6| With The Power of Music

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Lucas and Maybelle left without saying a word that day.

Maybe they did say something, but I didn't get to hear. The music was blaring, drowning out any sounds from the outside world. It was deafening me, but it was wonderful.


What was this song? This song, it's making me feel better... and sleepy. I yawn softly. Specks of tears erupt in my eyes but this time, it's not because I'm sad.

I'm okay.

This music, it makes me well. It makes it all better. But not just this one. The song after this one.

And then the next.

And the next.

And the next.

They all make it feel better. Then a paticular song plays. The singer, I had no clue who she was? Her voice. She sounds distressed. She sounds desperate. She sounds like she's given up on whatever she was holding on to and let whatever it was break her.

I shut my eyes tighter.

'This song. This song. This song,' my heart beats.

'This song, Apple, it expresses you. But listen carefully. Listen to the ending. She hasn't given up. Listen,' it beats. 'Her voice is strong again. You can do that, Apple. You can be happy again.'

Why is my heart lying to me? My heart, it lies. It'll lie again, I'm sure. An explanation would be easy to give. This is the same heart that was beating with excitement, adrenaline, and pride when thinking about auditioning for M.A.D.S Entertainment.

A thumping in my heart started again. It was rushed and like a stanpede. It felt like there was hole in my chest and air was escaping from it. It didn't feel pleasant, and it wasn't in sync to the music anymore.

'Apple, listen!' It begged.

How? I think to no one in paticular. How will I do it?

A friendlier and calmer heartbeat rhythm started in my chest again. A steadier beat started, as if my heart was happy I chose this answer. As if I was happy.

'Stand up, Apple,' it coaxed. 'Stand up and dance,'

Dance, I thought.

My eyes widened and my life ten years ago flashed before me. Almost all my life, I had been dancing. There were trophies and medals getting dusty in the attic from past dance or cheer competitions I entered. I remember each and every painful and exhilarating moment as a cheerleader. Each routine being harder than the last.

At fourteen, I stopped and quit my dance lessons, classes, and the dance academies I attended, all because I wasn't confident in my abilities. But dancing remained in my heart.


Everyday, I didn't notice that I took time from my life to relieve any stress and all the pent-up frustrations by dancing.

Even when there was no music.

Any music in my heart, it became music for a dance.






'Yes,' my heart whispered. 'Dance.'

I gulped and with shaky legs, I stood up. Something must've snapped inside me. Perhaps it was my will to live by dancing. Perhaps I found the true 'passion' through music. Whatever it was, it made me feel stronger.

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