9| The Contract, FATE pt. II

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Needless to say, Mr. Power was shocked. With his eyes wide and his mouth gaping open, he looked like a fish out of water. His arms gave away and he stumbled back a little, coughing and blinking repeatedly.

"C-come again?"

My head snapped towards him and my face burned bright. With a snarl forming at my lips, I barked at him, "Don't make me repeat myself! I said I'll do it!"

Mr. Power didn't need to be told twice. His face gleamed and his smile broadened, showing off all his teeth and stretching farther than a mile. Mr. Power had these chubby cheeks that mimicked puppy fat, and they seemed to just form into a chipmunk's complexion when he smiled.

Back at home, my family had a small bird-feeder hanging on a little hook behind our house. The hook was barely gripping on on the slates of our roof. There weren't much trees around my neighborhood, but we still put that bird-feeder outside. However, it was never birds that raided that tin-can. Nimble little thieves would be seen shoving their entire body in that can, and the only thing that could be seen were their bushy grey tails waving back and forth, almost like a pouncing cat.

I would just watch those squirrels as they rattled and skittered and around inside the can. It was not exactly comic relief, but entertaining enough for a bored ten year old.

The squirrels, after stuffing their cheeks with a pound of bird food, would jerk their heads up and just chew rapidly, their packed cheeks moving up and down with each chew. I'd say those squirrels looked very similar to Mr. Power at this moment.

It's sad to say, but Mr. Power seems to unlock memories I thought I could forget about. But hey, not all of them are bad.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Power giggled and pushed his glasses up.

"You won't regret it, Apple!"

"I better not," I grumbled.

Mr. Power quickly retrieved something from his leather shoulder-strapped bag. His hands again fumbled around a bit until he found what he was looking for: a phone.

His thumbs swiped across the screen- still smiling -and then hurried to bring the device to his ear. It rang for a bit until someone picked up.

"Zach! Hey, this is Jasper. Is Angel, the triplets, Ryan, Maggie, the lovebirds and Kayla with you?"

A murmur of response could be heard from the phone.

"Call them all t-together! Zach, I told you I w-wouldn't go back on my promise and plan. I already f-found one. I just n-need to find others! Zach, she... she's a-amazing! I don't even think she needs t-training! B-but if she does," Mr. Power suddenly squeals and sighs dreamily. "It would be... ethereal. Almost a heavenly phenomenon. If you saw how good she is, Zach I think you would be blown out your mind. I think she's even better than you. Hey, hey I was j-just kidding!"

They bickered, and I waited.

"I'll bring her over, and we'll discuss everything together! Zach, I- I think I'm shedding tears... I can already see that dream I had again. This time, it's so clear."

Incoherent dialogue from the phone could be heard, and I grew even more curious about what nonsense Mr. Power seemed to be so hyped up about.

"Mhm! Yup, I'll bring her over A.S.A.P! S-see you guys soon!"

Mr. Power ended the call and marched- no - bounced over to me. With eyes sparkling (I saw not one star but a galaxy in his eyes) and wearing the same smile that stretched further than a mile, he said, "Follow me, A-Apple. We're going to go to the c-company now! My car is parked r-right outside, let's go!"

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