Chapter 11 : Dragons

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Harry and I talking in hurried whispers, about the first task.


Merlins beard!

Harry honestly why ? Just why ? We walked down the corridor to see a boy run past.

"Cedric rules!" He shouts. 

"Thanks" Harry replies blankly.

We try to get through but they keep blocking the way.

"Can we get past ?" I ask, looking up at them.

"Like the badge ?" The girl asks, almost rubbing it in Harry's face.

"Excuse me. . ." Harry says politely, they both laugh and I roll my eyes. Pushing past them I hiss and they staunter away. We see Cedric lying down on a bench with his friends, his 'friends' start insulting Harry as we walk past.

"Can we have a word ?" Harry asks directly to Cedric, completely ignoring what his 'friends' were saying towards him.

"Alright" Cedric says hauling himself up, giving me an awkward smile. We walk a short space away from his group of abnoxious friends.

"Dragons" I say, before Harry can get a word in.

"What ?" Cedric asked raising an eyebrow at us, looking in complete confusion. 

"That's the first task, they've got one for each of us" Harry said continuing.

Crossing my arms over my chest, tapping my foot hoping the conversation would go quickly.

I didn't want to be in Cedric's presence longer than I had to be.

"Are you serious ? And Fleur and Krum, do they. . .?" Cedric asked looking over his shoulder, to see if anyone was listening.

"Yes" Harry says flatly. 

"I told them myself Harry, had a little bit of trouble with Fleur I had to speak to her in French" I say laughing to myself, Cedric looks from me to Harry.

"Right. . .Hey listen, about the badges, I've asked them not to wear them" Cedric says apathetic.

"Don't worry about it" Harry sighs, running his fingers through his hair. We walk away and soon see Ron and Seamus walking towards us.

Not towards us, probably somewhere other than us. I try to grab Harry's arm before he marches over to Ron. Clapping my hand to my forehead, letting out a sigh before walking next to him.

"You're a right foul git you know that ?" Harry asks directly to Ron. 

"You think so ?" Ron asks sarcastically. 

"I know so" Harry answered back quickly.

"Anything else ?" Ron asked, looping his thumb underneath his backpack.

"Yeah. . .Stay away from me" Harry says using the same flat non-Harry tone. 

"Fine" Ron says shoving past him roughy, Seamus and I exchange shrugs and we both walk off in our different directions.

We continue walking, I see Draco sitting up in a tree.

"Why so tense Potter ? My father and I have a bet you see, I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. . .He disagrees. . .He thinks you won't last five" Draco says, finishing his mini dialogue jumping down at the end of it.

"Shove off Malfoy" I say, Harry steps forward defensively.

"I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just as pathetic" Harry says, I grab his arm pulling him back slightly, he looks back at me and he loosens up a little.

Harry and I turn to walk away.

I hear his cloak shuffling behind Draco, he tries to cast a spell. I turn to defend but Mad-Eye appears out of, literally, thin air and turns Draco into a white ferret, everyone starts to laugh.

"I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned" Mad-Eye says, bouncing him up and down with his wand putting him inside Goyle's pants. McGonagall comes up, from again no where, and storms over.

"Professor Moody what are you doing ?" She asks sharply, everyone's laughter dying down.

"Teaching" Mad-Eye replies simply.

"Is that a student ?" She asks.

"Technically it's a ferret" Made-Eye replie, everyone lets out a flurry of laughter.

Goyle quirks and his eyes widen, causing everyone nearby to erupt in laughter.

The ferret, Draco, slides out of his trouser leg. Professor McGonagall turns him human again they all scramble running away hurriedly, everyone is still laughing.

"My father will hear about this!" Draco calls back, Mad-Eye whips his head around.

"Is that a threat!" Made-Eye laughs loudly "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!" He continues, McGonagall snaps her gaze to him. 

"We never use transfigration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that" She says in her usual, sharp tone.

"He might've mentioned it" Mad-Eye replies, like a 5 year old getting in trouble. 

"Well you will do well to remember it" She says, she walks away and disappears down the open hallway.

"Come with me" Mad-Eye says to Harry, taking him by the shoulder turning him around, he looks back over at me with a raised eyebrow.

I simply shrug back and give him a wonky thumbs up, not sure of what to do. Hurriedly walking down the halls down to the library to tell Hermione about what's happened.

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