had himself pressed as close to Phil's back as he could possibly be, arms wrapped around his waist in a vice-like grip. They'd already had to stop once during the fifteen minute drive back to Phil's place, given the way Dan was unintentionally clawing at Phil's stomach and jittering against him. Phil had pulled over on the side of the road and offered him his jacket to wear over the thin little sweater hanging off his shoulders, deciding that he could bear the obvious discomfort of riding without a protective layer of leather this one time.

By the time they reached the familiar parking lot belonging to Phil's apartment building, he was beginning to wonder if he would be able to coax Dan back onto the bike for a drive home the next morning. Even after Phil turned it off and kicked out the kickstand, Dan was still shaking against his back. In the end, Phil had to wrench his arms free of his waist and turn around to look at Dan while still sitting on the bike.

Phil paused, studying his wide-eyes behind the glass shield of the helmet. He reached up and undid the straps, lifting it off Dan's head and barely stifling a giggle at the wild state of his hair. Phil would have laughed, had he not noticed how visibly flustered the younger man seemed. Phil furrowed his eyebrows together, studying the flushed cheeks and dark eyes in confusion.

"So? What'd you think of that?" Phil asked, wondering if he was on the brink of being sick or something.

"It was fun, but, uh..." Dan trailed off, not meeting Phil's gaze as he looked around at the other cars surrounding their parking space. He looked back to Phil after a long moment, only to immediately chicken out and duck his head to stare down at the stretch of seat between them. "Does it ever stop feeling like a giant vibrator between your legs?"

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