The party

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A/N okay I'm not dead it's just I have been trying harder in school which is being pretty hard rn since I'm trying to get my grades up so I can go to some concerts so wish me luck and I also had a concussion so I wasn't supposed to be writing or reading or anything like that but Im feeling much better and I'll be okay anyway I'll get on with this Oneshot

Lance. That's the only explanation you need for why your in this situation.

Currently you are standing in the corner with a beer as you watch hundreds of people partying. It doesn't even make sense it's YOUR party so why couldn't you do what you wanted? Oh right, there is this guy Lance who insisted on throwing a huge party for your 21 birthday. So now you watch as Lance is completely hammered and hitting on Keith. You laugh as you listen in on the conversation.

"No no no! You don't understand what I'm trying to say!" Lance begins before getting cut off by Keith. "That's probably because your slurring like half of your words, Lance." Keith smirks rolls his eyes before turning to hunk and walking away.

"Darn, I was hoping for some drama but oh well" you sip on your beer as you glance around the room with people dancing, sweating, and drinking. You set your eyes on Pidge who is helping someone to the bathroom, but before they can get there the person  pukes all over the floor, "Nice" you say and roll your eyes. You continue looking around the room before sighing, "Ugh I need some air" and heading outside.

You stand outside where it's quieter but you can still hear the booming music from inside. The slight breeze sending chills through your body as you close your eyes, after a few seconds you feel a jacket being placed around your shoulders. Startled your eyes spring open and you turn to the person standing next to you, Shiro.

"Oh my gosh you scared me!" You punch him slightly in the chest while laughing lightly. He smiles at you, "Sorry, I just thought you might get cold standing out here." You smile up at him a hint of pink on your cheeks "O-oh thanks!" He pulls a chair back from a tiny table and gestures for you to sit down there, "No problem, is it okay if I join you?" You nod and sit in the chair, "Yeah it's totally fine with me."

You take a sip of beer before talking "I'm going to be completely honest, this isn't at all how I wanted my 21st birthday to be. Don't get me wrong I appreciate Lance going out of his way to do this. I don't know I just wanted a small little gathering with all of us. No big party."  Shiro nods while listening to you, "Yeah sometimes he can be...well uh Lance. Although he meant well he really did. He was stressing about it wanting your party to be great. I think he did this to show you how much fun getting out and partying can be."

You smile slightly at the thought of that, "I never really thought this would have that much meaning behind it. Wow... I should thank him when this is all over, but tell him for my next birthday I want it simple!" You giggle slightly at the end and look down.

When you look back up you realize Shiro's eyes are locked onto your smiling face while he himself smiles, "What?" You ask confused. Shiro looks into your eyes and leans forward a little more, "It's just..your breathtaking y/n." 

Your eyes widen, you can feel your face heating up, "M-me?" Shiro smiles to one side, "We are the only ones out here." You smile shyly and look down again, "Thank you..."

A moment later you feel a hand under your chin and Shiro lifting your face to look at him, "I mean it y/n I really do. Your smile, your e/c eyes, your h/c hair absolutely everything." Slowly he leans in and kisses you gently.

Shiro x Reader (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now