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• • • T h i r d P e r s o n P O V • • •

"Is get away from my princess if I were you."

The Evillistrator jumped up quickly, whirling around to see Chat Noir stepping out from the bushes.

"Tell you what. You give me Marinette and I'll make your beating quick." Chat Noir said with a smirk on his face. The Evillistrator smirked back.

"Yeah right. She doesn't even want to leave, do you love?"

Both boys turned to Marinette for an answer. She shrank away from both of them, still on the ground. A look of fear passed over her face but it disappeared, being replaced instead with a look that seemed slightly puppet like.

"No. I want to stay here." Marinettes voice sounded robotic, as though she were being controlled by someone. Chat Noir turned angrily toward the Evillistrator.

"What have you done to her?!" He hissed, taking a step forward.

"I haven't done anything. She's perfectly fine. You just haven't noticed her enough to realize this is the way she acts." Said the Evillistrator, shrugging nonchalantly.

Chat Noir shook his head. "We both know this isn't how she acts. You've observed her enough to notice that she actually uses emotion when talking."

"I am using emotion!" Said Marinette, looking shocked at her words. "I'm just tired is all. I want to stay her with Nathan."

The Evillistrator had turned to watch Marinette speak, and as he turned around he was met with a fist to the face. He landed heavily on the ground, and Marinettes face became more open for a second before she looked down.

The Evillistrator picked himself up.

"What, you don't think she belongs with me just because you know her so well? Well I have some news for you, Chat. Not everything revolves around you." He sent a kick toward Chats stomach, which landed squarely on his chest, sending him onto the ground. He jumped up.

"And you don't know her as well as you think you do. In fact, she spent all day with me. And she kissed me." The Evillistrator went on, his eyes taking on a dreamy glow as he said the last sentence.

"I highly doubt that." Said Chat Noir, taking his opponents momentary distraction to circle behind him and shove him forward, kicking his back. The Evillistrator landed next to Marinette.

He grinned evilly at Chat Noir.

"You want proof? I got proof." He said, then he quickly raised himself up and pressed his lips tightly against Marinettes. Chat Noir watched from a distance, looking for any sign of a struggle. Instead he watched as Marinette wound herself around the Evillistrator, pulling him closer.

If you looked close enough you can even see her hands were moving across his body... almost as though they were... searching for something?

With an angry cry Chat ran toward the two. The Evillistrator hopped up and reached for his pocket. A look of panic crossed his face, and he turned quickly toward Marinette.

"You didn't..." he said. Marinette scooted away, then held up a dark purple pencil.

"I did." She replied quietly. Chat leapt on top of the Evillistrator and began punching him. The Evillistrator fought to get eye contact with Marinette.

Once he succeeded, she began walking toward him as though in a trance. Chat sat up and watched Marinette, almost mesmerized. Once he realized what she had he leapt up and raced toward her, grabbing for the pencil. She moved away.

"It's not yours..." she murmured, continue her slow pace towards where the Evillistrator lay, breathing heavily.

"Marinette no!" Chat Noir yelled, grabbing her shoulders and spinning her to face him. "Just give me the pencil and it'll all be over. Don't you want it to be over?"

He could see the fight going on in her eyes, between the sleepy spell that was trying to gain control and Marinettes fierce conscience, fighting to push the spell from her system. He could tell that it was a losing battle.

Then, barely loud enough for him to hear, he heard the words "take it."

He nodded and quickly swiped for the pencil, but the spell had evidently gotten ahead in the fight for control. Marinette jumped backward.

Chat used his tail to reel her back in and caught her wrist, wrestling the pencil from her grasp.

He quickly snapped it, causing the akuma to fly out. Chat quickly took a small jar from his back pocket and caught the small butterfly, before putting it back in his pocket. He looked around to find Marinette on the ground in front of him.

"Marinette!" He yelled, crouching down and picking up her limp form.

"You were a hero today." He whispered softly to her. Her eyelids fluttered slightly.

"I'm always a hero, silly kitty. Now take me home." Came her barely audible reply before she fell unconscious. Chat nodded, then looked back at Nathan, who had been de akumatized.

"Just one thing first, princess." He said, setting her down gently. Tikki flew up to her and nuzzled her face, sighing happily.

Chat walked over to Nathan.

"Do you have any memory of what happened?" He said, glaring daggers at the redhead. Nathan looked blearily up at Chat, his eyes full of sorrow and hurt.

"Yes.... I-i remember the whole thing..." he said in a broken whisper. "I'm so sorry..."

Chat nodded. "You should be. You hurt her, you know. Emotionally." He said, frowning.

"I know..." Nathan replied weakly. "I know."

Chat turned and began to walk back to Marinette.

"Chat..." he turned slightly. "Tell her I'm sorry..."

Chat nodded once more and continued on to pick up his princess, then his staff extended and he disappeared into the night.

A/N: So what do you guys think? I'm thinking only one or two more chapters until I end this story. Thanks for reading!

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