Peter Parker ♡Caught you

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There was a single rose was sitting in (Name)'s locker when she opened it on February 14. A look of surprise appeared on her face, but was replaced with a smile. Peter stood next to her rummaging through his locker. He kept his face hidden from (Name), so she wouldn't see his smile and guess that he was the one who had put the rose in her locker.

"Look what someone put in my locker," she said showing him the beautiful flower.

"That's great, (Name)," he said. Peter looked at his best friend and smiled. He had developed a crush on (Name) in the tenth grade; one year after he had met her in ninth grade when they got lockers next to each other.


It was first period English, and (Name) turned around to talk to her friend, Lacy. They were supposed to write a poem for Valentine's Day and they were just throwing ideas at each other.

"Write something about being alone on V-Day," Lacy said.

"But I don't think I'm going to be alone today. I got a rose remember?" (Name) said showing Lacy the rose again.

"It could just be someone who feels sorry for all the loners out there."

"Don't crush my dreams," (Name) said turning around. She looked a her blank notebook and noticed a folded piece of paper on it she opened it up and read the poem scribbled on it. She smiled and tried not to squeal.

Are roses red?

Are violets blue?

Did you know

That I love you?


(Name) hated math. With a burning passion. She sat in her seat doing her best not to yell at the stupid problems. Why couldn't the stupid teacher couldn't just give them one day off? That's right: she was pure evil and hated (Name). (Name) was about to crumple up the paper and throw it in the trash, but a piece of paper landed on her desk. She looked at the direction it came from, but it could have been an of the boys over there. Rhett, Jake, Kyle, Ian, or even Peter. She looked at the note.

On it, were a bunch of functions. (Name) was confused for a moment, but then realized what she was supposed to do. She quickly entered them into the graph on her calculator and it gave her a picture... a heart. She blushed and hid the heart so no one would see it.


History was rather relaxing. All they did was watch The Titanic. It was one of (Name)'s favorite movies and she watched every second she could. She didn't notice when yet another piece of paper landed on her desk. She only noticed it when something hit her head. She looked around, but almost all the boys were sleeping and the girls were absorbed in the movie. She looked down at her desk and noticed the note.

Did you know this movie might have been based on a true story? Maybe I could be Jack and you could be Rose? (Without me dying of course!)

(Name) let out a small laugh and got some glares from the people that were actually watching the movie. She blushed and put the note with the rose and other two notes.


(Name) usually loved science, but it was rather boring today. The teacher had decided to teach the class about roses. (Name) knew all this stuff and really wanted to do something else. She sat doodling in her journal. Her pencil broke and she got up to sharpen it. She walked back to her sea and this time she saw another rose and a note. She quickly picked it up and read it:

I've got nothing for this class. So here's a rose for you. I guess it's scince-ish because it does photosynthesis.

There was a single rose was sitting in (Name)'s locker when she opened it on February 14. A look of surprise appeared on her face, but was replaced with a smile. Peter stood next to her rummaging through his locker. He kept his face hidden from (Name), so she wouldn't see his smile and guess that he was the one who had put the rose in her locker.

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