Peter Parker x Artist!Reader ~ ♡Nerd, Huh?

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You just finished your school. Literally. You were drawing a picture of your old high school, a present for your friend, Gwen Stacy. You heard she broke up with her boyfriend, Peter Parker and you wanted to cheer her up. Though she didn't look sad at all and she didn't take your gift, so you were standing there, in front of her house, confused, holding a huge (really, really huge!) picture of the high school. You blinked few times and let go a deep breath.
"Well fuck you too then." You mumbled under your breath and turned away only to bump into... Peter Parker himself! "What the-?!" And you were lying on the ground. And your picture too. In two parts. Maybe three now.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't look where I was going- here, let me help..."
"No need for this..." You mumbled standing up. "Well... it was going to the refuse bin anyway." You sighed grabbing parts of picture you drew for Gwen. In your surprise, Peter helped you get the parts and helped you stood up from the ground. "Thanks... Peter, I assume." He nodded.
"And you must be (Y/N), friend of Gwen's."
"That's a contentious issue. It looks like I was fired as a friend." He chuckled slightly.
"Welcome to the club, I was fired as a boyfriend. You know why is she like this?" You shook your head. "One word. Oxford."
"She's moving to England?" He nodded. "Well... I am definetely fired then." He laughed louder this time. "Since I have hour or two... care to grab a cup of coffie in a cafe nearby?" He gave you a little smirk.
"Sure. I owe you, nerdie." You blinked few times.
"Nerdie? I'm not a nerd! How did you come out with idea like this?!"
"School." He pointed the picture and you blushed. "Not even askin'." He smirked as you threw the picture to trash. It was departed anyway, so why keep it? You couldn't fix it and it was sure as hell you weren't dragging it to the cafe. "But why this cafe?" He asked when you entered a small, quiet cafe. He didn't even know this cafe exist!
"Well, I am kinda working here, so I can grab a cup or two of coffie for free." You smiled and greeted your cooworkers. When you told them what you need, you and Peter sat at the table in the corner, looking threw a big window. "So, you're still into photography?"
" 'Still'? How did you-"
"We were in the same high school, Peter, I am not an ignorant." He smiled a bit as you drank a little of your coffie.
"Right. Sorry. And yes, actually I am working as a photographer for Jameson." You raised your eyebrows. Jameson? The crazy Jameson who hated Spiderman? This Jameson? "You think I'm a hater of Spiderman don't you?"
"Nope. Not at all. I just think you lost your mind or you are desperate to work for him. Wait, it's the same... dammit." He laughed and so did you. You couldn't see why Gwen broke up with him, he was cute, handsome and funny. Was Oxford that important for her, really? You were talking with Peter like for almost two hours, he was very passionate about being a photographer and so were you when you were speaking about art. Pete was interested in seeing you artworks, especially when you told him you did draw few portraits of Spiderman himself.
"I was basing on your photos, actually." You admitted. "You have a great eye, Pete. You should find a better work, people would love your photos." He chuckled slightly and looked into his - now - empty cup.
"I don't think so. All they see in me is a nerd."
"Well hell no. You are not a nerd, sir. You're a far away from being a nerd. And even if, it's not something bad, really." He raised his gaze at you and was about to say something, when he suddenly stood up and literally threw himself at you, yelling 'get down'! Not even a second later something crashed the window and something blew up. Peter looked at you, searching for any wounds and when he didn't see anything, he left. And then Spiderman showed up, right after Rhino. Fight was quick and the bad guy was now in police's hands. And you were searching for Peter.
"Peter?! Peter!? God dammit... where the hell are you, Pete?!" You yelled looking for the brown haired man. You sighed angrily when someone touched your arm. Starled, you jumped and heard someone laughing. "You moron!" You slightly punched Peter's arm. "I was scared you got hurt!"
"Ah, worry about me so soon?" He teased smirking and you shook your head, slightly blushing.
"Moron. Of course I was worried, you idiot! Who wouldn't be?" He laughed at you and humped your hair. "Watch it! I like you, but do that again and I will bite your hand off! Or stab you with a pencil! How would you like that? Having a pencil in your chest?" He laughed even more, and so did you. What a beautiful start for a beautiful friendship.

