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Hello and welcome all!

This is a place that I decided would be cool to create in an environment like Wattpad. I know that I've always had a hard time with editing and critiquing my own writing and even though I show a lot of my stuff to friends, I know that it's always nice to be able to bounce ideas off of several people and a lot of us don't have that opportunity (or the confidence if you're like me).

Basically, here is where we can all better our grammar and writing in general, share opinions and ask plenty of questions about anything and everything. Feel free to share a piece of your own writing that you may want comments/thoughts on or help in editing it. If you're shy at all like I tend to be or you would just rather not have your username attached to the writing you share here, just send me a message and I'll upload your writing here anonymously.

All writing is welcome and even if you don't write, you're welcome just the same!

If you plan on sticking around, just drop a comment introducing yourself, please! Just share your name, genre and what you do (writing, reading, editing, all, etc). I'll start,

I'm @Ivvy_Grace, you can call me Ivvy or Alex. I write and read, but I'm kind of a lousy editor. I write/read almost anything. The only genre I've never been able to get into is wolves fiction, I do love fantasy though.

I think that's all I wanted to say... Hope to see you guys around!

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