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Chapter Five.  Cheryl.  Party time.

“Heads up!”

I alert Kimberley to me presence as I weave me way towards her through the crowd.  As I take a step closer a random knock of me elbow sends some of the lager I’m carrying slopping over onto me hand.

“Sh!t, sorry mate”

The perpetrator, a cute tomboi with full sleeve tatts and a Motorhead t-shirt, swiftly apologises before offering us her own tinny in replacement. 

“No I’m fine but ta anyways”

I smile back at her and she turns crimson much to the amusement of her drunken friends.  Leaving their teasing and sniggering behind I sidle up to Kimberley handing her the full can and keeping the other for meself.

“Poor thing she’s been checking you out all night, probably didn‘t anticipate getting you wet in that way” Kimberley states with a chuckle.

“Yeah well we can’t all have your smooth moves” I counter, chugging down a few mouthfuls of the chilled lager.

“I’m hardly smooth” she smiles, her eyes making a quick survey of the room, “more like a diamond in the rough”

“Aye” I agree, “Jess keeps some interesting company that‘s for sure”

It’s mid January and, despite it usually being a dreary time of year, we’ve found ourselves invited to Jess and Thumper’s new flat-warming party.  The place is packed wall to wall with a mixture of dykes, rockers and, in most cases, both.  Music blasts out of two huge speakers positioned at either side of the room. Apart from the sound system the couple in question have very wisely put just the basics out keeping the rest of their valuables boxed away in the locked bedroom.  I only know this since Kimberley and I were given the big tour way earlier.  Also I say the big tour but there’s not much you can do with a one bed roomed flat in Stoke Newington.  Still at least they’ve got an actual bed and a balcony with a decent view which is a damn sight more than Jess had back when we were girlfriends.

Entirely unbidden me mind returns to a clear memory of one summer’s day and the two of us writhing around together on a bare mattress on the floor of her bedsit.  Funnily enough the memory brings with it no pangs of either arousal or regret.  With Jess fcuking was what we did to ease that gnawing sexual ache everyone gets and, like solo play, once the itch had been scratched we’d simply flop onto our backs, occasionally she might have a fag.  There was no snuggling, no giggling and stolen kisses.  It’s only when I look back that I realise how weirdly detached from each other we really were only occasionally taking physical sustenance from one another’s bodies.  Having said that we were also good mates which is probably why we stayed together for a fair while.

But their was no real passion…not like there is with Kimberley…

Abruptly me mind replaces Jess’s writhing form with that of me current girlfriend and I go stiff, certain parts of us tightening almost painfully.  I’ve been so busy with the gym that I’ve not seen much of Kimberley since Christmas and that has taken its toll on us sex life.  Frankly now, seeing her looking so gorgeous tonight, I’m absolutely gagging for it.

“Babe you ok?”

Kimberley’s warm hand slides onto me forearm, stroking softly and it’s all I can do not to pin her up against Jess and Thumper’s living room wall.

“Ahurgh!” I fake a cough, “yeah the pot smoke’s knocking us dizzy, mebbes we should go out on the balcony pet”

Kimberley nods her agreement and I take her hand silently grateful to the small group of stoners as we emerge from the increasingly sickly sweet smelling room into the chilly night air.

“Fcuk it’s cold!” Kimberley winces, shivering in her jeans and the vintage Skid Row tee I got her for Christmas.

Me eyes can’t help drifting downwards noticing the goosebumps forming on her normally silky smooth skin and the pucker of her nipples through the flimsy cotton of her top.  For a brief moment I imagine what it’d be like to slide the material up, exposing her breasts to the night air before covering them with me ravenous mouth.  I fantasize about pressing her up against the balcony her cries of pleasure escaping into the night air as I move me mouth lower…

Kimberley’s quiet chuckling breaks the moment,

“Hey Romeo, you gonna stop staring at my tits anytime soon?”

“Sorry, it’s just with not seeing you in ages, I’m kinda horny” I admit sheepishly, the action in me Spiderman boi-shorts starting to fade.

Oh no me spidey sense has stopped tingling…

Still grinning at us she steps forward, her body flush with mine as she slips a hand between me legs squeezing us through me jeans.  She licks her full lips hungrily and I gulp.

Or perhaps not!

Casting a glance back over her shoulder she regards us wickedly, her hand still cupping me bits.

“You know if you’re that horny I could get you off right now.  I think most of them are too p!ssed or stoned to notice.  That’s if you can be quiet…”

She quirks an eyebrow upwards, gives another squeeze,

“Up for it?”

Shivering meself I nod eagerly.  As Kimberley slides me hoodie up a bit and gets to work on the zipper of me jeans I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this, a jerk off on me ex-girlfriend‘s balcony with just a pane of glass between us and an entire room full of people.

It’s not as though I’ve even had much to drink…this isn’t like us…what am I thinkin’ of ?!


Just as I’m beginning to doubt the wisdom of me decision Kimberley’s fingertips delve past the waistband of me panties and between me lower lips.  Her grey-green eyes are full of longing watching us intently as she slowly draws wetness from me opening back up to the prominence of me pulsing clit.  Guiding us back up against the metal balcony she covers me body with her own, hiding her working hand from public sight.

“Is that ok babe?” she questions huskily, her lips at me ear as though we’re innocently necking.

“God...yeah” I reply with a stifled groan.  Her gently circling fingertips are like demons teasing and stoking the fire raging within us.  Me arms are hooked tightly around the metal railings as she changes tactics taking the now swollen length of us between her thumb and forefinger stroking back and forth with slick fluid movements that make me breath quicken and me body tremble.