Few months passed as that happened. Peter was a great friend. Even if he missed Gwen and was talking to you about it, when you had a huge crush on him. But he stopped talking about Gwen few weeks ago. You wondered why, but never asked. Every saturday he was going to your place and he was taking pictures of you painting or/and drawing, as you were paiting his pictures or him. Then you usually were making a hot chocolate or hot-cold chocolate and cookies, and you both were laughing at the couch, eating and drinking together. And every Thursday, when you were finishing your shift as a waitress, he was waiting and you were grabbing a cup of coffie. Just like this day. He just came back from a long trip, you havent's seen him for more than a week! And he was now, standing there, smirking at you with his camera.
"Hey there, Di Capr-"
"Da Vinci. It was Leonardo Da Vinci, if you meant the painter." You corrected him with a huge smirk, before you hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. You were always doing this. And he was too. A friends thing. Unfortunately, you wished it meant something more... but you never dared to ruing your beautiful friendship with Parker. He was too important for you.
"That's why you are the artist and I'm the photographer." He said kissing your cheek too, when you pulled away a little. "How are you? Anything new happened?" You shook your head.
"Nah, same job, same home, same me. Same you. Nothing new!" You sighed looking at him. "Peter... you remember this crazy Rhino guy that interrupted our meeting moths ago? In this cafe?" He nodded. "What if I see him. Like right threw the window. On the street. Running right into our direction-Peter get down!" You shrieked pushing him on the floor and in the last moment you dodged a huge machine. And again, Peter vanished and Spiderman showed up. Honestly, you had your thoughts about this. though you never heard Spiderman talking, so you couldn't recognize the voice. You tried to now search Peter after Spiderman's fight with Rhino. Cafe was a mess. You only hoped he's okay. You were alone in the cafe, when everyone were on the street, watching Rhino being in handcuffs. Spiderman vanished moments ago.
"Hey miss, ya looking for someone?" No way. Spiderman. Talking. To you. "You mute lady?"
"Watch your mouth, Spidey!" You hissed stepping away. "And yes, I am searching for someone. That height, brown hair, puppy brown eyes, kinda cute and rather handsome, extremaly annoying and he's probably a total loser and a nerd."
"Well he-hey!" You laughed and pulled off his mask. "You... you knew?"
"I wasn't sure. But I was when you spoke up, Pete. You have to do something about this, Parker." He shook his head. He was staring at you. "What?"
"You said I'm cute and handsome." He smirked and you blushed.
"N-No!" He gave you 'the look'. "Okay, maybe..."
"Have I ever told you you look sexy in this shirt?" He asked and before you said anything, he pulled you extremaly close to him with his web, you bumped onto him, crashing his lips with yours accidently. But for him - on purpose. His lips were so soft and warm... your lips moved in sync, as he held you by your waist and arms. When you pulled away he whined slightly.
"I should reveal your secrets more often." Then you blinked few times. "Did Gwen knew?" He nodded slowly, as his happiness vanished. "Th-this is why she left, isn't it?" He nodded again. "Let me guess, you blew it up by saying 'i don't want you to get hurt' am I right?" Again, he nodded. You sighed and quickly placed a passionate kiss on his lips. Little bit surprised, he embraced you tighter with his arms, pulling you extremaly close to his body. "Just try do the same crap with me and I swear I will stab you to death with a pencil." You threatened as he laugh and buried his face in your hair, when he hugged you. "I'm serious Peter! I always keep my promises and you know I am pretty stubborn!"
"And that's why I love you, (Cute Nickname)." He whispered and kissed your hair, as you melted in his arms. Who knew that you would fell in love with Peter Parker, the photographer, you friend's ex boyfriend and a famous, sassy Spiderman?

Well I did, actually.

Shut up, go kiss Pete already.


Credit to BrodreRavn on deviant art

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