Chapter 3.

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After the whole conversation with Emma, I went inside my house. I was deep in thought.. Emma was right, I should realize that Christian will never come back. He will never love me again.. He cheated on me with one of my close friends and I was crushed. I didn't want to believe it but reality hit me. Nothing lasts forever. Just as I was thinking about more depressing things, my dad called me down for dinner.

"Alex! Come downstairs for dinner!"

"I'm coming! Just a minute!"


I was already walking downstairs, on my way to the kitchen table. When I pulled my chair out, my plate was already in front of me. It was just my dad and I eating dinner together in silence. We never really spoke that much with each other.

"So, how was your first day of school?"

"Um, it was decent. Not really much to be excited about."

"I see. How are your classes?"

"Challenging I guess? " I answered.

"Hmm. Well that's good."

I didn't know how to answer to that so I just said I was done eating dinner and I thanked him for cooking. It has always been awkward between my dad and I. We've never really had a normal conversation together. It was just short talk with each other. That happened ever since my mother past away 4 years ago, he was happy. But ever since her decease, he's just been broken. It's just too much to think about so I went to sleep hoping for the next day to arrive.


My alarm woke me up again, but I was so tired. Emma called me and said she'd be here in five minutes. I already had my book bag and headed out the door. I arrived in school 15 minutes early, but that was good enough for me. I arrived in my English class, and I saw Mr. Greenfield writing on the board for today's agenda. I took my seat and I stared out the window, I had always admired nature, the way the flowers would blossom when sunlight would hit them. The fresh smell of cut green grass, I just loved it. I was interrupted in my thoughts when I heard a deep raspy voice speak to me.

"Well look who we have here. Alex, the girl who just pushed me yesterday and she still hasn't even apologized."

"Still can't let that go can you?" I swear this kid.

"I'm just messing around with you, it's called having a sense of humor." he said.

"Nice to know." I responded.

"Why do you always act like that towards people?"

"What do you mean?" Wait, what does he mean? And why the hell does he even care?

"People try to start a conversation with you, but you always shut them out. That isn't very nice of you Alex. I think you should be more nice."

"Well I didn't really ask for your opinion, but sure I'll take that in consideration." I didn't really care what Harry thought and I don't plan to.

"Class has started. Everyone please take out your compositions and write a short answer to this question that is written on the board." The whole class started writing in their compositions.. Halfway through the period I was paying attention to Mr. Greenfield talking about issues today that are going on in the world but no one ever pays attention. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see that it was Harry. His green eyes stared into mine and we stayed like that for about 5 seconds but I looked away. I had a weird feeling in my stomach when I pulled away from the stare and I felt my cheeks turning red. What the hell is this? The bell rang and I immediately stood up and ran out of the class.

I heard Harry calling my name but I was trying to avoid him. I didn't want to speak to him or look at him. "Alex!" Harry yelled. I turned around to see that he was right behind me. "Hey, look I don't know what I did that made you run out of class so fast, but I just want to say that I'm sorry." He looked confused. I felt bad, I didn't want my stupidity make him apologize for something that he didn't do. It was all me. I always do this. "No, don't apologize. It was me and I just want to say that I'm sorry for acting this way towards you." I actually meant it, and I don't apologize that much but when I do it's to shut the person up so they can stop complaining. "It's okay but I was wondering if sometime you wanted to hang out? Maybe tomorrow?" Harry said with a cheeky smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him. "Um, sure." Uh hello? What are you doing? Are you actually saying yes to this guy? "Okay, tomorrow then? Like right after school?" "Yeah I'm fine with that." I said. "Cool, see you around then." Shit what did I just do?

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