chapter 12~ slim knows

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*Violet POV

i smiled happily at kenny cause this was more than ever i beyond dreaming from what i want in a man.

"yes" i said to him

the crowd went wild as we hugged

i felt a tight squeeze on my left leg and look down to see kyler hugging me and kenneth tightly

i picked her up and hugged her tightly as well

i look at the diamond rock on my hand and cried with joy.

"Mommy is getting married baby!" i tell ky

she hugged me tight as ever

This amazing and this is just what i deserve.

*later that evening*

all through out the celebration and festival, we had fun. 

the sun was comming down so we figured it was time to head home.

leaving and telling everyone goodbye

we all three hopped in the car and headed home.

kyler was knockeed out from all the food she ate. i tucked her in her bed, and showered and marinate my thoughts about me being engaged.

i felt a presence behind me in the shower and turned to see kenneth standing there naked gazing at me.

he wrapped his self around me and embraced me into a warm and tight hugged as the steamy hot water danced on our skin.

"thank you" i whispered in ear.


"Loving me the right way. The right way i deserved to be loved." i  tell him

and with that we went into a kiss, and led on to sex.


after hours of paradise and passion, i woke up from a heavy slumber.

i was on top of kenneth still in my birthday suit.

just as i popped my head up he opened his eyes a little and smiled.

"i didnt realized how  much time passed by" i tell him

"well theres no rush, time aint on my mind" he responds

"well let me atleast check on kyler babe" i said as i got up and put on some clothes.

i walked out the room and walked down to the hall and her noises comming from kylers room

i opened the door to her  in a ballet out fit and dancing in front of a mirror

i smiled and walked in and watched her bend her knees and do ballet moves. it was so adorable

"what ya doing ky?" i asked as i sat on the edge of her bed.

"ballet mama" she says

she had the music and everything.

im sitting here wondering where in the hell she actually learned and got all this stuff from

"well how about mommy sign you up for ballet class?" i offered

she turned around and started hopping up and down

"really mama?!?!" she ran to me.

"if you be a good girl" i tell her

"oh i will be, i wanna do it mama, please!" she begged

"yes  sweetie, now lets feed you some dinner" i picked her up and brought her down to the kitchen

i made some turkey fried sandwhiches and fulled her up once more.

kenneth came down and chilled with us as we all cuddled on the comfy sofa like a big happy family :)


*slim pov (short)

I walked down the long narrow hall to my headquarters

Nothing but the echoes of my feet moving filled the building. 

This mission is going to be the full blown best mission ever.

There's no doubt in my head that violet will be back with me in one full month.

I know where she is. 

I know she is there with her daughter and bitch ass Kenneth. 

Paris France is about to be shut down when I arrive.

Why not go now? 

Cause it all is going to fall into place with  my plan.

All Ima say now is 



Been busy but still writing low key

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~ take care

~ xoxoxo Tyvia

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