Chapter Nine: Playground Memories

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Heey Everyone! This chapter is all about Amber and Louis! Hope you like! ;D Especially, you Amber! The next few chapters will be all about the couples.

-Amber's P.O.V-

I'm broken, do you hear me

I'm blinded

'Cause you are everything I see

I'm dancing alone

 I'm praying

That your heart will just turn around

And I as I walk up to your door,

My eye turns to face the floor

'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight

It just won't feel right

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah

When he lies you down tonight, I might just die inside,

'Cause I can love you more than this

Can love you more than this

If I'm louder

Would you see me?

Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me?

'Cause we are, the same

You saved me, when you leave it scarred again

And then I see you on the the street

In his arms, I get weak

My body fails I'm on my knees



This song is my life story. I love all the boys songs, but this one was the one I could relate to the most. All the girls and I can relate to. Except that it is from a girl's point of view, not a guy's. Whenever I hear this song I'm brought to tears. Especially when it's Louis' part.

Whenever I see him in Claire's arms, I get weak. I feel like breaking down. 'Cause I know that I can love him more than this. I know it's weird because we are best friends, but ever since I was young, I've always loved him. All the guys I dated were incomperable to Louis.

Sure, I loved the guys I dated. But I was never IN love. Louis is the only guy that i've ever been in love with. I just really want him to reliaze that Claire is nothing but a backstabbing bitch, who's using him. She doesn't even give a damn about him.

Louis is just such an amazing guy. There's no other guy like him. He's kind, funny, scarcastic, loud, smart, and of course handsome. Everything that a girl could want. No correction. Everything that I could ever want.

I hope that he would soon reliaze that. I decided that I would go to the park that Louis and I would always go to. I'm sitting on the swings that Louis would always push me in. Ever since we were kids, we would go here and have so much fun playing together. I wish he loved me more than a best friend. 'Cause I'm sure of my feelings, I really am in love with him.

I then hear Louis' voice from behind me:

"I knew I'd find you here." He said.

-Louis' P.O.V-

When Amber turned her head, my eyes connected with hers. I knew that I was madly in love with her. I just never reliazed it until now. After all this time it was always her, not Claire. Speaking of which, I broke up with her today. She didn't take it well, but I'm just glad I can finally be with Amber.

She looked at me, and I noticed that her eyes were red and puffy. Worrieness and concern took over my body. I ran over to her, and kneeled down and hugged her tightly.

"Amber, love what's wrong?" I asked.

Amber remained silence. I just got more worried.

I asked once again, "Amber babe, are you okay?"

She finally responded, "I'm fine Louis." With that she stood up and started walking away from me. I'm so confused, what did I do wrong? I grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"No your not Amber. Tell me the truth now." I demanded.

"You wouldn't understand Lou!" She loudly yelled.

"Yes I would understand Amber! Your my best friend!" I yelled back as loudly.

"Well you want to know! Fine then! I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU LOUIS!" She confessed.

I stood there doumfounded, Amber felt the same way I did. This is so sureal! Tears were streaming down her flawless face, she started to run away. I ran after her and pulled her into my chest. She banged her fists into my chest, but I didn't let her go. I just held on tighter. I wiped her tears away, with my thumbs.

I looked her deepy into the eyes and said:

"I'm in love with you too Amber. I broke things off with Claire. I've always loved you, never her." I stated.

Her eyes got bigger, and her face lit up.

"Seriously?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

"Seriously." I responded.

She threw her arms around me, I brought her closer to me and held her tight. I whispered into her ears:

"Would you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"YES!" She squealed.

We both laughed, and we leaned in closer, untill our lips finally touched. The feeling was the best in the world. I'm finally happy that I'm with the girl I love, Amber.

 (A/N) I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter! Especially @amberr1D! ;D Thank you all for your support! I love you all! Don't forget to somment, vote and like! :) <3




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