Chapter 5~ CPS

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*Kenneth p.o.v

"Kenny can you help me feed kyler" violet asked

Kyler was bouncing around everywhere cause she was hungry

"Come here you lil piggy" I grabbed her and sat her in a seat

I warned up her spaghetti and gave her that and some grape juice.

It was dinner time and we was feasting

Now I know slim probably mad as hell for me not sticking to the plan but I'm actually feeling violet. She just got this spark in her I like.

And then she got this beautiful angel that I can't help but to love I don't know why he would want to hurt them

After eating we put kyler to bed and just chilled in the other room.

"Kenny what are we?" violet asked

"I don't know really" I shrugged.

"I just wanna take things slow, I just got out of an abusive relationship and I'm scared of another one" she said

"Violet I would never hurt you, I just wanna be there for you, you then told me everything about your relationship and I would never put you through that again" I said and I meant it

Fuck slim and this dumb ass plan,this girl been hurting for the longest I'm not about to do that shit to her.

I know slim waiting on me but I don't care, I'm REALLY feeling this girl

The love is real

"I don't know how long ima be able to stay here, I'm running out of food and money"she says

"You can come chill at my house, there's plenty of stuff there. plus anything you need I'll buy it." I say

"No no no Kenny that's too much"

"It's no problem for me" I say

"Really?" She asked

I nodded

"Thank you" she hugged me, I hugged her back

The next morning we packed up and headed off to my place.

It was big and spacious

"I love this place" kyler said

"I bet you do ky" I tickled her

She giggled

We unpacked something's and just settled in

Kyler was on the floor playing dolls and me and violet was chilling

We heard a big knock on the door and I grabbed my gun and slowly walked to it.

Kyler ran to violet cause she was scared

"Who is it?" I asked sternly

"CPS" they answered

I put my gun in my pants and opened the door

"Were looking for Violet jones" they said.

"What about her?" I asked

Violet jumped up and grabbed kyler

The cops pushed me out of the way and grabbed her and kyler

I flashed out my gun and aimed it to them

"The fuck going on!" I screamed

"Were here for kidnapping, It appears mrs.jones took her daughter back from the adoption parents and that is against the laws" they said

"You kidnapped her?" I asked violet

"Mommy!!!!!!" kyler started to cry

"No kenny.... I can explain"

"You lied?" I asked

"Let's go mrs.jones" they said and escorted kyler and her out.

A couple of seconds later slim walked in.

He had a pissed off face on him

"Surprise Kenny ken ken" he smiled

"You lil bitch" he added

I backed up as he started to walk twoards me

"I trusted you to bring my wife and her daughter back, but instead, you wanted to play house on me" he said

"Damn you really did me dirty" He said

"Your a sick ass person slim, that girl got a daughter and you still wanna fuck her over" I say

"Shut up! that's none of your business kenneth. I do what I want and what I please. now get ready to have your fucking head taken off" he blasted me and I felt a sharp pain going on my left arm.

He shot me again and I was dieng in pain

I watched the blood ooze out of me

My vision started to get blurry.

And then I couldn't remember anything after that

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~Xoxoxoxo Tyvia

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