Chapter 26 : The Train Ride Home

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Sinking back in my seat letting my black cat, Snowbell, jump across.

Placing my feet across to the opposite seat. Knowing that this train ride would've been so much happier, if only.

I usually have a cart, for myself at the furthest side of the Slytherin carriage.

Which have my initial carved in the window. Most pureblood families buy carts so that their child don't have to "share with the impure ones" As some pureblood familes would say.

Laying my head back closing my eyes, putting my arms across my chest.

The door, slides open.

George, walks in and sits down, my cat walks across his legs and curls up on his lap purring at his touch.

"Hey George" I sigh, closing my eyes again.

"So you excited about coming to the Burrow ?" He asks.

"Yeah. . .I guess it's the first time I'll not be with the Diggory's but it's a change, I'll be able to adjust" I say looking out the window watching the trees and green hills fly past.

"Yeah. . .I guess it'll be the first time that I'll be with another girl other than Hermione," He says, instantly retracting his words "No! I didn't mean like that I meant like just friends. Not that we're, just friends, I mean if you want to be I mean. . .. uhhhh" He rambles, his ears turning a light shade of pink.

Looking at him becoming a deeper shade of scarlet with each minute. Letting out a small laugh, I clapped a hand to my mouth before I could laugh anymore.

"No, don't stop your laugh it's. . .cute" George says, at this point he'd stopped rambling.

"I don't really laugh around people that much, it's really rare when people make me laugh" I shrug.

"Really ? How come ?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's just that no one makes me laugh" I smile, looking at my cat still curled in a ball on his lap.

"Well you've clearly not spent enough time with me," He says looking at out the window, slightly reminiscent "Speaking of, I'll check up on them I'll see what they're doing," George says standing up, letting Snowball slip off his lap onto the seat. Walking over to the door sliding it open "I'll see you when the train stops" He smiles, walking out the door and sliding closed.

I lean my head back and close my eyes, letting the train clicking against the rails send me into a soothing sleep.


Being woken up by a sudden shift, I was thrown off my side of the train seat. The train had stopped.

"Ow. . ." I groan out, I rubbing the side of my head.

Snowball began to stretch out along the train chair.

Getting up putting my hands on the train chair, pushing myself up collecting my things from the over head rail.

Grabbing the cat cage and placed it next to Snowbell, she hissed at it and sat perched on the seat.

"Bell," I say looking at her sternly, she looked at the cage hissing again "Come on, if you get in the cage you'll get to see Croockshanks,"

She then slowly got into the cage and curled up into a ball purring softly.

"Good" I sigh closing the door, getting my trunk opening the door, looking back at it.

Four more train rides I thought Only four more and then it's N.E.W.T's. Then I'm done. I thought.

Sighing, letting the door slide behind me.

Walking out of the door and onto the platform looking for my dad and Mr. Weasley.

Looking over the platform to try and find Harry or Hermione's parents.

"George" I say, looking over to the twins.

"Yes Elyse" George answers.

"Where are Harry and Hermione's well guardians why aren't they at the platform ?" I ask, looking at him our faces inches apart. 


"Well it's because they're muggles Elyse, muggles can't really pass through platforms 9 and 10, they can't see the magic that is right in front of their faces" George smirks with a chuckle.

"Right" I say looking at George. Butterflies swirling inside me, his soft lips where all I could think about when we were together.

I look over at Harry walking over to him, he was standing next to Hermione.

"Hey Harry, Hermione" I say, standing next to them.

"Hey" Harry replies sadly.

"Hey Elyse" Hermione smiles cheerfully.

"You looking forward to the break from school ?" I ask, looking at them both.

"Yeah" Harry sighs, looking at the floor. I hug him. He hugs back sadly, letting out a sigh.

"Hey," I say, pulling back "You're more than welcome to drop by the Weasleys or my place either of you," I smile pointing to them "After the first 2 weeks just think," I say putting my hands on his shoulders "Fourteen days and you'll get to be with your real family" I say. I hug Hermione pulling back, her face smiling at me.

"Don't forget about those letters" She says, grabbing her things and putting them into a trolley running at the pillar.

Harry does the same, he gives Ron a quick hug and runs into the pillar.

"You excited ?" George asks rolling a trolley over, his luggage stacked on it.

"Yeah of course," I say, loading my luggage ontop "Two weeks in a tent with only two women and five testosterone scented men" I smile gripping onto the handle, my hands resting on top of George's. I retract, feeling the butterflies return.

"It's fine" He says, his cheeks flushed.

"It is ?" I ask, feeling the butterflies flap faster.

"I'll continue this on the other side" He says gripping onto the handle, running at the pillar.

"Wow," I say looking after him, feeling my cheeks with the back of my hand "I must really like him" I walk up to the pillar and walked through, instantly transported to Kings Cross Station.

Busy people bustling by, not noticing that I had just appeared out of nowhere.

I love magic.

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