11| My Eyes pt. II

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this chapter took awhile to come out. eh, should i say sorry? guess i should (not). here's a thank you to those people who motivated me to update
Gh0stBite and July_Morning
enjoy!! (p.s, I'm thinking this chapter is going to be pretty long. i don't really know, i'm writing this A/N before i'm even done writing the chapter so eh).

- c.h

WARNING: the author has read the beginning part of this chapter so many times she has gotten sick of it and she doesn't even want to bother editing it again for like the 423789423747238th time so... expect mistakes.

[this is by far one of my longest A/N and there'll be more on the bottom probably]

ok i'll stop


I was normally the type of person to notice something before it happened. No, not normally. Definitely  the type of person to notice things before they happened.

Accidents, lies, and moments; I always wanted to be able to 'figure' them out before they could effect me.

Especially the lies. I hated those the most.

They hurt people and caused relationships to crumble. Lies meant the truth wasn't meaningful enough.

Lies meant the person didn't deserve to know.

At times, if I was really angry, I would hardly care about why the liar had dared to lie. I didn't care about stupid excuses and reasons. In those times, I lost my sympathy for them.

I knew I was being selfish, but I also couldn't find anything in myself to blame.

But forget the lies. The moment and the time was now.

In this moment, I was curled up in the torn-up leather seat of Mr. Power's car. My hand was dangling from the side of the seat and held the now empty cup of Frappuccino.

I didn't know why I was still pretending to be asleep. I didn't expect Mr. Power to carry me inside or anything, so why was I continuing this act?

The inside of the car's atmosphere was still and quiet, but I had still managed to wake not too long ago when I realized Mr. Power's car was slowing and I had the undeniable urge to pee. I could hear him take the keys out of the ignition and sigh. Curious, I peeked open one of my eyes and saw Mr. Power in a very fragile state from the shaded view the sunglasses provided me.

His shoulders were slumped and he was rubbing his eyes with his hands. He looked defeated almost; he looked scared. After a couple seconds, he lifted his head and sighed again. Even through the dark sunglasses, I could still see a deep outline of heavy bags under his eyes. They made him look beyond tired and made him appear older than he probably was.

My stomach felt uneasy and my jaws clenched when my thoughts led me to realize something once again.

I didn't know this man's age. I hardly knew this man at all.

I don't know anything about him other than his name. For all I knew, that might not have been his real name at all.

Maybe just a bait to get someone as desperate as me to go somewhere with him. The business card, as dirty and wrinkled as it was, could've easily been something the timid man found from the bottom of a trash can.

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