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Chapter Eight.  Kimberley. 

The headquarters of Sticky Sweet Productions. 10AM.

“The fact is I’ve sort of starting seeing someone…it’s Nadine…Coyle”

“Yes” I regard Danielle with mild exasperation, “I know which Nadine you mean and this should concern me why?  Oh God you‘re not backing out of things at this stage?!”

I bloody hope not, not after we’ve just spent an hour shooting promo photos!

Danielle shakes her head, nonplussed,

“No, we’re not that serious but I thought I should let you know”

“Right” I nod with heavy relief, “good, I can’t be loosing my leading lady on the very first day”

I pause, a thought coming to mind,

“And does Nadine know?  It’s meant to be our secret remember?”

Danielle shakes her head again, shrugs,

“Nah.  She knows about the stuff I’ve done in the past, it’s common knowledge with the girls at the club like, I’ve not told her about this though”

I let out a sigh,

“Good, you deal with your girlfriend and I’ll deal with mine”

Danielle grins then laughs,

“Ha!  That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one shagging a load of other birds!”

Precisely.  Danielle, in all her Essex girl bluntness, has just hit the nail on the head.  She’s the adult entertainer, the one who will be baring all and well and truly getting down to it.  I’m merely the one directing and funding the whole she-bang if you’ll excuse the pun.  So why am I so jittery?

Cheryl.  That’s why.  What if she freaks out? 

Fcuk’s sake pull yourself together you’re a grown woman!

Yes, one who’s merely seeking to ensure her future by adding to her business portfolio.  As the owner of a successful strip-club it only seemed natural that I invest in another similar enterprise and, consequently, today is the first day of filming for Sticky Sweet Productions my very own modestly-sized lesbian porn company and website. 

What had started off as a vague idea in my tipsy, post-Christmas Day mind had soon formed into a relatively savvy business plan.  If certain companies could make money from producing dross like the fcuk-flick Cheryl and I had sat through then I was sure I could do better, a lot better, with harder content, hotter women and superior quality.  Something that the audience would watch to get their pulses racing and not just for a laugh.  The filming and sound equipment had come as a favour through a contact at The Leopard Lounge, sex toys and underwear were part of a reciprocal deal with Jess and Thumper’s mate sex shop owner Katherine.  The gem of the whole project though was my procurement of warehouse space well away from the prying eyes and ears of the general public.  The warehouse, sold to me at a fair price by Marcie, was the perfect place to house a small office and couple of separate sets.  A place to let my libidinous imagination run riot.

Now the big day has finally arrived I’m excited and not just in the obvious way.  Something new and special is finally happening, I can only hope that Cheryl eventually feels the same about my project.


“…I know there’s not a lot of dialogue but it’s important that everything’s as natural as possible.  Try to forget the camera’s there and please, for pity’s sake, no over the top hysterical moaning.  Only do it if you’re feeling it, no faking.  I want realism not you looking like you’re being attacked by a bear with a taser…”