o n e

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• • • M a r i n e t t e ' s P O V • • •

I stare at the piece of paper, then back at the teacher, trying to focus on the lesson. But of course I can't because of the blonde in front of me. Adrien Agreste, the guy I've had a crush on since he lent me that umbrella back in the beginning of the year. I sigh, resting my chin on my hand and staring at the back of Adrien's head. I hope Alya won't be too mad at me and that she'll lend me the notes after class.

Suddenly I feel a pair of eyes cutting into the back of my head. I glance backwards and meet eyes with a pair of green-blue eyes, which blink and rapidly look down. I turn quickly back around, not wanting to get caught, and wonder why Nathaniel was staring at me.

The bell rings and the class gets up, ready to go have lunch. I begin to walk home and Tikki pops her head out of my purse.

"How was your droolfest in class?" She said chipperly. I laugh.

"I wasn't drooling. I think." I say, smiling at her. "You know I can't help my self."

"Sure, Marinette." Tikki giggled. I laugh too, then quickly push her out of sight as I walk past a couple holding hands. Then I reach the bakery.

"Marinette!" My mother said, coming to give me a hug. "Wash up for lunch, it's almost finished!"

"Okay Maman." I say, smiling and washing my hands in the kitchen, then go sit down in the dining room.

"Mm, smells good!" I say, smiling, as my mom comes out with the food. My papa walks in and I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

We dish up and go silent, and I eat as quickly as I can. I want to get back to school early so I can talk to Alya about the notes I missed. I finish and stand up, bringing my play to the kitchen.

"That was delicious. Thank you!" I say, grinning at them. I kiss papa on the cheek again and give mama a hug, then race out of the house and toward school. I'm so focused I don't even notice him until I crash into him, falling back onto my butt.

"I'm so sorry!" I say reflexively.

"It's no problem." Nathaniel replies quietly. He holds out a hand to help me up, his cheeks red for some reason. I mentally shrug it off.

"Thanks." I smile at him. Is it my imagination or did he just get redder?

"Where are you headed?" I ask.

"B-back to school." He answered, slight stutter in his voice.

"Cool, me too! Mind if I walk with you?"

Nathan's eyes widen in surprise. "S-sure." He said.

I smile. "Great. Let's go."

We walk toward the school, and he seemed to be trying to say something, sneaking quick glances at me. We walked in mostly silence, but it didn't feel awkward. At least, not to me. As we turn the last corner I spot Adrien and take in a quick breath, feeling butterflies in my stomach. Sometimes I wish that I could carry Ladybug's confidence around him. That would be a miracle.

We walk closer to him, and I barely realize that Nathan is there anymore. My eyes are set on Adrien.

"Well, I'll just go to class... see you later Marinette." I hear Nathan say. I turn to wave but he's already walked off. I frown then turn back to Adrien. Suddenly he turns and waves at me. Waves at me!! A smile spreads over my face and I wave back. Then the bell rings. I inwardly curse my luck, and start up the stairs. I steal a last glance at Adrien before entering the building for the remainder of school.
• • • N a t h a n i e l ' s P O V • • •

I'm walking out of the apartment building when someone crashes into me, falling over.

"I'm sorry!" Says a vaguely familiar voice. I look at the girl and realize it's Marinette. My face immediately heats up. I hold out a hand to help her up and she takes it, standing quickly before letting go.

"It's no problem." I mumble, my heart beating faster. I hope she doesn't hear it.

"Thanks." She smiles at me and I feel my face go more red. "Where are you headed?"

"B-back to school." I cringe inwardly at the stutter.

"Cool, me too! Mind if I walk with you?"

Marinette wants to walk with me? My eyes widen and I force myself to not nod like a maniac. "S-sure." I say, cursing myself for the stupid stutter.

She smiled at me again. "Great, let's go!"

She begins to walk toward the school and I follow, keeping pace with her. I continuously glance at her, trying to memorize her from this angles for a drawing later. I don't think I've been this close to her for-well forever.

I try to get up the courage to ask her out, or at least ask for her number, but my throats seems constricted. As we're turning the last corner to school I finally open my mouth to force the words out- 'Marinette, will you go out with me?'- when I see her expression change. She stared across the sidewalk and I follow her gaze to-none other than Adrien Agreste.

A sudden jealousy flares up in me chest. She likes him? How could she like him? He's just a stuck up model! Her face goes bright pink and I find myself wishing desperately that she would look at me that way.

I sigh. "Well, I'll just go to class... see you later Marinette..." I say, trying to keep the note of sadness out of my voice. I hurry up the steps, not even noticing her when she turns to wave at me. As soon as I'm inside I break into a run, bursting into the boys locker room and locking myself in a stall. So much for asking out the girls of my dreams. Looks like she's already got her eyes set on someone else, I think as I try to hold back tears.

I slide down the wall and bury my face in my arms. All I want was one chance. One chance to ask Marinette, my crush since sixth grade, it in a date. And then Adrien had to go and ruin it all for me. How dare he?!

A/N: What do you guys think? Point out any errors you see, and please vote and comment!! Thanks for reading!

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