Chapter Seventeen: Remember Me

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Hello Everyone! More Than This is now ranked #744 in FanFiction, also this story almost has 2500 READS! :D I'm so happy right now!!! Without, any of you, this would not be possible. Thank You All So Much! It means the world to me! I love you all!!!!!!!! <333333333 :D :D :D


Now....... TO THE CHAPTER!!!!! *shouts in happiness*




Danielle's POV



Who were these people? And where was I? I don't remember a thing! But, my body sure does hurt. My left arm was in a cast, my ribs hurt like hell, and my right leg was also in a cast, and my head was throbbing in pain. I'm guessing I was in the hospital, but what for? What happened to me?

I decide to speak, my voice sounds so corase and dry, "Um who are those people?" I ask the doctor, while looking at these nine people. They looked so unfamailer, but they look at me as if they've known me my whol life or something.

The doctor responds: "Danielle these are your best friends. You don't remember them because you have amnesia. These four girls, are your friends since you were babies. And these boys, the same goes for them. Except these five boys, are now a famous band called One Direction. They are international celebrities." He explained.

WHAT THE HECK?! I look over to the girls first, there were two blonds, one with long hair, the other with shoulder legnth hair. Another one had long dark brown hair, and one had green eyes. Who were they? I look over to the boys that were famous and in a band called One Direction.

My eyes land on a guy with  shiny blond hair and  perfect blue eyes, next to him was a guy with brown, but very curly hair and emerld green eyes, then was a guy with semi curly hair, I'd describe it as wavy and nice brown eyes, next to him was a guy with swishy bown hair in the front with stunning blue eyes. My eyes travleled to the last boy. He was absoutley gorgeous. No doubt about that. They were all very gorgeous, and fit. But this guy takes the prize home.

He was the most tan out of all of them, he had beautful brown eyes. I could just stare into them all day! His black hair, was styled to perfection. By the looks of his body, I'm not being perverted by the way! I'm just stating the obvious! He was damn fit. Legit. I could see his six pack from the thin fabric of his polo.

He was staring into my eyes, so lovingly. He looked at me like I was his life or something. He just stared at me so adoringly and like I was the love of his life or something. He looked so happy to see me. Why would he though? I don't even know him.

The nine of them start to walk to my bed. The beautiful boy walks to my right side and grabs my hand and puts it to his face and caresses it. I just stare at him weirdly, like who was he. I mean it felt good and all, but I don't know him. The rest of them, crowd around me and smile at me happily. Um.... okay then... I just smile back at all of them because I have no clue what to do.

Harry's POV


We all crowded around Dani. I'm so happy to see my best friend again! I just love her so much, of course not as much as Kendal ;D But close enough. She's second place in my heart. LOL! She still looked as amazing as ever. I'm so overjoyed that she lived! My prayers were answered!

When we thought  Dani had died. It was like the end of the world for me. But for some reason, I just knew she would come back to us. And she did. Now I'm happy again. Dani is a one of kind girl, Zayn is a lucky man. But no girl can comapre to my Kendal. She's the most amazing girl, I've ever met.

Zayn was sitting beside Dani, I'm so happy that they're together again. But there was only problem.

Dani doesn't remember a thing. She has freakin' amneisa. How can she even be in a proper relationship with Zayn. She doesn't even remember what she feels for him. This must be so hard on Zayn. I feel so bad for him. I mean, the love of your life not remembering you. That's harsh. Real harsh. We can only hope for the best.

But I know Dani, she will eventually gain her memory back. Because none of us will give up. No Way. We will work and work, until she remembers us.

Zayn's POV


I was now beside Dani, just gently holding her hand in mine. She can't remember me. I can't accept that. I just can't. I will do everything for her to remember me. I know it will be a long and hard process, for her. But I'm not giving up on her, on us, on our relationsip.

She means the world to me, and if I have to cancel our upcoming world tour, I will. I know the boys will be fine with it. Because as much as we love our job, Dani was our top and main proiotry. We are all going to work together, we are going to support, care and take care of Dani. That's a promise. And I'm not going to break it.

I love her so much, I would give up everything for her. I'll drop anything for her. That's how much I love her. If it means I have to cancel tours and interviews. I will. For Dani. Only for Dani. No one else. It's just so hard, but we will make it through this. All of us will. Because with Dani, now by my side I can do everything.

There is no way, that any of us are just going to stand there and do nothing. We will do anything and everything. She will remember us. She will remember all our memories. She will remeber Lana. She will remember Niall. She will remember Amber. She will remember Louis. She will remember Sidra. She will remember Liam. She will remember Kendal. She will remember Harry.

Most importantly....


There is no way, I will let her forget everything we've been though together, All the laughs we shared, all the times we cried. All the good and the bad. No way. I won't allow it. Becuase if she doesn't though, we'll just have to make new memories.

But I l always knew in the end that Dani and I would be happy together. Forever and Always. She would always.

Remember Me.

(A/N) Hello Everyone! I hoped all of you enjoy this chappie! Dani is officially back in track, well except for the fact that I lost me memory.... LOL! ;D STAY TUNED! Do you guys remember Ryan? Dani's other best guy friend? He's going to be in the next chappie, so expect some heavy jelousy coming from Zayn! OPPS! I've said to much! LMAO! COMMENT, VOTE AND LIKE!!!! Mwah! <3



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