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• • • A d r i e n ' s P O V • • •

"So... any idea where she might be?"

Tikki nods. "We have a connection because of her miraculous. As long as she doesn't take the earrings off I will be able to find her." She says.

I nod. I still can't believe I just found out who my crush is-and I can't believe I never noticed it before.

"Chat! Are you coming?" Tikki says, looking at me. "Right, sorry." I say, following her.

"I can't believe someone kidnapped Marinette because she didn't show an interest in them..." I mutter.

Tikki gasps suddenly. "I'm so sorry, Mari... we're coming..." I hear her whisper.

"What happened??" I jog forward. Tikki turns around, a stricken expression on her face.

"He kissed her!" She said angrily. "She wanted her first kiss to be Adrien!" I blink, looking at her. She focuses.

"Oh, sorry Chat... we have an empathy link... I can read her thoughts sometimes when she's in distress..." She says.

"I-its fine..." I manage. Marinette wants to kiss me??

"Oh! I wasn't supposed to tell that to anyone..." Tikki says, covering her mouth. "Oops."

"I-its fine Tikki. We need to get to Marinette. Come on!" I say, extending my staff to get above the city. Tikki follows me.

"Which way, Tikki??" I ask, looking in all directions.

"South." She says decisively, pointing. I nod and immediately begin to jump from roof to roof, using my staff for balance. "We're coming Marinette..." I murmur.
• • • N a t h a n i e l ' s P O V • • •

I stand hidden behind some ad board, watching Chat Noir go off in the direction of the place that I'm keeping Marinette. I frown. How does he know where it is?

I growl to myself. He'll never reach it. I'm going to get there first, and I'll move Mari a safe distance away. Then I'll grab the Miraculouses. Everything is going to plan.

I sketch something on my art pad and step into it. I suddenly appear at the abandoned warehouse, and I grin. Teleporter actually worked. I step through the loading bay door, shutting it behind me.
• • • M a r i n e t t e ' s P O V • • •

As soon as I hear the door bang closed I shrink back into a corner, then pretend to be asleep. It's hard, but I manage to take in deep, controlled breaths as I await my new fate.

The wall disappears. I can tell because my once pitch black room is flooded with light from what I presume is a window. I struggle to remain calm and to keep my breathing under control. Apparently it works, because he doesn't say anything for a few moments.

"Mari, you're so beautiful." He says softly, and I hear him step closer. I can't help it-a tremor runs through my body at the sound of his voice. I open one of my eyes a fraction of an inch but he doesn't notice.

I can see a frown on his face and worry in his eyes.

Then the outline of a purple butterfly appears on his face. He turns his face half away from me.

"Yes Hawkmoth. Of course. I already have a plan. Just-can't I have a few hours with her first?" I hear him say, apparently conversing with Hackmoth through the Akuma connection.

"Thank you so much! I'll have their Miraculous's tomorrow for sure." He says after waiting a few seconds. The glowing outline disappears and I hurriedly shut my eye, taking another breath in.

"Don't worry, Mari. You're safe. And where I'm taking you, there's no chance you won't fall for me." I hear him whisper gently.

"But I'm sorry. I have to take a precaution. Can't have you escaping, now can I?"

My entire body fills with fear.

Stay calm.

Stay calm.

I want to scream. There's a tiny pop and then he walks closer to me. He stroked my hair, sending shivers down my spine.

"You'll understand Mari. You always understand..."

Then something pokes my arm.

And the world goes dark.

Kidnapped [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now