Peter Parker ♡Awkward Genes Pt.5

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"Hey-!" you shrieked, your heart thumping both from the fear and the running. Tears sprung to your eyes as he placed a cool, rubbery palm just over your mouth to muffle your scream.

So, this is it, you thought as you were practically being dragged away deeper into the alleyway. This is how I'll die. Goodbye, Mom. Goodbye Da--

"Okay, once I let you go, promise to keep quiet. Those guys are still around." He murmured to you as he settled besides a dumpster with his arm wrapped around your shoulders. You had to strain your ears to hear the muffled voice telling you what to do even though his face was right by your ear.

You remained silent, taking in a few sniffs of the air only to heave against his palm. The putrid smell of spoiled milk and rotten eggs among other ghastly things invaded your nostrils to the point that you would have very much accepted this guy to cover your entire face with open arms as long as he stifled the smell of garbage. You whined against him and began to claw at his arm, only to get a string of apologies thrown at you.

"I'm sorry. I just--" he began, sounding very much distressed about HOLDING YOU AGAINST YOUR WILL BY A DUMPSTER. How can he be feeling distressed?! He wasn't the one that had two guys chasing after him only to get jumped by a guy in a stretchy suit that may or may not be a fake calling himself Spider-Man! ...Wait, had he even claimed to be Spider-Man? It didn't matter at this point because you managed to push him into the brick wall which earned a quiet grunt as pressure was being issued onto his abdomen. It wasn't very satisfying, but it'd have to do for the moment. You struggled to keep your weight on him the more you continued to try to both keep him pinned and getting him to release you. It didn't help that you were suddenly very aware of his rock hard biceps pressing against your arms as he kept his hands over your mouth.

'Oh, my god. This guy is fucking built. There's no way I'll be able to get away.' You thought in dismay. Despite your realization, your face began to heat up shamelessly from both the anger and embarrassment of this guy being nicely toned.

"Quit doing that!" he almost hissed, completely unfazed by the fact that he was being squashed into the wall. "I'm just trying to help you without beating the shit outta those two perverts--"

"Hey, asshole!"

Someone had interrupted his scolding with a booming, slurred voice which you recognized almost immediately. In response to that, you both jumped from the surprise with you releasing a tiny squeak that resembled a small mouse. You didn't even know you were capable of doing such noises to begin with! There was an annoyed sigh from behind you as the man in spandex grumbled out a low "Guess not" under his breath. Really? He wasn't at all perturbed in the slightest by the drunken man that would have raped you, stalking over with an angry fire in his eyes? How the hell was this bozo even able to find you behind this god damn dumpster to begin with?! Were you really that loud?! Some time between then and now, you had unknowingly clutched onto "Spider-Man's" arm and shrunk against him as if trying to become jelly and seeping behind him. He slipped his hands away from you and gave you what felt to be a reassuring caress on your jaw as he pushed away from the wall to put himself between you and the almost-rapist.

"Stay still. And don't do anything stupid," he ordered over his shoulder. To be completely honest, you were still sorting through your thoughts trying to figure out whether or not that gentle touch on your jaw was intentional.

'God, (Name), this is totally not the time to be gushing over such a thing. HE WAS GONNA KIDNAP YOU... Possibly?' You shook your head and in the moment you did that, a heavy crash of cardboard boxes being crushed and metal trash cans toppling over echoed throughout the alleyway.

Your eyes darted everywhere at once as you tried to find "Spider-Man", but much to your horror, he was nowhere to be seen. There was a grunt and a stream of curses leaving Ken's dirty mouth as he stood to his feet. If it were possible to see Hell in someone's eyes, you were seeing it right now. He snapped his head to look where the guy he had been fighting before was at, but just like you had seen, there was no one. Why were you still standing there? The asshole had left you behind with your perpetrator not even 30 feet away from you! Before you had been in your right mind to flee, Ken's eyes finally landed on you. He didn't look at you with that lewd look as he did earlier, he now looked at you with a heinous grimace. You were a deer in headlights; completely frozen, as he continued to glower at you with each step he took towards you.

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