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Shiro. That name alone makes butterflies appear in your stomach. That name alone can cause a love struck smile find its way on your face. That name,, is the name of your roommate.

You slowly wake up to the smell of someone cooking. Yawning and rubbing your eyes you force yourself out of bed. Stumbling into the bathroom you begin to get ready.


"Hey Shiro!"You walk into the kitchen and sit down at the dining table.
"Hey y/n or should I say sleeping beauty?I'm surprised you actually woke up!" He smiles and looks at you.

Oh gosh, his smile is too much! He's seriously going to kill me someday

You stick your tongue out at him and giggle.
He laughs slightly and shakes his head, "Sometimes I think you might actually be three years old."
You roll your eyes and ask, "Whatcha making?" Ignoring his previous comment.
"Nothing much just pancakes."
The two of you ate breakfast together and had no plans so you ended up just walking around town.
On your walk you saw an ice cream parlor,"Oh my gosh Shiro! Can we get ice cream?" You asked with excitement in your voice. How could he say no to you? "Yeah of course" Your grin up at him "yay!"

"What flavor are you gonna get?" Shiro asks
You make a face as you think, "Hmmmm"
Shiro can't help but notice how cute you look and he smiles at you. You glance over at him,"What?"
He blushes and looks to the floor, "Nothing."

"Oh! I know, I'm going to get f/I/c/f !" You look over and smile at him.
He smiles back at you, "Alright then I'll order."
Shiro walks up to the counter and orders your ice cream and his


The two of you spend hours walking around town and going into different shops.
Shiro suddenly stops walking and turns to you "Hey y/n do you like clouds?"
You smile and look at him, "I live for clouds"
Shiro nods, "Okay good" he grabs your hand and begins walking to who knows where, "There's a place I want to show you..."
Your blushing and covering your face with your free hand, "uh okay"


After walking for about 15 minutes you finally make it to the place he wanted to show you.
"A hill? You had me walk forever to take me on top of a grassy hill?" You look at him confused
Shiro smiles, "I know it sounds weird... but lay down on the grass and look at the sky and just wait"

"Oookayyy???" You turn and walk a little ways away and lay down as he instructed you and you look up.
He soon follows and lays down beside you on the grass, with a sigh he looks toward the sky, "You'll really like it I promise!"

You nod and look up at the sky, but this time you notice part of a cloud moving in from above you. Within a short amount of time the sky is filled with different clouds and the colors from the sun set illuminate the sky.

You gasp as you take in the beautiful sight before you. "How did you know about this?"
He scratches the back of his neck and turns to you, "Well I come here when I get stressed and it's so breathtaking it calms me" You begin to smile as he tells you, "Thank you for taking me here"

You lay back down on the cool grass and smile as you just look at the view. You turn to Shiro again, not to say anything, actually you don't even know yourself why you turned. When you looked over at him you guys made eye contact and you smiled at him to which he returned. As the two of you are gazing at each other Shiro breaks the silence, "Can I kiss you?"

Your eyes widen in surprise for a second before you nod. He quickly looks at your lips and licks his own before leaning in. You scoot closer so he doesn't have to lean so far and your lips find his. He captives your lips with a soft sweet kiss that shows nothing but love.

He pulls away and looks at you, "Look y/n I really like you and I want you to be mine. So what do you say?"

You smile sweetly at him, "I say yes" and with that you lean in again and you share a long passionate kiss together.


AGHHH I'm sorry for like disappearing and stuff but summer is on it's way and I promise there will be more consistent updates bc I can have more time to focus on this but thank you so much for being patient and I hope you enjoyed this Oneshot

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