Chapter 10 : The Clearing

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"Ok just hold on tight and I promise I won't let you get lost" George said.

My hands slip from his as I grip to his arm, my eyes squeezed shut. My feet shuffling along the floor hoping not to trip.

"O-okay just ha. . .don't let me fall," I say, George soon moved my hand from his arm "George ? What are you doing ?" I ask, opening my eyes, I see him standing in front me and crouched down.

"I'm making sure you don't fall. . .now hop on" He says, looking over his shoulder.

I felt I could trust him with anything. Considering this was the first time, I'd been alone with him.

"George are you sure ?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest in a sceptical way.

"Yes I'm sure now get on" He sighs.

Hesitantly, hopping onto his back. He grabs underneath my knees hoisting onto his back, my arms around his neck making sure I didn't choke him.

We walked for what seemed like hours, he jogged with me on his back. I started falling asleep slightly, soon getting to my feet and rubbed my eyes, my eyes landing on a tree in the clearing.

An oak tree.

My eyes widened, the sun shining. Making the leaves glisten a beautiful shade of emerald green.

"I thought you might like to see it before the school cut it down" George smiles, placing me on my feet.

"What do you mean ? Cut it down ?" I ask, standing beside him.

"Well the school cut down the oak trees so that they can harvest the bark and seeds for potions and stuff like that" He says, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh. . ." I sigh, wondering why such a magnificent tree would be cut down.

"Well don't you want to get closer ?" He asked, looking at me.

"Of course!" I smile excitedly.

Running at the tree, touched the trunk looking up at the branches above I looked back at George, he gave me a sly grin.

"Race you to the top!" He shouts, jumping onto a branch climbing away. 

"Oh you are so on!" I retort, climbing up after him. Pushing and pulling on branches to help me climb up, George was sitting on a branch swinging his legs back and forth.

"Having fun ?" He asked, smiling.

"I love it!" I smile, sitting next to him "But how did you know oak was my favourite ?" I asked, looking at him. 

"Cedric told me. . ." He trails, looking at me

"Oh right" I sigh, gripping the side of the branch.

"He was going to give you an acorn from this tree on a silver chain for your birthday. I made it for him" He says, pulling it out of his pocket. Holding it in the palm of his hand.

"Oh my, it's beautiful" I sigh taking it from his hand, my fingers brushing his skin. I retracted my hand quickly, looking away and starting to climb down.

"Wait! Don't you want it ?" He asked, hovering it over me.

When we reached the ground, he handed it to me.

"Of course it's. . .thank you" I sigh, I take it and tried to put it on.

"Do you want some help ?" He asked.

"Yeah please," I smile,  turning around and shifting my hair to the side.

His cold finger tips skim across my skin, sending a chill down my spine.

"How does it look ?" I ask, holding the acorn between my thumb and finger.

"Stunning" He said, breathlessly before putting his head down hurriedly. The tips of his ears go slightly red.

"We-we should get back" He stutters, trying to act cool walking away.

"Uh sure" I smile grabbing his arm, he tensed up a little but soon loosed after a while.

We continued walking towards the edge of the forest. Unhooking my arm from his and ran for it. Opening my arms and closing my eyes letting the sun warm my skin smiling at it, George stood next to me.

"Weirdo" He said with a small laugh.

"Well only being friends with you" I reply, opening my eyes dropping my hands. Rolling my eyes.

"ELYSE!" I snap my head around to see Pansy striding towards me "MERLINS BEARD! . . . I've spent ages trying to find you-who's this-why are you with a Weasley" Pansy spat bitterly.

I hated it when she said that, I hated it when people hated the Weasleys just because they were pureblood but not rich.

I hated how George looked at me, when she spoke about him.

Pansy pulled my away by my arm.

Looking back at him before I mouthed the words 'I'm so sorry' he just shrugged it off and walked away.

I hope he doesn't hate me.

"Elyse! What were you doing with him ? It doesn't matter-Cedric said he wants to talk to you" She says, reaching the common room. I froze, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

Him. Cedric. 'Perfect' Cedric.

With his flawless hair, beautiful blue eyes and chiselled jawline.

Pansy grabbed my shoulder and pushed me forward.

"Hey. . .Cedric" I grit.

"Hey Elyse. . .umm could I talk to you in private ?" Cedric asked, rubbing the back of his head with his hand looking over at Pansy.

"Yeah sure," I reply plainly, he grabs my wrist pulling me down the hall and into an empty classroom "What is it ?" I ask, sitting on top of a desk, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I was wondering if. . .if you wanted to-" He trails off looking at me.

"What ?" I ask, getting tired of his rambling.

"To go to the Yule Ball with me ?" He askes, looked at me playing with his fingers.

Pushing myself off the desk, heading towards the door.

"Why don't you ask Cho ?" I reply bitterly, closing the door behind me with a snap. Marching back to my common room.

"Wait!" Cedric called out to me.

"What ?!" I snap back. 

"I'm sorry" He said sadly.

"Look you know what Cedric Diggory ? I thought you wanted a relationship with me, but I guess you just used to-to add another pawn to your collection, you wanted to use me. Well guess what ? This girl got her heart broken by some," I said walking up to him "Blue eyed," Poking him in the chest "Perfect haired," Grabbing the bottom of his cloak "Self centred," I pull it over his head, covering his face "Chiselled chinned, airhead" I say finally pushing him, making him stumble backwards.

Walking through the door to my common room. Going straight to the bedroom, laying down on my bed grabbing the the necklace that George gave me.

Trying to calm myself down.

Maybe I should go to the ball with George ?

What if he's going with someone else ?

Liking someone is hard.

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