Peter Parker ♡Secrets

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A sappy romance movie was playing on the TV in front of you and Peter. It had become a ritual that every now and again you two would have a movie night complete with popcorn and surround sound. But usually the movies would be action or adventure. This time, however, you'd played movie roulette and landed on a romantic period drama. The plot actually wasn't all that bad and the acting was fine but for some reason you couldn't get into it tonight. Things had been stressful at school, and the past week had been rough on you. This, compounded with Peter sitting next to you and the blanket draped over the pair of you, began to make you very, very tired. Eventually, you decided not to fight it and allowed yourself to go limp and drift into sleep.
Peter was only aware of this, however, when your body slid down the sofa cushions to rest on his.

"_______?" he whispered, "You asleep?" your light breathing was the only answer, "I guess so." He looked down at your sleeping face for a moment, a crooked grin spreading across his face. You looked adorable. Your hair was mussed a little, and the stress had left your features. He brushed a few strands of hair from your face and sighed. Peter never knew what exactly he was to you: a friend, a classmate, a boyfriend? It was all so blurry. He wanted the last one to be true but there was so much to think about. The whole superhero business would put you in potential danger. He would have to sneak around and lie to protect his identity, and he didn't want to do that to you. But there was so much temptation sometimes just to sweep you into his arms and kiss you senseless. Like when you got frustrated with math homework or when you would hum little tunes to yourself. Or like right now, when you looked like a sleeping angel.

He wrapped an arm around your waist and stroked your side with his thumb. He was so comfortable around you. You always had a smile for him. You laughed at his jokes. You were easy going and calm. You were you.

One time he had stumbled to your apartment after getting messed up from some hero work. He had managed to change back into civilian clothes but still needed some kind of medical attention. You had opened the door and, after a gasp, a taken charge immediately. There were no questions until he had been patched up and even then your questions hadn't been prying. The thing he had remembered most was the look on your face, eyebrows knit, biting your lip, worry pulling your face taut as a bow string. The crushing hug you had given him when he left confirmed how concerned you really were. For some reason, he had felt good in your care. Not good that you were worried, he hated that, but the way your hands felt on his skin, even accompanied by Neosporin, felt wonderful.

As Peter reminisced, you began to wake up. You were extremely comfortable and had no intention of moving but you did decide to comment on the movie,

"Oh, it seems they're in love..." your sleepy voice startled Peter. You felt him flinch and tense up. Peter glanced at the screen. The main leads were kissing heatedly.

"It seems they are." He replied, suddenly feeling awkward.

"Are you in love with anyone, Peter?" you asked with the most innocent tone in the world. You felt him flinch again and smirked a little to yourself, too tired to tease him properly.

"Maybe. I think I am, but I don't know what she thinks of me." He blushed in the dark.

"She'd have to be a fool not to love you, Peter." She yawned, "You should go for it with her."

There was a beat of silence while Peter screwed up his courage.

"_______ would you look at me?" you tilted your head on his shoulder so it was facing him, eyes still hazy from sleep.

And then he kissed you. It took a moment for you to realize, but you slowly melted into his lips. One hand slid up his chest to his neck, feeling his heart race. You vaguely felt his arm tighten around your waist and hitch you a bit higher. After a few more blissful moments you parted, smiles spreading on both your faces.

"Well, I am most, certainly, not a, fool." You panted lightly into his face before he captured your lips again.

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