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Chapter One. 

Cheryl.  Outside ‘the gym’. 17th November.


Walt lets the word hang in the air, stepping back to look at the cheery yellow anti-vandal paintwork we’ve been labouring over for the past two hours or so.

“Bunting” I repeat, “what about bunting?”

“You should get some for your family fun day” he muses, dipping his roller back into the paint and slopping it onto the wall, “it’d make it look more festive for the kids, Christmas is coming up after all”


Before I can answer there’s a sudden gust of freezing wind that shakes the small scaffolding platform I’m stood on.  Swearing under me breath I swipe numb fingers back over me ponytail, tucking a few unruly strands of hair behind me ears.  A hat and gloves would’ve been a wise move but it’s a bit late for that now.

“Aye, good idea.  I‘d almost forgotten about Christmas with doing this place up and Kimberley‘s birthday on Wednesday”

He smiles,

“I’m curious, what exactly do you buy a millionaire for their special day?”

I grin back down at him, lifting an eyebrow suggestively,

“Mebbes I’m planning on givin’ her something money can’t buy”

He purses his lips,

“Oh money can always buy that you’ve just got to know where to look”

“Really?” I chuckle, “sounds like you’re speaking from firsthand experience there”

“Hardly” he scoffs, “Walter William Esquire respects the ladies”

I laugh,

“I’m sure you do pet, now pass us that cloth”

It’s many hours later when we finally finish the second coat on the outside of the gym, I say the gym not Marcus’s Gym because, after taking down the battered old sign, I’ve still to decide on a new name for the place.  In the months since Marcus left it to us I’ve found meself pre-occupied with other things and now is the first real opportunity I’ve had to put me plans into action.  Late November isn’t the ideal time to be re-painting an entire building but, after a few helpful visits to me financial advisor at the bank, I want to get all the upgrades done as soon as possible.  Me first objective is to make the gym more kid friendly and no I don’t mean like a creche.  To me own mind self defence is one of the most important things a young person can be coached in, if it’s taught right it can instil a sense of confidence, self discipline and honour that last a lifetime.  I hope that I’m living proof of that.  Also what’s not to like about the ability to kick the arse of someone who disrespects you.

I’m back indoors cleaning off the last of the painting tools when me mobile starts ringing with an alarming tune.

I knew I shouldn’t have let Ozzie fiddle with it the other day!

Sticking the rollers and white spirit to one side I quickly dry off me hands and answer.

“Hello, Cheryl Tweedy speaking”

“Well I didn’t think it’d be anyone else”

Kimberley’s quiet sarcasm virtually oozes through the phone into me ear.  What would have done my head in at one time now causes me to grin from ear to ear.

Mmm she’s sexy!  Her voice…her face…her body…oh what I wouldn’t do right now…

“Cheryl?  Are you still there?”