♡Peter Parker♡

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Warning: Major Spoilers(Mostly TASM2 with a little TASM)
A/N: Bit of angst. I might do a part two and make it into more of a reader x Peter Parker, if you guys want.
"Is Y/N around, by any chance?" Harry Osborn asked Peter. It's the first time he's seen Peter in almost eight years and he only assumed that he and you were still best friends. He wasn't wrong about you and Peter. Nothing could actually separate the two of you. "It'd be nice to get the three of us back together."
Peter looked up from the rock he was throwing into the river. "I don't really know," he answered truthfully, "I haven't spoken to her since graduation." All of the complications with Gwen made him become more reclusive and he just realized how long it's been since he hung out with you.
Furrowing his eyebrows, Harry only stated, "That's not like you. She was always the reasonable one amongst us."
"She still is," Peter chuckled, reminding himself to text you later. You became friends with Gwen before he had truly talked to her. Peter kept his secret identity from you, after what happened with Gwen's father. He didn't want you to get hurt. If that meant keeping a secret from you, he knew what was best. Harry continued the conversation by asking about Gwen.
A few days later, you and another friend were walking around Times Square, admiring the lights and billboards. The two of you were talking about random things, unaware of the chaos that would happen minutes later. Your friend nudged you and gestured to one of the billboards. It was showing a man with blue skin that looked like electricity was flowing through him.
He was the center of attention in Times Square and he seemed surprised. Soon, Spiderman would arrive to stop the mysterious man. You gripped your friend's arm, unsure whether you should run or freak out. The last time something like this happened, a giant lizard killed Gwen's father.
This man was different. His electric powers were taking control of him and he kept trying to apologize, but the police were not taking any chances. Finally, Spiderman came and began speaking with the man in a calm tone. Mass hysteria broke out as a sniper took a shot at the man, who is called Max. His anger was uncontrollable at that point.
Spiderman was trying to talk reasonably, but his anger was directed towards him at that point. In the madness, you were separated from your friend. So she could find you easily, you stood by the red stairs and stayed there. Bad decision.
The electric man sent a blast of electricity towards Spiderman, which was moving across the red stairs. He was able to save the people on the stairs, but he had no idea you were there. If it was a normal time, he would be able to sense you near the metal, but Peter had very limited time. He saved the people and continued to take Max down.
You, on the other hand, felt a horrific pain by your shoulder. Screaming wasn't even an option. Falling to the ground, you passed out with a red burn slowly turning white on your shoulder where the electricity hit you. A good portion of your shirt had burned away. Spiderman had gone and Max was detained when your friend had found you, still unconscious. The police came when they heard their screams for help and you were transported immediately.
"Peter!" Normally, Peter would say some excuse due to his exhaustion from fighting Max, but her panicked voice made him rush to his Aunt May.
He asked urgently, "What's wrong?" Holding the phone to her ear, Aunt May looked at him with an expression he dreaded. "Who's on the phone?" She only shook her head, putting the phone down. Obviously, something happened. "Aunt May, please tell me."
"It's Y/N," she said very shakily, "That was just her family. She's at the hospital. The electricity hit her." Peter stood silently, not quite sure of what he was feeling. He only knew that he had to see you to make sure you were okay, which you definitely not. He excused himself to go to the hospital you were admitted into.
Gwen was there when he got there and she hugged him immediately, despite the complications. She was crying, so Peter willed himself to stay strong. It was all his fault. All his fault you were in this position. Gwen pulled away before saying, "We should talk to a doctor."
Your family found the two of you and brought you to where you were staying. The two had to stay outside the room. You were still unconscious, but your shirt was replaced with a hospital gown. He whispered to Gwen, "I didn't even know she was there. How could I let this happen?"
Before Gwen could argue, the doctor approached the group. He began explaining that the metal from the stairs were a cause of this, making Peter blame himself more. He thought he saved everyone. He also went on to explain how it seemed to act like being struck by lightning. It is uncertain when you would wake up and how it affected you.
Once the doctor left, Harry immediately entered, seeing Peter. "Where is she?" He had only seen his friend this angry a handful of times, but this time, Peter wasn't sure what he was angry at. Max? Spiderman?
Peter, not trusting his own voice, pointed weakly at the window. Harry visibly relaxed at the sight of you, but glared at the sight when he saw you asleep. "When will she be awake?"
"We don't know," Gwen answered honestly. Harry seemingly did not like the answer and didn't say a thing for the rest of the time he was in the hospital. Peter and Harry just stared at you, seemingly lifeless in the bed, for an hour. Gwen was holding his hand to comfort him, while being upset as well.
Finally, your family told them it was okay to go home. They would call them when you woke up immediately. Harry looked like he wanted to argue, but Peter shot a glance at him to calm down. The three nodded and began gathering their stuff. Peter stole one last look at you, noticing the white blotch on your shoulder. The third degree burn you had now that he couldn't save you.
He left Gwen to protect her. He knew what had to be done when you woke up. Peter could think of a million other things he rather do before ending the friendship, but he couldn't even think of what might happen if you died. Being closer to him could make you a target. He couldn't let that happen.
Peter must have been in his room, contemplating the decision for two hours. He snapped out of it when Aunt May called him for dinner. A frame of the two of you was right next to his one of him and Gwen. He looked at it for a little, regretting that he couldn't even remember the last thing he said to you.
About two weeks had passed until you woke up. Peter was there immediately by himself, but was told not to tell you about Gwen and Harry. It was too stressful for you while you were in such a fragile condition. He decided to tell you when he had to tell you about the end of their friendship.
He didn't have to, since your family told you about Gwen's death and Harry's confinement. A day after you left the hospital, you and Peter decided to walk around New York to catch up. His head was swimming with how to tell you without accidentally telling you he was Spiderman.
When Harry found out he was Spiderman, he blamed Peter for you being in the hospital, knowing it would hurt him. After Gwen and Harry's words, he was more certain that he had to tell you. "Y/N," he said firmly. You looked to him, verifying that he had your attention. Peter returned the stare with no emotion. "We have to stop being friends."
"What?" You immediately asked. You have been friends with Peter with as long as you could remember.
Taking a deep breath, Peter continued, "I can't be your friend. Not anymore."
You took a shaky breath before trying to change his mind. "Peter, please. I lost Gwen and Harry in one night. I can't lose you now. I know you lost them too, but please. I really need you."
Peter hated himself for putting you through this. He would have agreed with if he hadn't noticed the scar from the electricity close to your neck. It hit you on your shoulder, but the energy had to escape, leaving you with a leave less tree-like scar that traveled to the collarbone. "I can't put you through that again," he said almost to himself.
His attention focused on your shoulder, making you aware of the scar. "The doctors say it'll go away soon," you reassured him, grabbing his hand, "I'm fine, Peter. This wasn't your fault in any way." The thing that snapped him back to reality was the small twitch of your hand. The doctors said that it was a side effect. He wanted to scream. It was his fault, but he couldn't tell you that.
Deciding to make it easier, he ripped his hand away from yours. "Y/N, I mean it. Please just stay away. I want to forget. Go to one of the colleges out of town, like you always wanted to. Don't feel obligated to stay." Not letting you say anything else, he began walking quickly in a crowd so you wouldn't be able to keep up. It hurt him to no ends, but he knew that your death would hurt more than leaving you to keep you safe. Gwen taught him that.


Credit to let-there-be-imagines on tumblr

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