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• • • T h i r d  P e r s o n P O V • • •

Nathaniel cried quietly into his arms, wishing with all his hurting heart that Marinette would be able to see him for who he really was. That she would look at him with the same longing and hope that she looked at Adrien with. He clutched the pencil Mari had given him on his fifteenth birthday. It was his most prized possession.

A small moth fly up and landed on the pencil, disintegrating into it. An outline of a purple butterfly appeared on his face as he looked up.

"Evillistrator." Said a voice in his head. He knew immediately who it was, though he was not sure why.

"You have been wronged by the girl you love. All you need is a chance for her to see the real you. I can give you that chance, as long as you help me with something in return. Get me Chat Noir and Ladybug's miraculous's and the love of your life is yours forever."

Nathan nodded. "Of course, Hawkmoth." He said, clenching his fist the held the pencil. He would do absolutely anything to get Marinette. Dark bubbles appeared around his fist and spread quickly over the rest of his body, transforming him.
• • • M a r i n e t t e ' s P O V • • •

I stepped into the classroom and glanced around. I was one of the first ones inside. I took my seat and turned to Alya.

"Hey, mind if I copy your notes from last class?" I ask sheepishly.

"Girl, you need to take your eyes off Adrien for once. You'd fail without me!" Alya snickered, then handed me her notebook. A grabbed my phone and took a picture.

"Thanks Alya. You're a lifesaver!" I grin.

"I know." Alya smiled back.

Just then Adrien entered the room and I quickly look down, butterflies in my stomach. He sits down in his normal place and begins to chat with Nino.

I sigh and rest my head on my hand, gazing dreamily at Adrien. Then I am forcefully shaken by my desk partner.

"Oh no you don't. You have to take notes this class too." Alya said, glaring at me. I roll my eyes. "Fine." I grumble.

The five minute bell rings and classmates begin pouring in. A few minutes later all the seats are full-except Nathan's. I wonder where he went... I shake my head. No time for that. Must. Pay. Attention.

Halfway through the class I notice something on the door. It seems like it's being... erased? How is that possible? I gasp inwardly. Another akuma attack. This can't be good.

The door is gone. A boy with red hair and teal eyes steps into the room, wearing a white shirt with black stripes and legging that faded from black to red. There was a drawing tablet on his left arm and he was holding a vaguely familiar pencil. I duck beneath the desk and pull Alya down with me before he sees us.

"What is with y-" Alya says before I cover her mouth. "Shh!" I say quickly.

"Marinette Dupain-Chang!" He booms. I stiffen at the mention of my name. "Where is she??"

I hear Adrien pipe up. "She's not here! She, uh, went home sick!" He says. I blink, surprised that he's defending me. Then I hear Chloe get up.

"She's underneath that desk!" She says. The brat. How dare she put me in danger like that!?

The 'Evillistrator' chuckled. Then suddenly the desk I'm leaning on disappears and I fall out into the open, at the feet of Evillistrator.

"There you are, Mari. How about you and I go somewhere a bit more private?" He said, yanking me up roughly. I yelp in pain and he loosens his grip, a flash of concern showing in his eyes. He shakes it off.

I try to keep the fear out of my eyes but I can't help it. I wish I had had time to transform. I think quickly, then begin to slowly loosen my purse. It drops to the floor, unnoticed by him. Hopefully Tikki will be able to help me out later.

The evillistrator drags me toward a window and erases.

"Au revoir!" He calls, stepping out onto seemingly thin air. I realize that it's a hover board. He pulls me on and I fall down. He quickly draws a box around me. "Just so you won't get any ideas." He said. Then he frowned and drew something on his sketch pad. A blindfold appears on my face.

I feel the hover board begin to fly away, and I can hear the yells of my friends out the open wall. I reach up and try to peel the blindfold off but it has been magically attached. I curl up into a ball and try to forget about everything.

A/N: Do you like it??? I liked writing it! Please tell me what you think! And don't forget to vote!!

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