10| Your Eyes pt. I

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Every turn or slight movement of Mr. Power's car caused the drink in my hand to stir, ice grinding against each other and making the most satisfying noise that could only be revealed in a winter silence, pure and quiet as snow.

Mr. Power had shaken me awake earlier to give me my order that I had had previously asked him for. I would've expected him to press the cold beverage on my cheeks to get me conscious, however this action would be very unlikely for a shy and docile fellow like him. Almost quality comedy which everyone would be able to laugh it. Utterly abnormal.

Once giving me the order, I snatched it from his hands and held it, not drinking it right away as I was still wary of the identity of Mr. Power. Even now, I still recognized him as a stranger. The way I was treating him however, said something different. The disrespect and constant arguing would've made someone think we had known each other for years. But nevertheless, a seed of doubt has been planted in my mind, and the possible scenario of him putting some kind of drug in my drink would've been perfectly reasonable.

The car groaned and clucked in agreement with me, and for the rest of the ride, I was wide awake. I didn't sip my Frappuccino once, too scared of what the outcome would be.

To keep suspicions low, I rolled it around in my hands and repeatedly made that same satisfying noise over and over, entertaining myself until we arrived to the company.

And it did it's job well for awhile.

It filled the empty silence between Mr. Power and I. That- really- was the only thing that I had wanted to do.

The Frappuccino glided between my hands, going palm to palm but never between my teeth.

It was only when I heard a more distant and muffled tones of crunching and rattling that I realized the ice was starting to melt. Starbuck's coffees taste ridiculously disgusting when there's extra water added to it. It's always best to drink it immediately when the ice was only there to give it the more colder temperature, or the cooler coffee.

I didn't like how I became so frustrated over a small thing such as this, but it was only going to be a matter of time before I would be wasting a perfectly good Frappuccino; free of charge, just for me.

I licked my lips, questioning whether or not I should drink it or leave it to waste as it was.

Running my teeth across my moist bottom lip, I glanced at Mr. Power. His so-called "innocent facade" shone brightly even as he was driving. Was he really innocent or a wolf in sheep's clothing?

Luckily, Mr. Power was easy to read. All of his actions, noticeable and only hidden from the blind.

I noticed how his glasses would tip and occasionally slide down, and his solutions being to either scrunch his nose up or let one hand push it back to the bridge of his nose to fix the position, but it was pointless as the process repeated itself.

I noticed how Mr. Power gripped the steering wheel with both hands, as if scared that the car would dash off without him clenching on and controlling the vehicle's path.

I noticed how with every slight movement and noise that I created, Mr. Power would flinch slightly, as if seated beside a wild animal that wasn't caged. But he was holding the leash. Or the chain, depending on how you looked at the situation.

All these things would sum up and show clearly Mr. Power's personality.

I pursed my lips and rested the drink between my thighs. The cold plastic cover of the cup made me flinch and tense up, but it was not uncomfortable for long.

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