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April 23,2013.

Dear Diary, I'm cold and alone,locked up in this dark unpleasant basement.The odor in here is foul and strong.

The only thing to keep it lighted in here is this candle only has so much flame in it.

What is love? Cause what I'm experiencing has to be the opposite.Slim has to be the opposite

I have no friends,no family,nothing.My life has been leashed and locked.

Slim has company over so that's why he has me down here.

The reason why he dosent want me around his friends is because he thinks I'll get too close to them and might date one of his friends.crazy right? I haven't saw my daughter in 2 years. I lost her to CPS during an incident.

My life is just like this basement.

Empty,black,and cold

Until we meet again diary,


I closed my book and put it under a shelf. I could hear slim talking.

I grabbed the candle and walked over to couch and sat down

I grabbed the bible that was sitting next to me and started praying.Everytime I get locked down here I pray to god.

"Dear god,im still waiting on you,i know you haven't forgot about me and I'm just praying you come in time soon,i don't know how much longer I can take this torture,this has been going in for about 9 months now.Please...please save me... in Jesus name I praise amen" I said

"Violet!" I heard slim called

"Yes" I blew the candle out and headed twoards the door where he was standing

"Start making dinner" he demanded

"Yes baby" I said then headed into the kitchen.

I could tell he been drinking,cause I can smell the liquor off of him

40 minutes later dinner was ready

I made spaghetti.

I set up the table. Slim came out and sat down as I brang the food out for him.

I finished putting the good on the plate and sat down.

He just stared at the plate.

"What is this ?" he asked

"It's spaghetti baby" I answered

"No....this" he pulled up a piece of brown hair.

"That must be mine I'm sorry-"

"Bitch this ain't yours who the fuck been in my house today violet?" he asked

"Nobody" I answered

He chuckled

"Babe just eat your food, it's just a piece of hair" I said

He didn't say anything, he stared at me with a glance

All of a sudden he pulled everything off the table,jumped over it and grabbed me by my throat causing me to choke


I grabbed on to fist trying to break away

He slapped me hard across the face leaving a burning sting.


I kicked him in the balls and he released

I got up and ran upstairs into the third floor of the house,and went to go hide in the hallway closet.

I broke down crying cause I'm scared out of mind.

I hate going through this with him.

I just hate it.

It was quiet for a moment then I heard his foot steps




"Hiding only makes it worse"

I sat quietly praying to god he wouldn't find me.

He bust over the door and grabbed me by the hair dragging me down the hall as I screamed for help.

He threw me in the room and slammed the door shut and locked it.


This is my story.....


Picture of Violet in the mm

How y'all like it so far,just a replacement for my story "sleeping with the enemy".

Well dont forget to vote and comment, this story will be one of the other stories published after BAD ends.

~xoxoxo Tyvia

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