Chapter 7

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Jace's POV

I sat in the control room, my head in my hands. I lost her. How could I have let this happen? I had called out Alec this morning, when I came back from the steak-out, finding out she had left, and he hadn't kept an eye on her.

I didn't expect to, but I had been relieved when I found her again, relieved enough to take her comments and go to fucking art class with her. How sorry I felt that she had to quit art school. I let out a groan.

"Jace.", Alec came up to me. I got up. He could see I was stressed out, giving me a sympathetic look. I know he could give me so much shit for losing her, after talking shit to him this morning. I respected him for holding his tongue.

"We know it's not the Circle that took her. We just picked up to Members on North Street, they didn't know anything about it. The Circle would've retracted all scouts if they had her as an asset.", he spoke.

I chuckled, but it sounded dry and hoarse. "An asset. Right.".

"Jace.", his voice was low. "I want to find her too, okay? Pick yourself up.", he whispered.

"It's been almost 9 hours, Alec.", I looked up. He didn't say anything for a moment, but then nodded.

"Then why are we still standing around like a bunch of old men.", he spoke, squeezing my shoulder, then turning to the Control panel, starting to go over the security footage again.

I took a breath, nodding. My eyes feel on the folder of paintings on the main table, and Lia's bag next to it.

I had tried so many times already, but I wasn't going to give up. What felt like the hundredth time today, I got out my stele and shone it over my Tracking-rune.

Lia's POV

"Get up!", a harsh voice shouted at me. My eyes flew open, and I looked up at a burly man, with dark black beard. It was much darker now, the only light illuminating the room was the bare bulb on the ceiling. "Get up!", he said again, and I swayed forwards, putting my weight on my legs, to stand.

He grabbed me harshly, but started to open my cuffs. In his other hand, he had a water bottle that he put down on the ground.

"Thank you.", I croaked. He didn't acknowledge me, and just left, closing the cell door behind me. I fell back on my seat, grabbing the bottle off the ground. Thirstily, I took big gulps.

"Fuck.", I let out, taking a breath, before getting up and looking out the window again. The sky was dark. It must be around 8 or 9 o'clock. At least I had gotten in some sleep. Frantically, I started searching through the lockers on one side,

My heart leapt when I found a phone in the second-to last locker.

My fingers hovered over the screen.

"Who do I call? Who do I call?", I muttered, an idea finally popping into my head.

I needed to call myself. If Jace went back up to my apartment, he would have by bag with him now.

Dialling the number, I cursed as the phone almost slipped from my hectic grasp.

After a few rings, a familiar voice picked up.

"Yeah?", he sounded stressed.

I let out a breath, almost laughing in relief.

"Jace, i-it's me.", I stuttered out.

"Lia! Where are you, are you okay?", he rushed. "It's been hours!".

"I know, they took me from my apartment, I-"

"Who did?".

"Alaric. Him and some others. There is a leader here, I don't know his name. He's big though, with a beard, he seems to run this place-", my voice was hectic

"Where are you? What do you see?", he asked. I heard voices in the background, people scurrying about probably.

But then, another noise made me look up. They were coming in the back.

"Shit, Jace, they're coming. I need to hang up-", I rushed.

"Lia, no, no, no- wait!", I heard him call, but my finger had already pushed the red button. Hectically, and with my heart beating in my throat, I shoved it in the butt-pocket of my jeans.

The same man from before came back. He didn't open the cell door this time; he just stood at the bars for a moment, looking at me. His eyes fell on my wrists, which were bruised and a bit bloody from the cuffs. He then tossed a plastic-wrapped candy bar inside. I was speechless. He just grunted, and turned around again, leaving the room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, sinking to the ground.

Quickly, I got the phone out again, dialling my number for the second time.

"Lia?", Jace's voice was beyond stressed.

"It's me.", I let out.

"Don't do that- hanging up like that. Fuck. What happened?".

"I'm okay, Jace.".

I heard him take a breath. "We need to find you. What do you see?", he asked, a bit calmer than before.

"I-I'm in a cell, I-", I got up, groaning at the pain in my muscles, and headed to the window. "There's water everywhere, I think I'm by a pier, I-"

"What else, Lia? Get more specific.", he pushed.

"I don't know, Jace!", I let out, walking to the lockers again, scanning through them. "Wait- I got something.", I pulled out what looked like a menu. The address of the restaurant was written in the corner. This must be it.

"Jace, I – I'm at the Jade Wolf Restaurant, Pier 8, in Red Hook."

"Okay, we're coming to get you. Hang on, okay? Please, I'll be right there."

The sound of nearing steps made me gasp. "I need to go. Please be here soon.", I hung up quickly, tossing the phone back in the locker.

Two men came in, one of them opening the cell. The man I spoke to before, the leader, walked through, a long wooden stick in his hand.

"So, the hard way, right?", he asked, raising the stick. I backed away.

"Where is the cup?", he asked, his eyes narrowed.

"I don't know.", I stammered out, my voice shaky.

"Tell me!", he shouted, striking with the stick, hitting me in my side.

"Stop! I don't know!", I shouted this time, and he hit again, this time in my face. A sharp pain went through my temple, making me stumble back. Dizziness overcame me, and I tumbled slightly. The man kicked me back, before grabbing my hair and yanking my head back.

"You stupid little bitch.", he snarled, pushing me down. I landed on the ground, whimpering in pain.

"Tie her up again, I'm not done with her.", he snarled at the other men, looking down at me.

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