Chapter 4~ a man and a plan

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I stood on the balcony waiting for the sun to rise

Today I had a plan.

And that plan involved getting violet and her daughter back to my sight.

Just as it hit 7 o clock I started to go to work

I dialed up my home boy Kenny.

"What it do?" he answered

"I need a favor from you, come through at my place at 11 so we can talk" I tell him

"Ight" he said

I hanged up.

I went in the shower and plotted how this was all going to go down.

After gathering all of my thoughts I got dressed

Violet dosent know this but I set up a tracking device so if something like this ever happens I know where to find her.

Right now she is at the saint mark hotel.

I gather up all the information and made some more phone calls.

This plan has to go through smoothly

* 4 hours later

The door bell ranged and it was Kenny.

I opened it,greeted him and let him in

"What's going on ?" be asked

"I need you, to go see this girl for me, her name is Violet. she is at the saint mark hotel.All you really gotta do is meet her,chill with her for awhile, gain her trust then pretend like you taking her some where special then bring her back to me" I explained

"What she look like?" he asked

I handed him a photo and he nodded

"Ima call up on you to see how the plan is going" I say

"Ight man but what's in it for me?" He asked

I slapped 4k in his hand

"Ight man I got you" he agreed and was off

Let's see how this plan go


"Mommy! mommy! mommy ! I wanna go swimming!" kyler jumped around as I was unpacking her clothes

"We will baby in a few" I tell her

She bounced up with joy and went flying back to the tv

I barley wanna go any where with kyler because I'm afraid slim might get me but it's an indoor pool and this pool barley has people from what I saw in the parking lot.

I cleaned up our plates from breakfast and got changed

I grabbed me and kyler a towel,my emergency phone,room card and headed down to the pool.

"Mommy! the water cold" she whined as she stuck her nubby toes in the water

"You gotta get in all the way kyler" I tell her

She shook her head no and backed up

I grabbed her and put her on my hip.

Her floatys was was already on so she should be good.

I slowly got in the water and she was right, it was ice cold

She snuggled up to me as I went completely got in the water

"Weeeeeeeeeee!" I spended her around

She giggled and splashed the water

"Mommy pick me up and dunk me!" she said and I did

We enjoyed ourselves

"Mama what's these boo boo's on your skin?" she asked

"Oh mommy burned herself a couple of times" I lied knowing those marks was from slim

She touched on them

Before she could ask any more questions I dried her and me off and we left

It was just about lunch so we ate at the buffete

"Mommy can I go get a scoop of ice cream?" she asked

"Of course baby" I told her

She smiled and hopped over to the ice cream parlor

"Excuse me?" I heard a deep voice say

I looked up to see this sexy young man who look like he is in his early 20's.

"Yes?" I replied

"Hi.... my name is Kenneth but I go by the name as Kenny,and my apology if you was doing something important but I just had to comer over here and admire your beauty." he said

I was so flattered

"Thank you and no, you wasn't bothering me, I'm actually glad you came over to speak because you are so handsome" I said

"Thanks, so are you staying here for awhile?" he asked

"Yeah pretty much,im going through a lot so I need this long break" I say

He smiled

Kenny was a bright caramel color. his smooth but yet buff skin was just perfect.his almond chocolate eyes defiantly was the most attractive.

"Excuse me for smiling but your really gorgeous"i say

"I can say the same for you" he kissed my hand

His phone started to ring.

"I gotta take this call I'll see you around ?" he asked

"Yeah" I batted my eyes

I know I sound naive but Kenny was too damn sexy not to say hey back to.

Plus he sounds a like good guy.


It's short but it's an update, plus I got more for y'all to find out so please stay tune and thanks for reading

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~Xoxoxoxo Tyvia

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