“You’re always so responsive…” she murmurs happily, “…I love…I love making you come”

The pure desire in her voice sends me already saturated senses into overdrive.  When she starts kissing me neck, her lips full and soft against me sensitive skin, I know it won’t take much longer.

“I’m nearly there” I gasp, baring me flushed face to the night sky, “keep goin’”

I know it’s stupid to ask, of course she’s not going to stop, from me previous experience she’ll never stop until I’m satisfied.  She doesn’t care about the people partying metres away or the neighbours or the rush of traffic on the street below.  This is true passion.

This is…

“Oh…ohh God!”

I let out a low groan, me eyes flying open as Kimberley intensifies her motions and I go crashing over the edge into orgasm.  I slump into her feeling the ecstasy flowing out of us in huge drawn out waves, the stars overhead burning bright into me retinas.

Kimberley keeps her hand where it is, her fingers gradually slowing to a standstill as I come back down from me natural high.

“I can’t believe we just did that” I admit with a giggle.  I feel giddy and suddenly self conscious having never experienced outdoor sex before.

Oh Christ what if someone saw?!

“Don’t worry” Kimberley smiles, easing her hand from me pants and kissing us, “on a scale of one to ten you were about four, that’s pretty quiet considering”

“What, considering your sexual prowess?” I tease, quickly fastening me jeans and reaching for me can.  Me legs are still wobbling around like Zebedee, this is one party I won’t be forgetting.

Kimberley grins widely,

“Yeah I mean it’s just a daily curse some of us have to live with ya know”

Laughing I take her in me arms again warming her body with mine as we spend a little longer in reflective silence staring out over the skyline.  A series of fireworks bang and fizzle in the distance and I comment that it’s like our own personal New Year’s Eve which was spent apart due to Kimberley’s work commitments and my aversion to the holiday as a whole.

I mean what’s the big deal?  It’s only another day and a way for bars and clubs to charge inflated prices for the usual crap.

Naturally to Kimberley as a businesswoman the celebrations were super important and I was only too happy to let her get on with it.  I’d far rather be sat in front of the telly with a cuppa and an action film which is exactly how I’d seen in twenty fourteen.

You can’t beat a bit of Die Hard!

We‘ve been outside another ten or so minutes when Kimberley turns round in me arms.

“You go back in if you want, I’m going to ring Nadine and check everything’s ok at the club”

I frown,

“I’m sure it’ll be fine pet, she’s handled things on her own before”

“Never a theme night” Kimberley wrings her hands anxiously, “I’ll just give her a quick call”

I sigh, rolling me eyes at her,

“Go on then but you’d best not leave us in the lurch tonight, no amount of balcony sex makes up for that”

She gives us a brief kiss on the lips,

“Five minutes babe then I‘m all yours again I promise”

Having some time to meself I head in the direction of the toilet which’s currently engaged, judging by the noises coming from within I guess it could be a while until it’s free so I decide to grab another drink.  I’ve not consumed a lot of alcohol so far so one more couldn’t do any harm.  As I’m bent over reaching for a Carling I feel a light squeeze of my butt.  I swing round ready to confront me molester but it’s only a tipsy Jess.

“Hey sexy” she grins, inclining her head towards me derriere, “I’ve missed that…and these”

She makes a move in the direction of me breasts but I soon stop her with firm hands.

“Aww” she sticks her bottom lip out exaggeratedly, “does that mean you and the lovely Kimberley won’t be joining us for a little girly action after the others have gone home”

She quirks her eyebrows upwards at the words girly action so I’m left in no doubt as to her meaning. 

Oh dear!  Unexpected…

“You’re into that sort of thing now then?” I ask awkwardly, “Kimberley and I we…err…I mean we don’t…well you know”

Nah we just did it on your balcony instead!

Mistaking me blushes Jess laughs heartily,

“I can’t believe you’re still so easy to wind up even after all these years!”

She slaps us on the arm,

“Here have another lager you look like you need it.  The thought of me and Sam’s not that frightening is it?  On second thoughts don‘t answer that”

We chat for a while longer, mulling over jobs and relationships before I suddenly realise that now I really need to wee and that Kimberley’s going to wonder where the hell I’ve got to.  Excusing meself I nip back to the toilet making meself comfortable before scanning the crowd for me girlfriend.  I finally spot her deep in conversation with an attractive flame-haired woman carrying what look suspiciously like flyers.

I wish she’d quit networking even if it’s only for one evening…and she complains that I work too hard!


As I near the pair Kimberley takes a drink from us, sliding her hand round me waist,

“…this is Katherine, she runs a sex shop exclusively for women”

“Oh…err…right” I smile unsure exactly what either of them expect us to say next, “that’s nice”

The woman laughs, handing us a flyer,

“Ten percent off for anytime you fancy popping in or we’ve got a website too if you’re on the shy side”

“Thanks” I reply still bemused at being accosted so strangely.

She turns her attentions back to Kimberley,

“Anyway its been really good to meet you and I hope to hear from you soon, you‘ve got my card”

“Likewise, I‘ll be in touch” Kimberley replies, smiling as the woman disappears back into the crowd clutching her discount flyers.

“Ok now that was bizarre” I state, studying Kimberley with intrigue, “why will you be in touch?”

Kimberley takes a sip of her drink,

“She was just wondering if we could do a bit of a trade off, you know like she puts some flyers for her business in my place and I advertise the club in her shop”

She smiles at me innocently,

“Nothing for you to be concerned about babe”

Hmm…so why do I get the niggling feeling there’s something more to this?  Nah I'm probably just being suspicious for no good reason...