Chapter 11~ city of love

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Violet Pov

I tossed and turned across the bed trying to once again escape my night mate that I'm having.

Finally I snapped out of it and jumped up.

I looked on the side of me to see Kenneth gone.

I quickly moved out of the bed and put on my house slippers and rushed out the room and straight to kyler room praying to god she is in there

No sign of her so headed down stairs and repeatedly called her name and Kenny's name.

I was loosing my damn mind about them. They were no where to be found.

I heard water splashing comming from the backyard.

I opened the back door and walked passed the stone pillards to the pool.

My heart took a big relief when I saw her swimming in the pool.

Kenneth was sitting on a lounge chair watching her.

"Mommy look what I can do!" kyler did a flip under water.

"That's very amazing kyler." I walked over to Kenneth and took a seat next to him

"You don't have to be scared, I promise you I won't let nothing happen to her even when my back turns." He calms me

I looked at him with hesitation

"Kyler has been tooken away from me so many times. It's hard for me cause I just got her back and I don't want to loose her." I said sincerely

"But this is why we moved here violet. to start a new life and to be more in a better condition. were in France. look how about today we go tour it. We get in the car and just go see the city.get to know it" he offers

"Ok" I agreed

"Come on ky, let's go get dressed" he calls kyler out of the pool

She swims over and gets out the pool.

I undid her floaties and wrapped her up in a towel and we all went inside

"Mama I love our new house" kyler said as I put her in the bath tub

"I love it too baby" I kissed her forhead.

"Mama can we get a pet to with our new house?" she asks sweetly

I couldn't say no to that adorable face but at the same time I'm not sure about it yet.

"We'll see baby" I finished washing her up and got her dressed.

I quickly showered and slipped on my clothes and just wore my wet bouncy curly hair how it is.

After refreshening up I went downstairs to see Kenny and kyler play fighting. Too cute

"You ready ?" he asks

"Yeah...but how are we going to go see the city when we don't speak French?" I asked

"im sûr que nous allons obtenir le coup de lui" he spoke and I was shocked as hell.

"I said...I'm pretty sure we'll get the hang of it, so come on" he grabbed my hand and kyler followed. we got in the car and headed out.

We ate breakfast at some restaurant and then went to a couple of boutiques.

Kyler was enjoying it. most if the bags were for her. she deserved it. After all my baby girl been through a lot.

"You ready to go ky?" I asked her as we grabbed our last outfits out the changing room. Kenneth waited in the car cause it was a Woman's boutique.

"Yes mommy, can we buy this dress?" she asked as she turned around and holded up a pink puffy Cinderella dress that was bedazzled with rhinestones.

"Yes ky, now come on, Kenny wanna take us to this waterfall at the plaza" we walked out the changing room and headed to the check out and paid for everything.

We put the bags in the trunk and got in the car

Kyler sat in the back singing along to the French music. me and Kenneth held hands as he droved down the foreign road.

We arrived at the plaza where people were dancing and singing. other people were sitting by the fountain making wishes, and eating with their family.

"Come on baby" Kenneth grabbed my hand and walked me and kyler up to a nice beautifully decorated table.

"I'll be right back" Kenneth got up and walked into a crowd which I lost him in.

"Where's kenny going?" kyler asked

"I don't know sweet heart" I shrugged

Suddenly I heard a guitar playing behind me. I scooted around and it was a cute little French band playing, one of them started singing in french. I didn't know what they were saying but as the song continue on people gathered around and watch the performance. I didn't know what this was leading to and I didn't know where was Kenneth.

They ended but everyone was still gathered around me. I looked over to see people back up and making a entrance. Kenneth walk through the entrance with a red violet little box in his hand

He walked up to me with a huge smile displayed on his face.

"Kenny what's going on?" I asked

" I never tried this before but for the longest I've been trying my hardest to find a way to make you mine officially the right way. I know you just got out of a crazy exotic relationship but I don't want nobody to have you except for me. I don't want me to have nobody except for you. I refuse to let you be hurt by anybody else. I don't wanna wait any second later to ask you this so....will you marry me?" he kneeled down on his knee and opened the box as he spoke. a big flashy diamond ring came up.

I was in complete shock.

I wasn't ready at all. I just started loving Kenneth and I don't wanna move to fast, but at the same time I want a man exactly like him. someone who will treat me special.

My heart was beating against my chest. I was scared, and confused. I'm ready for love but not for marriage.

Yes or no?


what y'all think yes or no?

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Please don't be upset at me because of the slackness but I'm just trying to find a way to end this cause this book is so long over due. so maybe 9 chapters left im thinking.

Please vote,comment, and fan me

~xoxoxoxoxo Tyvia

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