Chapter 21 : You Wanna Get Out Of Here ?

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A letter was at my window, Hedwig tapping at the frost bitten window. It was from Hermione, telling me about what happened to Ron and Harry with their dates:

Dear Elyse,
Well not everything went to planned at all. Harry and Ron still don't have dates but good news. I have a date! And he is absolutely brilliant. He many not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he's wonderful in every way. What happened with Ron is he just screamed at her, that her being Fleur Delacour I don't know what happened but hearing from Ginny she said that he screamed at her maybe her got scared or something. And Harry well he, he just tried to ask Cho but she's going with someone else. I don't know who, but I think you could probably guess. Anyway I'll let you get ready, I'll see you at the stairs before the dance. I know you'll look exquisite.
Hermione Granger

Smirking at the events that unfolded on the page and placing it on my beside table. Walking over to my wardrobe to look at the dress my mother and sent me. I smile to myself.

Checking myself one last time in the mirror, I grab an over the shoulder bag and place my wand inside. You never know what could happen.


Waiting at the top of the stairs behind the pillar, I heard a voice behind me.

"Elyse ?" I turned around to see that it was Hermione. She was stunning, I always thought she was pretty but like this she was, absolutely gorgeous. Head to toe, she was beaming with beauty and pride.

"H-Hermione ? You look-wow" I say smiling at her, looking at the dress she was wearing, made of different shades of pink light ombré from the waist to her feet. 

"What ? Is something wrong ?" She asks, she looked at her dress brushing it down.

"No-no everything's fine it's just, you look beautiful" I say, hooking my arm with hers.

"Well you look stunning yourself, Elyse" Hermione smiles, we both walked down the steps being careful not to trip

Hermione and I both saw Harry and Ron with both their mouths gaping open.

"Go on find your date!" I smile hugging her.

I stood next to Harry and Ron and closed both of their mouths, they were instantly snapped out of their daydream like stance.

"Well-I-uh-you look lovely" Ron says shyly, jamming his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah lovely" Harry says, he looked at me head to toe with a small smile.

"Nah-uh hands off she's mine" A voice calls smoothly from behind, their hand placed around my waist.

"George," I laugh "You look handsome as ever" I say, straightening his tie.

"And you look. . .well. . .I'm speechless" He says, his eyes skimming over my body.

"Ms Walker, you and Mr Weasley can proceed into the hall along with Mr Weasley and Ms Patil, thank you" Professor McGonagall ushers.

George and I went to go find a seat at vacant table, with Ron and his date Padma.

"Is that Hermione Granger ? With Viktor Krum ??" Padma asks, whispered shouting to Ron.

"No. Absolutely not" Ron says bitterly, crossing his arms over his chest.

I watched, the champions danced with their partners.

Harry with Pavarti.

Fleur with Roger Davies from Ravenclaw.

Viktor with Hermione.

Cho with Cedric.

He looked over and gave me a small wink, dancing away with Cho in his arms.

Honestly what does Harry see in her ?

Soon others started joining in : Dumbledore and McGonagall, Mr Filch and his cat Mrs Norris, Hagrid and Madame Maxime.

I looked over to see Mad-Eye sitting on the sidelines drinking.

George stands up, placing his hand in front of me.

"Care to dance ?" He asks, I place my hand in his smiling at him.

"Of course!" I smile, he takes my hand and twirls me onto the dance floor.


Harry, Ron, George, Padma, Pavarti are sitting at a table.

George and I are sitting on a table joking with each other laughing to ourselves, I look over to see Ron and Harry with a miserable look on their face.

George leans closer and whispers in my ear.

"You wanna get out of here ?" He asks, I take him by the arm.

"Gladly" I say, Hermione comes up to the table. I saw her get a kiss on her hand from Viktor, a huge smile across her face, she hugs me.

"Get em tiger" I smile at her, hugging her again before waving goodbye.

Leaving the hall with George our fingers intertwined.

Only a few minutes had past, shouting erupts from behind me.

"They get scary when they get older" Ron's tone cold as he calls out

"Ron you spoil everything!" Hermione shouts at him.

"Well it seems that Hermione and Ron had a small fall out" I sigh, George and I walking down the corridor.

"Seems so" George responds sadly, I thought about how this could affect their friendship and what how Harry feels about this ? Poor guy.

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